Comparisons and self esteem tests...

hello aff blog of mine. 

Seems I haven't been here in a while. Probably cause my laptop broke and I've been using the school computers for studying. That and my old phone had horrible internet problems. 

But NOOOOWW I'm back! Woop!

I got to upgrade cellphones and am now a proud owner of a white Samsung Galaxy S4 that is till today nameless...I also am the proud new owner of a HP laptop that I'm currently typing on. Now this laptop has a name, Leo the Lion. No clue why I named him that but I decided on Friday when I bought my laptop, it shall be a boy so I can make statuses about watching movies or hanging out with my "boyfriend"/ laptop Leo. That and I was thinking of Leo of yeah. I guess I shall update you on my life a bit?

Well on Friday I took a self esteem test that my counselor gave me to see how my self esteem is. We'll be talking about it on Monday so yeah. We also talked about my history of comparing myself to others in terms of looks, grades and etc. I also cried too cause we talked about something that had to do with my family and as usual, family talk = river of tears. Yeah. 

oh and another thing that happened. I've kinda become a germaphobe (is that how its typed?) 

Not that I wasn't one before but this time I'm really scared because 5 people on my campus are sick with mouth, hand and foot disease. It's kind of contagious and a few people have already been taken to the hospital. But apparently one of the girls affected lives right by me and now I'm afraid to touch anything outside of my room. You can't blame me for staying in all day in my room (I went to the bathroom once and a while). 


So yeah. Guess this is my update?



P.S: I miss the rp world. Like a lot. Any suggestions of RP's?




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