The Power of Music?

The power of music can be extremely scary sometimes. Songs can cheer you up and make you cry. Sometimes the world around you just disappears when you listen to a good song.

I usually don't listen to the same albums for a long time.There are some artists I tend to listen to a lot when I write because I know that their music doesn't really distract me (unlike those artists I love and whose songs I usually sing along to) but most of the music I listen to is fairly new.

So today I randomly started listening to an album I really loved last summer. I still love it, of course, but one of the songs brought back some of my old feelings and that's really uncomfortable. I had a bit of a one-sided crush going on that resulted in me constantly getting drunk in the middle of the week and in my friend hooking up with the guy I liked. And that just .

It was a great time in a way. Last summer probably was the summer of my life but that one particular feeling of rejection is something I don't need.


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