yo the new stuff on simon and martina

today, they uploaded a video, a new (discussing interesting contemporary slang).  it was this video that they intended to use the fanfics for.  it's not actually ex. english teachers simon and martina (seriously did anyone remember that) who talked in these videos, it's their employee/intern soozee and leigh.  in the video, they talk about fanfiction slang like OTP, slash, oneshot, etc.  in the blogpost that goes along with the video, they said this.  (i will copy paste to get the actual content but ill link it below)


Hey guise. Martina here. Remember when we asked you this:

We wanted to share some of your favourite kpop fanfics for this post, which we thought would be appropriate given the topic. I am an avid fanfic reader myself, and I know that it can take a loooong time to scan, read, and flip through various fanfic communities in search of a favourite author or story. So, I thought I could enlist your help in finding some of the best kpop fanfics.

We got a lot of excited tweets and emails from fans of fanfic sharing their fav stories, as well as actual authors who wanted to share their stories with us. Oddly, though, there was an explosion of people that did not share in the excitement. For example:

Yup. The kpop fanfic community freaked out, shut down, and imploded over one tweet. People panicked over their assumptions about what we would create, over a video of ours that didn’t actually exist, since we were never going to made a review of fan fiction. All this fear and anger coming out of misconstrued conclusions formed in the rumour mill and passed along Tumblr. LET THIS BE A LESSON ON THE DANGERS OF GOSSIP!

We even got emails and tweets from people demanding that we must first ask permission before we use any fan fiction, as if they knew what we were going to do to begin with. When we responded to these people and linked them to our tweets, they had various responses like, “Oh, I don’t have twitter so I didn’t see that” or “I don’t follow you on twitter” or “oh I read about your filming in a forum”. Whut? So you didn’t even see our tweets, but you form conclusions and thought the worst without even looking into it?

After that we realized there was clearly no point of putting up another tweet explaining our actual intentions since:
A) Angry people don’t seem to listen to what we say anyway. They just like being angry and wading through Outrage
B) This video was coming out soon and would just explain it all away.

So if you’re one of the people who freaked out at us over the implosion of the Kpop Fanfic world, do some research first before you come to conclusions from secondhand accounts. And for those of you that locked up your once totally public fanfic accounts, be freeeeee knowing that we have zero interest in making a video reviewing your fanfic writing skills. We simply wanted to share your work with other readers. Now, everyone take a deep breath and put your stories back up online because you have fans that really want to read your stories. Or, more importantly, if online privacy is important to you, take more steps to ensure your privacy and the protection of your work, or – well – just don’t post stuff online if you’re afraid of online commentary.

cr. eyk

ok well if you want my personal opinion on this, i was never afraid they would criticize anyone's fic.  i think they're experienced enough in the interwebs to know what's going a bit far, and what will cause an uproar that could ultimately end their online careers. 

that said, i don't blame the authors for shutting down their fics, but those hate tweets were a bit out of hand.  some of those just make the tweet writers look immature and like they don't think things through. well.  im sure some of them are and didn't.  but lets not get into that.  im thinking now people will start getting mad at eyk for using their tweets without permission. jfc.

granted, we didn't know what they wanted to do with our fics, but making assumptions is never the way to go.  jfc it's like the people here move in a herd.  if one person thinks something, everyone starts thinking it. 

i mean yeah, eyk criticizes mvs and singers, but it's mostly for entertainment, yk.

i think this incident was just a miscommunication on both sides



im in the eatyourkimchi blog tag here and thank ing god there are people who agree with this being a complete overreaction

go read some

they're quite good


another edit:

edit 3:

plus people shouldn't be getting angry over their favorite authors and fics being removed because


they, we, don't write for you.

it really is kinda a privilige for you guys that we put them up for you to read anyways



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I don't think it's very fair to say "we" don't write for fans of our stories. While I agree that it's a little much for anger over authors removing themselves from the community, I not only enjoy writing, but enjoyed it even more when I realized people loved my writing. Therefore, I write for them. To please both myself and them. So, a lot of authors are the opposite. I think EYK should've at least explained what specifically "Specifically!" was to be done with the fics. If not, it's as if you're handing your soul over to the devil without knowing exactly what you're doing. Or signing a contract-- in all fine print.
As an author myself, I don't see why this is a big deal even if eyk was going to review fanfics. I understand that the authors don't like it if eyk was going to interpret their story in the wrong direction and make fun of it. I wouldn't want that either. But if you watch eyk long enough, you will realise the jokes always come along with a reasonable explaination. For example, they criticised Infinite L's car in The Chaser for its unhygienic state and made fun of it by having Martina acting as him and suffering from all weird things falling from the sky. They don't made fun without a reason. There is always a logical reason. They simply add in a comedic expression in order to make the video interesting. Seriously, no one wants to watch a documentary with a perfectly balance review of both positive and negative point of views. Go watch something else serious if you want that :|

Yep, it is not right if eyk use fanfic without the author's permission, but did they do that? NO!

Yep, it is not funny if they make fun of your fanfic, but did they do that? NO! And even if they did, it can't be helped. Take it as a criticism like it is and it up. Be strong man. You can't avoid "haters" (not implying that eyk are, just referring to people with strong dislike in general) your entire life. Deal with it.

And finally, chill people! Relax. Take a breath. To those who panicked and took down your stories, don't worry. At least you're still much better than those that threatened to kill eyk. But I guess we should pity them too. After all, they were not gifted with logical reasoning and thinking. Poor them... :(

P.s/ I'm sorry if this comes off as mean, but that's how I feel honestly. Those people are just so... ugh -.-
Woooooo~ I really like this blog of yours sweetie :3 I have been thinking about this as well. People are over exaggerating things in my opinion. I mean, you post it up online for people to view it. This equals to receiving compliments AND criticism. Hell, this world isn't THAT nice. You will meet people that plainly dislike your work and spend their time throwing random s at it @.@ I'm pretty sure everyone expected that. but then they suddenly closed away their fanfics and all due to this rumours about eyk reviewing their fanfic. Sure that assumption is made due to lack of explaination on eyk's side but what can they do? They don't wanna be like, "Hey guys, we're going to film a new videos soon on this this that that so we need your help on that that this this." It ruins the surprise. Plus, it's obvious that they will ask for author's permission. What kind of people do you think Simon and Martina are? They are civilise... They won't do stuffs like using other people's work without permission. Especially not after they have experienced a similar situation. (According to them, some television channel broadcast their videos without permission... Nasty.)
People should really look deep into it before judging seriously
i've never actually known what eyk was until a few authors blogged about it and about telling us to not recommend their fics. i was so confused. like, are they that bad? the posts gave me the impression that it would be painful if the fic was chosen because it would be torn apart and shamed. but idk what's going on actually. just a really confused person here /waves arms/
also tho u know that thing u said about the "herd"
yeh lately (like the past year or so) ppl been pooing on S&M a lot lately, sometimes extremely irrationally to the point of becoming eyk antis lol. that also needs to stop.
hey, ho, whats up? devil's advocate here.

honestly i think both sides are in the wrong here - fans with their "outrage" tweets @S&M, but also i'm kinda disappointed that simon and martina apparently think so low of fanfic authors/readers to basically say that "oh we just won't post our intentions because you aren't reasonable enough to understand" and that's why im mainly miffed.

i do think people jumped to conclusions a bit, but that's probs bc S&M are mainly known for their kpop music mondays.

"plus most serious authors don't mind and in fact seek criticism. :/"
oh man i love u but i disagree with what ur trying to say here. remember, there is a difference between criticism and constructive criticism. it's up to the writers themselves to figure it out, and apparently a lot of authors felt that S&M's opinions wouldn't help much. i personally am one of those authors, bc what credentials do S&M have that make their opinion worthy of me changing my fic?
THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!! I don't see what the big deal is! I know what kind of videos they make and they do poke fun at things, but I also know for a FACT that they both read a friend of mine's fanfic featuring SIMON in and they didn't bash at all, only said they felt honored!!!

On top of it, fanfiction is simply fanfiction. It is written to be shared, that simple!!! It was silly/over-reacting of anyone to be freaking out and/or posting mean things, they just cared to show part of the kpop culture that is fanfiction. UGH it was all so silly >.<
baeknips #9
Everyone jumped to conclusions, sure, but it's the fear that they wouldn't ask for permission. Thanks to the time they uploaded their interview with SHINee without SM's permission, people are bound to assume they won't ask. And considering people tend to base them off their actions (ie: immature and somewhat offensive) we're bound to assume the worst out of whatever they make. Part of the reason why I've stopped watching any of their videos now.
I'm really glad you made this. I know EYK can be a little rude and seem irritating at times. But, they're not evil people.
Can I steal the first part of this?
(Ill credit)
Yeah, after watching the video, I admit I was wrong and jumped to conclusions (a very likely one thing ><), so I'm going to delete the blog post. I just didn't want any feelings to get hurt becuse they are known for their harsh and blunt reveiws. I do wish they would've properly explain first though so this wouldn't have happened in the first place. People jumped to this conclusion because it's a simonandmartina thing to do. They should've said something about the situation and not just randomly ask. Plus they targeting the wrong group, they should've went on tumblr :P
TheeNella13 #13
I heard they were going to bash the fanfics myself and became a little scared however I then thought about the chances of my fanfic even being picked out of the zillions XD also if I was criticized I had planned to just use it to improve, and because I don't put like any personal info out there then I wasn't worried about you know being bashed personally haha I am glad you posted this blog because although I didn't freak out over the eyk thing I did just listen to the whole false uproar simply because I didn't care too much about it and now that I know the truth I feel better-- a little immature and naïve because I just believed whatever was told to me-- but better since this is the truth~ my faith in internet humanity is restored XD