I'm really really really sorry

Umm, I'm sorry for deactivating and giving up a while ago (Not that anyone noticed I was gone).

I guess I went through an mental break down and ended up in the hospital... (Had some counseling done too).

Well the format to the site changed quite a bit, but I'm sorry and I will resume my old stories.


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Soshi9_4ever #1
I noticed, but i had no idea what to say. I mean, it was your idea to deactivate your account, so i took it as " you have your own personal reasons for doing it". I didn't know if it was because you just wanted to, or got tired of AFF, or something else. But I guess i was wrong. I am glad to hear from you again though, it's nice to have you back. :)
wow, you're okay? What happen ? o_o
Woah woah woah....
What happened??