Is Anyone Interested in Co-Authoring or Talking Over a Story

Hello... Um people?

I haven't been well recently and school is not making it any better. Would anyone mind co-authoring or taking over my story/stories? (I probably made a lot of idiotic mistakes so I really need editing.)

For this fanfic I plan to write a sequel and unless someone is willing to take my plans for that I am only asking for someone to help write, You Were My First Love ,with me.

I don't really want someone to take over this but perhaps help write it is I've Already Fallen. I'll have to fill you in for what I originally plan and if there is someone kind enough please help.

The story I can hand over/ have a co author with telling you the least, yet still a lot of, information is this one:

4, It Sounds Like Death

I know that most of you guys probably aren't interested so feel free to ignore this. However, for those of you who have time to spare and are kind enough to lend some help... Please do help me. Private Message me/ Comment for clarifications or if you are interested.


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Hey, I can totally help you out :)
Hello! I'm totally free to help you be it as a coauthor or what not if you want my help.