Asians discriminating Asians

Hello my lovelies!

The title of the blogpost maybe will make you think "What?" but yeah, let me explain.


I was walking in the city today, stopping by at The Body Shop to buy a lipstick (got one in a really pretty coral shade^^) and as I left the shop, two girls walked past me. They were Asians - Koreas to be exactly - and they gave me that  look. You know, that look when someone is looking down on you. Yes, exactly that one. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that not all Koreans are like that (why do I have to mention that all the time? Right because I will get bashed immediately for generalizing) but tI don't want to talk about Koreans only, no, I want to talk Asians in generally.

I noticed this a lot, and I don't know if it is just me, but when I got to Thailand/China/Hong Kong, I sometimes get so strange gazes, not only from girls but also from some guys but the majority still are the girls. As an Asian, I am not really that "typical" Asian many Europeans, Americans etc have in mind; yes, I am short but other than that I am not ridiculously thin, like many of the people I know like to think of Asians and it is a cliché which actually is true.
My body type is more on the curvy side and my hips and and shoulders are a bit wider because I played tennis for quite a while. Besides that (and this is coming from my friends) I have - I quote - "Arsch in der Hose" which basically means that I have an .

In Germany, I have a pretty mucn enviable body type and skin color, which is actually like Kai's skin color when he doesn't have any make up on; so it's more like... honey colored... or skin color with golden untertone? Whatever XD
Anyways, many of my friends envy me because I don't look like a pale ghost in winter and I can practically can wear everything in every color. That with the wearing everything is actually because I am Asian but whatevs^^

If I go back to Thailand though, I mostly get that "Duuh" look from many girls, mostly because I have that strange skin color and they call me "fat", which not at all and I am not dark but I am not "white" either and I give a crap about being "white".
When they hear me talking like that, their gazes go from this ">.>" to "O___O"

Everyone of you probably know that pale skin color trend hgoing on in nearly every Asian country and that double eyelid craze and being super skinny.


Yes, I am not super pale, I am not super skinny and I have natural double eyelids but I am calling bull on all those things because what the freaking heck? 

I, as an Asian myself, get discriminated because I don't fit in that "Asian ideal".

Luckily, in Thailand it isn't that severe as in Hong Kong/China and probably in Korea and Japan, but Korean especially. Two friends of mine are in Korea right now, one a bit chubbier and one half African-American. Both of them already got badmouthed and bullied because of their skin color and body type. 

What the freaking heck? 

This is just wrong and embarrassing. 

There are different kinds of racism and diskrimination and this definitely belongs to it.

It's just sad to see that Asians bash other Asians (Koreans bash south-east Asians for not being "white" enough, Indians, Japanese people; Japanese people bash Koreans, Chinese people etc etc etc.) Of course, sometimes it has to do with the history of said countries but I get the impression that this has more to do with the inferior complex asians have towards the western countries.
On the other hand, so many Asians who live here in Germany are so damn arrogant that it is annoying and pathetic.


In the end, no one can win in this.

This is all my experience and of course I also had positive experiences but most of the times I get discriminating remarks from other Asians for already said reasons.

I would like to hear your opinion on this or your experience and so on.



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Girl I understand what you mean. That's why I rarely talk to the Korean-korean people at our school. The ones that actually came from Korea. I live in Hawaii so the Asian community is huge. But even in the older generations they have that kind of discrimination. What I hate the most is when I start talking to those ahjummas in Korean after they talk about my chubby body. They try to cover up and say they were talking about some other girl when I am clearly the only young Korean girl in the building.

I'm not one of those pretty Koreans and I am short and tubby, and I get a lot of from those types of people. I'm on the wide side too, since I use to do weight training and currently ride long boards.

However, I think it's really stupid that you have to be ghost pale to even be considered pretty. Don't get me started on double eye lids, it is their choice but it's getting pretty sick. Every girl is starting to look similar to each other.

One of my unnies went back to Korea(she was one of the nice Koreans thank god) and she said all her friends said she got super dark even though she was still pale. It was only a slight tan that you wouldn't be able to notice. I cringe to think about what they would say or do when they see me. I'm dark, maybe Kai ish dark or even darker than that.
I kind of know what you are talking about but kind of the oposite i live in venezuela a here the girls all have a s-line , have a tan and are a bit heavier (in asian standars) yhe perfect wheight is like 60-65. But people always look at me because I'm 100% venezuelan but I have like really pale skin, I'm skinny I weight 50kg I'm like really skinny my body is SISTAR Hyuorin style but with bigger and well latin but still people always say to me that I should eat more, but what people don't understand is that I can take wheight, y might eat: 4 hamburguers, one extra large pizza, 4 milshake, 3 box of french fries. I can't get fat and believe me I alredy eat all of that in one day. Some people may think that is great you can't get fat, but it is a burden, I'm 1,74cm so I look really skinny. And I dont wsnt to tan it hurts me, because when I recieve a lot of sun my skin burns and wet al red and it hurts like a , I dont wet a tan easily and I hate the artificial tan so I have to stay the way I'm but people dknt get that i'm happy like this and they bad mouthed me like it is their concern. But I'm happy like this so...
black-nyan-cat #3
well, I never experience what you had been experienced but it still is bad. They shouldn't judge people from their physical appearance. But then again maybe it is has been some kind of culture to the so for them it is like a normal thing. I don't know that this is happen outside my country. I know the koreans but I don't know about the japanese, chinese etc. Well maybe because I live in Indonesia in which everybody's skin colour is pretty the same (it is tan) so it is not that noticeable to have a tan skin. Even some of us have a nearly black or dark skin and it still is become a normal thing. Maybe because there are many people from different race in here. And also height and weight are not really that important here, yes they still wanted to have a proporsional body (h:160cm or w: 50) but they didn't make it as a parameter to judge people. Well me, myself didn't have a white skin, great height with super skinny body, and my friends also like that, but we didn't really get the stares here like what you experienced so it is kind of a new information for me. And yes I agree with you that they shouldn't do the stare thingy just because you're different than them. I, myself love being different but when they labeled your differences as a bad thing I kinda couldn't accept it.
mariahlouise #4
So true I get stares when I'm in the city becus where I live they is a lot of Asians but mostly when I go to the city etc I get stare at a lot which makes me uncomfortable and I may be on the supper skinny side but my skin colour is also like Kai tan I don't knw why they have to judge by skin color >.<
That actually is true.. I can admit that I'm asian and although I'm super skinny, I'm pretty tan. Like I don't understand why people expect Asians to be super pale, skinny, fit or whatever. Like that just depends on the person.

I completely understand you and a lot of Asians do discriminate other Asians and it's just weird to me.
WinterRain #6
and kai got bullying too with his colour skin but he is damn y and still handsome ... and i and chanyeol love him kkk
WinterRain #7
yeah this is who make people doing plastic surgery or whitening skin or else ...
me myself dont get it what their thinking (especially asian) looks its very important and special but what make that very special is made by god, and when their judge another people with their preferences bcs they are too fat, short or ugly i think that is criminal ...are u god ?? ...i dont have any experiences to share with u about that but i see that everywhere now, its obvious why plastic surgery is exist. but i think you are perfect with who you are now, ignore them !!
dhaniwoonie #8
Totally agree. It's stupid to decriminate someone by their weigh, height or even colour.
well since I'm actually what people like to think the "perfect" asian i don't get discriminated. People actually complain that I'm too skinny and I agree. I wanna get fat but I can't. I love food. And I eat alot. I would get stares in restaurants. People would look at me and give me the "this girl eats too much look". It's maybe also because I like wearing baggy shirts so people don't really see my skinny figure.
But I still hate being looked at. It feels like I'm the only one being judged at even though I know it's not only me. But yeah, I said this once to someone that was staring at me from behind, "Stop starring. I'm not nice to stare and judge. I wonder what would you feel if you're the one being judged." and I just left. I asked my friend who turned to look at the person and apparently that person just stood still and looking shocked from what i said. It was a fun experience actually :/
yeah, even in my country are like that. I'm not being racist here, but Chinese are like kinda look down at Indian and Malay bcause (mostly) Malay skincolour are tanned like Kai to be exact.
...Um... yea, that's not really racism hunny, I get what you mean, but it's more like culture shock, except you don't have the "she's a foreigner" card as an excuse, if you know what I mean. You're right about the looks, I got them when I went back to china when I was younger, I was a plump girl, not really fat, but I had a lot of baby fat. however, because you're not of another descent, they don't know that you're born, or raised in another country - i.e. they're realllllyyy closed minded thinking that because you're Chinese you're obviously born there, kinda thing.
So to see someone different it's culture shock without knowing that it is culture shock :P...
As for those two Koreans at the beginning of the post... I don't know maybe they're not from Germany, cause even the Korean that come from Korea are really nice here in Canada, so... yea..
Even though I haven't personally been discriminated I have friends who have. It's awful to see how others treat those who are different than themselves. Whether it's their color, race, the way they talk, how skinny they are, etc. We are not perfect and people shouldn't expect others to be perfect. You shouldn't let what others think affect you and you should love yourself for who you are.
You talk about fat and stuff while I am eating rice and beans xD LOL In PR everyone's fat. I am happy here, I eat whatever I want, whenever I want and get as fat as I want and I dont get bullied. (People tried to bully me once on kinder... she ended up with a bloddy nose... I dont rememer what I did. LOL) ANYWAYS, I feel good. I love my homeeeee~~~ (Yes, I am bragging about my little piece of paradise~)
I experienxe this all the time. Im a south east asian... but im thicker and darker looking.. ppl mistake me as a pacific islander majority of the time or of native american descent.

Its really just the mindset of ppl... their ignorance... their stereotypical views... and tbeir closed mindedness.

All i know is that they can judge me however they want but at the ens of the day... ill be the better person for not being so jugdmental and keeping an open mind.

Ofc... there are those days where you really wanna sock them in the face because that whole being milky white skin and double eye lidded figureis nit how all asian girls look like.

Ugh bothers me a lot. I like my skin tone and i like that im slightly double eye lidded. Lol

Anyways racism will always exist but its the mindness of the individual of how they go about it.