Metronome ✡ Jang Nayoung ✡ The Beat Freak

"Dugeun, dugeun. I will make your heart beat faster!

I am Jang Nayoung!"

You're My Lady

Character Name - Jang Nayoung
Stage Name - A (simple yet memorable, the first letter of her English name)
Other Names - 
> Astrid Jang: her English name
> Madeline: her French name, as she once asked Aeri to give her one

Nicknames - 
> Bubble Gum Princess: Jeongmin likes to call Nayoung this because when they first met she gave him a piece of bubble gum
> Na-chan: 'Chan' is often addressed to girls in Japan, and her older members tend to call her this when they're not in public 

> Maddy: a shorter and cuter form of her French name, Aeri uses it when she wants Nayoung to give her macaroons
Birthday + Age - November 15th, 1994 + 19
Birthplace - Los Angeles, California, USA
Hometown - Los Angeles, California, USA
Bloodtype - A
Height - 165cm
Weight 50kg
Ethinicity - Korean Filipino
Languages - English (native), Korean (fluent), Tagalog (conversational), Japanese (conversational)


Personality - Because of her soft and gentle appearance, many people aren't afraid to approach Nayoung. Typically, this is a bad move. Unless they're fans, Nayoung is cautious on who approaches her. She will bow her head to elderly strangers and help them if they need assistance, but only elders. If some stranger her age walks up, she avoids eye contact and pretends not to see them. This usually leads to people perceiving her as an unfriendly person. Nayoung is pretty much known for her quiet nature. She never raises her voice unless it is absolutely necessary. Nayoung looks like a total ice queen but once people get to know her better, she's sweet and more talkative and open around you. She's very self conscious of her image and strives to be polite to everyone. Because of this, she keeps her opinions to herself for fear her comments will offend people or that she'll get in trouble. She usually goes along with whatever people say without complaining. But really, when her members are up for a little pranking or making trouble, she quietly joins in the fun even if she knows there's bound to be consquences.

Nayoung is very detail-orientated and a quick thinker. With a bit of practice, she always gets her choreography and song lyrics down. She's the one who speaks for her members when they've lost their train of thought, always protecting the group from scandals and things that are not meant to be said (which is ironic because she can't even protect herself). She has the ability to smooth over a tense situation with her soft, calming voice and always wants to find both sides to a story before making a decision. Nayoung is a bit of a perfectionist and tends to overthink, but expect things to get done more efficiently with her at your side. It takes a lot to make this girl angry. When it's basic anger, her whole face turns white and she clenches her fists. She becomes much more reserved and quieter. When it's pure rage however, the calm Nayoung lashes out and may hit you (if she dares). Her cold shoulders last up to a week; it's best advised that you apologize first because Nayoung will seriously ignore you. She'll refer to you as "that thing over there" or look straight past you as if you are nothing but thin air. Nayoung may look like a girl who forgives easily, but she can hold grudges for a very long time.

Onstage, Nayoung is a little more open and welcoming to her fans. No matter how tired, or angry, or frustrated Nayoung is, she never lets those emotions show to them. Even when she isn't in the mood, she willingly takes pictures with the fans and sign autographs for them. Nayoung struggles to be more active and talkative on variety shows, because she doesn't want her fans to think badly of her. Nayoung is definitely the quiet, calm girl, but she's not afraid to kick it up onstage. If you ask her to do a y dance, she'll do as you request. When she performs, Nayoung gives it her all, so that her fans can be contented. She is called the Beat Freak as she always 'hits the beat with 100% soul, 100% passion and 100% charisma," especially in her rapping and dancing. Song Areum once said Nayoung shines the best when she's on her own, but she dislikes taking the spotlight and would rather share it with her members instead. And as she is a polite girl, Nayoung bows not only to sunbaes, but to everybody, even to the rookies!

Unfortunately, Nayoung is very easy to push around. People take advantage of her submissive personality and they force her to do things she doesn't want to. She tends to trust people wholeheartedly as well. She falls into great despair whenever the trust is broken, yet she continues to trust others. Nayoung always tells herself to be tougher, but it's hard because she's simply too reluctant to fight against her enemeies. When it comes to verbal/physical fights, Nayoung can't fight back with harsh words or punches. She's weak, and she needs to rely on the Metronome members to defend her. But she struggles to be independent, because she doesn't like it when people pity or worry about her.

Nayoung may seem strong on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Nayoung she'll never make it as an idol. Nayoung pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. When her progress does not meet her expectations, she bursts into tears and members often find her in the bathroom stall crying. She cannot handle criticism well, and although she gracefully accepts the criticism, something inside her shatters. She tends to scold herself for being the way she is and forces herself to work harder until she is deemed perfect. Nayoung had been raised in a household that accepted only perfection, so she strives to be the definition of perfect.

Likes - 
> Baking/cooking
> Food (sweets in particular)
> Pandas
> Orchid and sakura flowers
> Disney movies
> Children and babies
> Music boxes
> Scented candles (especially the ones that smell like crême bruleé. Mhmm~)
> Sour Patch Watermelon candy
> The night sky

Dislikes - 
> Being told she's a failure, or just failure in general
> Being reminded of her past
> Loud arguments
> Waking up early
> Black coffee
> Heavy makeup
> Nosy people
> People who say her food is bad without proper reasons
> Tight clothing
> Strawberries

Hobbies -
> Looking through new recipes
> Baking for others
> Teaching her dogs new tricks
> Experimenting new restaurants in the city
> Watching and squealing over panda videos

Habits - 
> Bites the straw when she's drinking something
> If she's about to cry, she pinches the bridge of her nose and says she's having allergies
> Before going onstage, she listens to SHINee's "Replay." It helps ease her nerves since it's her favorite song
> Presses her thumb against her lips when she's thinking, very much like Exo's Kai
> Scrunches her nose if she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do
> When she's nervous, she starts fiddling with her ears
> Has to fluff her pillows at least ten times and toss around three times before sleeping

Trivia - 
> Nayoung was supposed to debut with f(x) but was replaced by Sulli, a fact that makes her bitter and resentful. Whenever an f(x) song plays, she immediately switches it off
> The 4D Metronome members like to joke around that Nayoung doesn't belong with them - she's one of the normal ones of the group
> As a young child, Nayoung won many culinary awards as well as eating competitions. In fact, she is Metronome's resident shikshin
> She's severely allergic to strawberries. If she smells one or if she touches one, her whole face swells up and she can't breathe
> She has two Bichon Frise puppies, Vanilla and Chocolat
> She can never keep nail polish on for long because she likes to chip them within two days - it drives the stylists crazy
> She is often shipped with Tao of EXO because of their extreme fondness for pandas
> Came up with 'Macaroon Monday,' meaning every Monday she bakes macaroons for Metronome, which makes Aeri very happy
> Secretly wants someone to write a fanfiction about her because she's interested in seeing what they'll come up with
> Was the female cameo in Huh Gak's 'It Hurts' MV, BtoB's '2nd Confession' MV and Henry's '1-4-3' MV
> Her favorite place in MAD company is the practice rooms
> She really admires the Euterpe sunbaenims; whenever Euterpe and Metronome are in the same room, Nayoung looks away because she's too busy fangirling on the inside
> Carries a packet of bubble gum in her pocket, but she doesn't chew it as much
> She has a panda Pillow Pet named Lana, whom she brings with everywhere, from the airport to fanmeets

Words of Wisdom - 
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
"Better hide the macaroons before Aeri finds and eats them all."

I'll Be There

Background - Nayoung was born into a wealthy, high-class family in Los Angeles, California. Her father owns a large successful chain of hotels across the globe. Nayoung's mother died shortly after her birth, so it was always Nayoung and her father. Seungho decided that his daughter would become a culinary chef instead of taking over his hotel business. As soon as Nayoung reached the age of six, she was put into intense culinary classes. While other children played outside, Nayoung spent her childhood cooped up in the kitchen, and even though she won numerous junior culinary competitions (and eating competitions), it never satisfied Seungho. When she was eight, Nayoung was introduced into the world of K-pop by her teenage nanny, who quietly taught her how to dance. Once Seungho found out, he dismissed the nanny and ordered Nayoung to forget everything about K-pop. For the first time however, Nayoung disobeyed him and declared she wanted to become an idol. At twelve, she secretly sent an audition video to SM, and when she was accepted, Seungho threatened to disown if she left. Although Nayoung was afraid, she decided to move to Seoul alone for training at SM and her father cut off all contact with her.

After two years of hard training at SM, fourteen year old Nayoung was chosen for the original line-up of f(x), a new girl group. However, SM decided to replace Nayoung at the last minute with Choi Jinri, because in their words Jinri was "prettier, more talented, and more confident" than Nayoung. This was a major blow to Nayoung's pride, and a week before f(x)'s debut Nayoung left SM Entertainment. Nayoung couldn't return home because her father had basically disowned her, so she had to work a number of odd jobs to support herself. One of the main jobs was working at a bakery, which Nayoung loved. One night, after the bakery closed, Nayoung danced around the store, thinking no one was watching her. But a woman named Song Areum happened to pass by outside and caught Nayoung. Areum asked Nayoung to perform again for her, and after a stunned Nayoung danced, Areum saw the potential in the girl and invited her to MAD. Although she was hesitatant (she didn't want a repeat of what happened at SM), Nayoung gave in to Areum's request and auditioned for MAD Entertainment. At MAD however, Nayoung found a new passion: rapping, which surprised everyone because who knew a quiet, gentle looking girl would possess such a skill at rapping? But Nayoung was determined to prove them wrong, and began focusing more on her rapping instead of dance.

Family - 
Father | Jang Seungho | 48 | Hotel owner | Seungho is a very emotionless, harsh man. He expects only the best and won't accept anything he deems imperfect. He has a realistic mindset and doesn't believe in childish dreams, such as becoming an idol | Even as a child, Nayoung didn't speak to her father much. Seungho wasn't the kind father who always gave his daughter presents or read her stories at night. No, he was the father who left her at the care of nannies and made her eat meals alone every night. He pushed her aside and often focused on his work more than her. Seungho did not acknowledge her accomplishments; he always expected Nayoung to be the absolute best, and when she wasn't, he would ignore her. He would yell at her to get out of his way, and wouldn't accept anything she gave to him, because in his eyes, she is not that perfect child he wants. Ever since Nayoung entered the idol world, Seungho hasn't contacted her for over seven years. She sends him countless emails but he doesn't respond to them, and he even blocked her phone number. Nayoung often cries because of that, and the Metronome members have to console her.
Mother | Gabriella Santos | Would be 45 (passed away at age 26) | Hairdresser | From what Nayoung heard from others, Gabriella was nothing like her husband. She was charimastic, charming, and had an aura of warm friendliness. Nothing could ever bring her down, she was very determined when it came to her goals | n/a

Best Friends - 
Park Sunyoung 'Luna' | 20 | Idol in f(x)
The members of Metronome (she doesn't interact much with other idols)

Friends - 
Henry Lau | 24 | Idol in Super Junior/soloist
Jung Ilhoon | 19 | Idol in BtoB


Wonderful Girl

Face Claim - Naeun of Apink
Backup Face Claim - Seohyun of SNSD
Style - Nayoung has a very polished, somewhat girly style. So that means a lot of skirts, dresses, boots, flat shoes, heels, bows, soft colors, and floral patterns. Even when Nayoung is out shopping for groceries, she's always wearing something nice, because she believes there's always a camera somewhere. It's not like she's trying to be the most fashionable, it's just that she was raised to look perfect and poised at all times, so she's dressed to impress.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Position - Lead rapper
Backup Position - Lead dancer
Fanclub Name - Rhythms
Fanclub Colour - #9999ff
Singing Twin - Naeun (Apink)
Dancing Twin - Bomi (Apink)
Rapping Twin - Woori (Rainbow)
Special Skills Candy art, she had to learn how to do it while studying to be a chef. She especially loves forming candy into flowers.

Stop It

Rival - Choi Jinri 'Sulli'
Group - f(x)
Backup Rival - Krystal Jung
Group - f(x)
Personality - Sulli is your bubbly, aeygo filled girl. She is a very whimsical girl and likes to think on the positive side, However, she is a straightforward person, and blurts out words without thinking. Luckily, people think it's funny and pick up her unexpected words as good humor. But when Sulli needs to defend herself, she can be harsh in her words that can wound a person as she wants to.
Reason for Rivalry - It's been years, but Nayoung basically views Sulli as the reason why she didn't get to debut with f(x). Even though Nayoung is with Metronome, she still holds a grudge against Sulli, simply because Nayoung feels that she was a better pick for f(x) than Sulli. Sulli honestly has no real ill-will towards Nayoung; she believes she has done absolutely nothing wrong, so she sees Nayoung's treatment towards her unfair and childish.
Interactions - They don't associate with each other that much, but when they do, it's frosty and cold. Nayoung stares intently at Sulli when the latter isn't looking, and when Nayoung turns away, Sulli complains to her members about how Nayoung gives her dirty looks for no reason. If they're forced to talk to each other, Nayoung is her normal self, mumbling one worded answers and remaining quiet. Sulli on the other, acts like her bubbly self and tries to engage in a conversation with Nayoung, so she looks like she's trying to make friends with supposed ice queen Nayoung. She smiles sweetly at Nayoung, and calls her "my lovely dongsaeng," and Nayoung nods with her lips pressed together to conceal her gritted teeth. 


Love Interest - Lee Jeongmin
Group - Boyfriend
Backup Love Interest - Jo Youngmin
Group - Boyfriend
Personality - At the first impression, Jeongmin radiates a mysterious aura, which makes people interested in him, as they want to know him better. But despite his serious appearance, Jeongmin hides a very funny side. He enjoys telling corny jokes to lighten up people's spirits, but no one really gets his jokes so they just laught awkwardly to make him feel better. He may seem like a quiet boy but he really is talkative, and is a natural at making small-talk. Jeongmin is also a bit of a narcissist; he loves looking at himself and feels uneasy about his image until he comes in contact again with a mirror. 
How you meet/met - When Jaemin of Exo-N introduced Boyfriend to Metronome, Jeongmin immediately sat next to Nayoung and said hi. Nayoung, who doesn't like it when strangers talk to her, was wary and ignored him. It stayed like that until Nayoung unwrapped a piece of bubble gum and Jeongmin excitedly asked for one. She was stunned, but gave him a piece.  
Interactions - Nayoung is still a little unsure of Jeongmin, but if the two have a proper conversation, it's mostly Jeongmin chatting about random things  ("Nayoung, how's Vanilla and Chocolat, your dogs?" "Nayoung, what are you baking today?" "Nayoung, I tried making chocolate chip cookies! Want to try them?") while Nayoung listens to him and remains quiet. Jeongmin often insists that she call him 'oppa,' and even though she wants to be polite, she doesn't feel close enough to him to call him that. Because she easily gets hurt by others, Jeongmin feels the need to be more responsible and puts her wellbeing as one of his top priorities, maybe even in front of s. When people criticize Nayoung, he gets extremely protective of her and claims that his "Bubble Gum Princess" is perfect. Although Nayoung thinks Jeongmin is a weird guy, she finds him sweet and enjoys the comfort of his company. Whenever she's feeling upset or frustrated, Nayoung goes to Jeongmin because she knows he's one of the few guys who can make her laugh again.
Relationship - Friends

Don't Touch My Girl

Love Rival - Jung Ilhoon
Group - BtoB
Backup Love Interest - Park Jimin
Group - BTS
Personality - Ilhoon is the 'spark type,' meaning he's very lively and can be pretty unpredicatable at times. Once he steps on stage, he transforms into this fierce, charismatic rapper. Ilhoon is very dedicated in his work, and gets angry with himself when his progress doesn't meet his expectations. He's always trying to create his own rapping style. When Ilhoon is in a bad mood, he often changes his hair into interesting, weird hairstyles.  He is a child at heart, and is quite talkative, whether it be around his friends or strangers. Ilhoon can also be a bit of a sassy brat if he needs to be.  
How you meet/met - While on the set of BtoB's '2nd Confession' music video, Nayoung began rapping Ilhoon's part in the beginning of the song because she was bored. Ilhoon heard her, and decided to challenge her to a freestyling competition. Nayoung smiled shyly but accepted it. The other members of BtoB were the judges of the battle between the two. In the end, Nayoung won the rapping competition. Afterwards, she and Ilhoon struck up a friendly conversation, and they exchanged numbers after filming was over.
Interactions - Ever since they met on the set of "2nd Confession," Ilhoon and Nayoung have been very close. Whenever they're backstage, Nayoung is the fussy sister who checks to make sure Ilhoon's microphone is working or fixing his hair. Ilhoon is one of the few people she feels quite comfortable sharing her feelings with, so she tells him all her insecurities and fears. While she treats him like the brother she never had, he has a not-so-secret crush on her. If you knew the two well enough you would notice Ilhoon's crush on her from the way he gazes at her from far away and him reaching out to tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Only the BtoB members know about his crush, so they often try to come up with schemes to match Nayoung and Ilhoon together.
Relationship - Close friends
Reason for Love Rivalry - Ilhoon has developed a crush on her from the moment they met. She's not exactly his type, but he finds her fun to be around and they both get along well so he refuses to lose her to anyone else. He's too proud to admit to others (except BtoB) that he likes Nayoung.

Excuse Me

Comments/Suggestions - Those dessert gifs were making me hungry LOL
> Weekly Idol
> Mr. Bang Bang (Dal Shabet)
> We Don't Stop (Fiestar)
> I Don't Know (Fiestar)

Scene Requests - 
> Aeri spots Nayoung trying to hide macaroons from her, so she chases Nayoung around the dorm to get them
> Nayoung disovers that the hotel Metronome is staying at belongs to her father's chain, and unexpectedly bumps into him there (you can decide what happens after that...)

Password - Pikachu and Eevee~


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