UNofficial Xmas break commence!


today the last exam for the year has ended. today, the last pdr (patient-doctor relation), uh, some kind of simulation of things related to doctors dealign with patients... has ended well for me and my group mates at least. and it's a day to celebrate.

no. it's not yet officially the end of classes for the year. but, we don't care! the end of exams already means the end. so the lectures that are keeping us going back to school for the next few days and the cooking thing we will do at the end of the week too. technically it'll be on thursday. after that.....


i dunno with the undergrads (coz med is a post-grad course). so.... i'd be posting fics (?), watching RM that has been on-hold and maybe anime too. actually, i'm planning to study a little coz i know when xmas break starts for my siblings it'll be reeeaaaallllyyy xmas already. but for now, even though i wanna post something or write an update for the co-author fic i have with jinli, i have to log off early coz..... my head aches.

i actually slept a little already, from watching tv. why does my head aches? let's just say my groupmates and i (excluding the annoying duo) went drinking a little and playing billiards/pool or was actually just hitting balls and hoping they get in the holes. hahaha...


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A little jealous, I'll admit... but none the less- relax a little! ^-^ I hope your head ache goes away soon so that you can enjoy this time~ ^-^
Hahas enjoy your christmas break! ^^ You dont have to force yourself to update. :3 MERRY CHRISTMAS IN ADVANCE~ *throws confetti*
Seems like you're having quite a bit of fun already :)