
Am I really the ONLY one who knows chocorooms?

Wow...maybe I shouldn't have told ya'll...keep 'em to myself♥

Anyway, I shall explain~


These are chocorooms♥

Ever had Pocky?

Its like pocky. The "stem" of the mushroom is biscuit and the mushroom top is chocolate. Its like a cheaper version of pocky. 

But I find it almost ore delicious. its ridiculous howmuch I love this ♥

like, i ing love my hot aple crack, but I love my chocorooms more♥

Don't know what hot apple crack is? Maybe I shoulde xplain that too...

I was at Mickey's housea few weekends ago,sitting on her living room couch with her mom,dad and younger sister. We were watching Jeff Dunham videos♥

Her dad made instant hot apple cider.

Its sweet and amazing and i swear theres crack in it cause its just so damn good and addicting♥ Her parents bought me two of myown boxes cause i LOVE IT SO MUCH♥

I'm trying to drink it sparingly so I can savor it. 

Unfortunately, I drank two packets this weekend...

IT WAS FOR A GOOD CAUSE. my throat hurt...

Dr.Pepper is my third and final drug. roflcopter♥


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lmfao you're too funny XD ♥
Seaworld24 #2
Wow... Before we know it they'll make chocolate mango's
LOLOL hot apple crack xD
---Siri--- #4
They look really cute but I don't think I can buy them in Germany :(