one sided love

Would you endure being with someone even if you don't know if that person loves you?you Are you gonna be contented begging for that person to love you back? Are you gonna be satisfied that you are always that person's least priority?but still you are okay with it as long as you are with that person. Will you still stay eventhough, behind the reflection in those eyes looking at you belongs to someone What would you do? If deep inside of you, u know u are all shattered and ed up.but it is still okay with you as long as u have that person right beside you. Or would you let more pain,no more false hopes, but no more warmth or scent of that person. And you know down to your very soul, the moment you will take one step away from that person you are slowly dying. And from the moment you lose sight of that person, you know it is the end. You have died...


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whatever1 #1
I know how u feel :/ I feel like that right now, it a lot.....i talked to some people about it and they call me dumb and stupid for feel that way...but they don't know how it feels.....I'm here for you *hugs tight*
I would probably step away . I don't want to fall deeper into the pit . I don't want to be hurt even more than I already am . It may be hard , but I can't lie to myself . I will miss the every second I was with him . I will miss his presence , but if I am not the one , I am willing to step away . I won't regret the memories . I definitely won't regret loving him . I know that we both deserve better .