Future stories!


Upcoming ideas:

A crackfic M-rated OT7 with crack pairings littered throughout and a last chapter that I don't even know how I'm going to write how the hell does an OT7 even work I don't even ELF THIS IS YOUR FAULT. 
(This one will take place in highschool or university because damnit if I'm going to have them screwing each others brains out I'm not going to have them trying to do flips and stuff afterwards.)
(This will also feature an epilogue so you guys can see my planning process as I break down mentally. ...that is, if I ever get around to finishing this story.)
(I think I'm probably taking it too seriously right now. Probably going to cut out all the extraneous stuff and literally just make it crackfic about *bleep*. It'll probably be easier to read/write that way OTL)
(THIS MAY ALSO FEATURE A SEQUEL WITH BTS. MAYBE. [read: probably] [read:actually definitely yes but just going to take forever to come out])

A world where Youngjae was born with weak lungs/breathing condition/heart condition (idk what yet) but anyways he's weak and can't sing or dance or do anything really, can't live a normal life. One day, he's presented with a choice - take someone else's career away in order to be healthy and pursue his own. AU, pairing 2jae. (IDK the pairing just lends themselves to stories really easily...)

A parahuman/superpower one that will probably have some pairings, I just don't know what yet. EDIT: Most likely 2jae/2jaeyoung (if that makes sense o.O JB, Jr and Youngjae together in an OT3) and Jark/Markson and Maknae line. Again, probably in a school setting. Powers are mostly set though, hopefully going to draw some parallels with their real skills and personalities. Idea for a storyline kind of maybe set but not really. I just need a bad guy now... OTL (inb4 I do what I always said I wouldn't and pit BTS against them... QAQ)

An OT3 that may or may not take place in real world, consists of Mark/Jackson/Bambam. Bambam thinks he's loved Mark for the longest time, but Jackson's slowly worming his way in and Bambam can't figure out where his feelings lay... 

A medieval AU with Prince Mark and servants/slaves. Undecided pairing atm, leaning towards Jark cuz it'll be funny as hell... theoretically. 

A dark semi-AU where JB is being blackmailed with Got7's future... and he has to do some drastic things to keep Got7's career going. Very dark, or at least imo, pairing undecided but leaning heavily towards 2jae. EDIT: THIS IS BEING WRITTEN. SEE Red On White Snow.

FINALLY A BTS IDEA (Based off Rookie King ep. 4... Suga the -theif lul) (Suga x Kookie, possibly some stuff going on "SORRY ITS BECAUSE HYUNG WANTED TO DOMINATE YOU" wat)

ANOTHER BTS IDEA WHICH I LIKE A LOT FKING BETTER: AU. Suga is a well known indie rapper, but he's struggling to get by. In order to fund his "hobby", he has to find a job... And ends up working at the same restaurant as Jungkook and Jimin. All of BTS will be in this story at some point or another, but main pairing is... what, Yoonmin? is that how they call it? Suga x Jimin anyways. There's a lot more to it than this little summary, but I need to plan a little more because I really fking like this idea and I don't wanna fk it up. EDIT: THIS IS BEING WRITTEN. SEE What's Your Dream? 

MORE BTS IDEAS. IDEA 1: Angel!Hoseok and his charge, Yoongi. Nothing more will be said or else it will pretty much give everything away. Unfortunately sounds quite similar to Syn2554's new story idea QAQ but I'm hoping that we have different enough ideas that it won't clash. My style seems different enough from hers (She's much better OTL) so maybe it'll be ok... 

IDEA 2: A rewrite of an original story I had. I... I need to rethink this story a lot actually. But the main gist of it is Jimin and Suga both loved a girl, a girl that died in an accident. But everyone blames her boyfriend at the time, Jimin. Even he himself believes he's the cause of her death. When they end up in the same school, the same class, and have to work together on something (or tutor each other or something idk yet), they slowly learn more about the past and themselves. I really need to go through this plot and figure out what i want to keep/change. Will edit description once i do.

Oh godohgodohgod ok so I saw a description for a BTS pokemon fic... and then I remembered Rookie King ep 3 where they jokingly call Jimin Jungkook's Pokemon... and then I was like how about we just do a pokemon thing where Jungkook is a trainer
And now I have ideas and I've even got all of their roles lined out and jesus this team would never be one I'd use but most of them fit their characters perfectly and I'm so done with myself and everything and why am I even considering this
But yeah. So. Uh. Yeah. 
.......omfg i just realized how fitting suga is for his role like wtf i cant even i didnt even think of this but oh my god its so perfect
Brb dying
I may need to play the game through again to refresh my memory but oh my god ahahahahahhah this will be fun for me.
.......and how perfect Suga's role is also ties into V and how perfect his role is wtf I can't even what is even happening

Oh and a chat room thingy... probably again a clash between the two groups. IDK what pairing but probably cross group :3

What else...
Ooooooooh a business setting. Hmm. oh wait. wait. If I do that, it will be Got7 vs BTS. omg im going to die brb.

...I think I'm going to stop here before I come up with even stupider ideas...

(This post may be edited in future to reflect new projects/ideas and/or change story statuses and/or put stories up for adoption.)

If y'all have any ideas for these stories or any feedback, feel free to comment! Or even requests (preferrably for oneshots >_<), I kind of enjoy the challenge :D


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Holy crap, you sure have some goals set there. :D Talking with friends and just... joking around and all, this leads to so many fanfic ideas, I know exactly what you mean. XD I request JbJae for some fanfic, idk. Please? ;3; XDD It's, like, my fav pairing ;3; And there are basically zero fanfics. TT (If you want, we can also make something like a fic-exchange? You write one for me, I write one for you (oneshots only, I mean, doesn't have to be long) I've always wanted to do that, you don't have to if you don't want to, though :D)
Aside from that, I'll definitely look out for those, they all seem awesome! *3*