5: Get to know your author (stolen from LynSanity)

Get to know your author 



Hair colour Black Brown

Eye colour Dark Brown

Skin colour Pale/fair

Most favorable facial feature
 Eyes and lips 

Most disliked facial feature Nose lolol

Height 152..... (I know, I know)

Body type
 Skinny/healthy? bordering on being underweight.



 Secret hohoho! Just call me Jaera

Age 18 

Nationality Filipina

Country of origin Philippines

Current location California

Favourite colour White

Favourite animal Cat

Fandom too many to mention


20 Random Questions

Summer or Winter? Summer (I'm a summer baby)

Do you have a special talent?
 none that I know of...

Do you think you are a strong person? I don't really know lol

What are your phobias?
 slight case of autophobia

When do you feel most calm?
 When the atmosphere's silent and when I'm all alone

What inspires you?
 Depends. It changes every time 

What do you dislike about yourself?
 I’m too lazy

What are your top three favourite colours?
 White, neutral colors, pastel colors (:P)

What are your hobbies?
 surfing the net lolol

What are your favourite subjects?
 Recess, Lunch, Dismissal ( :P )

What are three of your current favourite songs?
 Jung Joonyoung - 10 minutes to break up, SNSD - Wait a Minute, Toheart - Delicious

What is your favourite day of the week?

How would you describe your current mood? Stressed like seriously OTL

What are your future goals?
 getting a stable job, getting married, the usual

What artists do you like?
 Too many to mention

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
 Back when I started school

Which artists do you dislike?
 Idk, I dnt remember their names

What is your favourite month?
 July and December

Do you believe in love?

What is a saying/quote that you live by Do what is right, even when no one else's watching

Last beverage

Last text message
 I haven't send any txt msgs for over a year already so...

Last song you listened to
 EXO - Growl

Last time you cried
 When I felt like it LOL

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?
 No. Nevar.

Ever been cheated on?
 I'm not sure

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?

Ever lost someone special?

Ever been depressed?


This year have you…

Made a new friend?
 A lot

Met someone that changed you?
 my dad 

Do you want to change your name?
 sometimes, but if given the chance, I wouldn't change it.

What can’t you wait for?
 To go back to my home country <3

What were you doing at midnight last night? Rated-18 HAHAHAHHA nah, just kidding. typing a chapter

When was the last time you saw your mother?
 In person? Last Last year. Through skype? last week.

What is the webpage you visit the most?
 Asianfanfics, Akp, Fb

What is your relationship status? Single hoorah!

What do you worry over the most? Going back to college OTL

First surgery? Never had one.

First piercing?
 I can't remember lol

First sport you joined? never joined and never will.

Do you want kids? ofc. maybe in the future tho.

Do you want to get married? totally yo.

What career do you want? Make up artist/hairstylist

Ideal type... Someone calm and someone who can match with me. Someone who can handle me.

Gender? Male definitely

Older or younger? I can go up to three years older, 2 yrs younger.

Shorter or taller? Taller ofc

Romantic or spontaneous? Just about the same

Nationality? Asian

Lips or eyes?

Appearance or personality? Both. Ain't gonna lie yo.

To my readers

Dude and dudettes, thanks for reading! I love you all! 




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ah I thought you're 16 or 17 xD
It was nice to get to know you more! ^^
cassiopeiaworld97 #3
awww you're short as well but i am shorter than youuuu. ..
So I'M just 4 years younger than you hehe..well at least I'M turning 14 on my first bias birthday, nichkhun XD
Pentium1 #5
ooohh so authornim is currently in california...well that makes sense... ahahahaha
Wow, you're younger than me xD
so, you don't live with your mom?!
Nose HAHAHA I know why XD
Oh, u r older thn me, den I should cal u unnie ^^. I am 3 years smaller then u.. (lyk almost, I will turn 15 in April.. Same day as luhan's b day, yippee!)