What should I do??

I am having school holiday for a week, but I don't know what should I do

I will face  huge wave of examinations next week, but I don't feel any motivation to study.


My current problems:

1.I am not allowed to go shopping with my friends

2.I am not allowed to go on a date with my boyfriend

3.I am stucked at home with just a bunch of food and snacks that only can make me fatter.

What should I do?????




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misscarat #1
DANCE ~~~ or do dance cover :D its what I always do
ChanRM #2
Music is a good way. That's what I do when I'm bored and revising for my mocks week ago !!
Working out is the best for me whenever i'm bored. I know it sounds lame but even after a mere stretching you'll feel better & not so drown in gloomy mood :)
Inspirit2487 #4
Youtube have fun you have no idea where you might end up its basiclly a black hole or you can upload the bacon fanfic your working on that I can't wait to read :)
Try to online or listening music? open tumblr or reading fics? hehehe