Down With the Sickness!!

if your were expecting something epic, you might as well click back now...

...still here, cool~

currently I'm rather sick, my throat hurts and I'm a bit "whooo~" in the head ya know, so if I ramble on more then normal then that's the reason

Em's gots a cold yo, she keeps coughing and hacking and feels as though it's either swampy with phlegm or dry as a desert, *sigh* it's quite annoying-.- I've been analyzing my behavior recently (yes I'm that bored, I really~ need a job) and I've noticed when I'm sick or PMSing (currently I'm doing both so that might have an effect) I'm usually like a million times nicer and mushy! like hug-random-strangers nice! I'm not afraid of anything, I saw a spider and didn't even flinch (though my usual reaction is to find a shoe and squish it then I freak out...) and I noticed I'm better at talking as well...

this has made me come to conclusion that I must be a completely different person when I'm sick or PMSing (or both), which makes me sorta wish I could always be under these circumstances...

Who the hell am I trying to kid? I rather keep the old me that doesn't cough every minute or bleeds... ehh~ hate the bleeding -.-

so yeah, I'm bored and felt like sharing this random with you!

(another thing I noticed is that in most of my posts I have like a million of  "^^" these in there but there aren't any on this one... I'm not sure why, I guess I don't feel like showing happy eyes right now...)


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