{ mαrkεd } // Evelyn Miki Takakura


[ kissychuu ♥ Chuu ♥ 3.5 - average ♥ English is not my first language, but I am fluent ]

[ AMOR ]

“I do not use the word home lightly. So when I sigh it into the crook of your neck, believe that your spine is a timber frame, your kiss a welcome mat, and your enveloping arms my front door.”

name : Evelyn Miki Takakura
nicknames : 
     ↷Miki (or, as her mother pronounces it, “Mickey”) - although named after her maternal grandmother, her parents affectionately use her middle name most of the time she thus knows she’s in serious trouble when her full name is used
     ↷Eevee - a self-fashioned nickname playing on her name and her favorite Pokémon used by her childhood imaginary best friend, she alternates between telling people she meets to call her this or Miki

birthdate & age : 02/02/1994 & 20
birthplace & hometown : New York City, USA
languages spoken : 
     ↷English - fluent, native speaker
     ↷Japanese - proficient second language, learned from father
     ↷Gaelic - basic, learned from mother
     ↷bits of other random languages - super basic, learned from travel guides and locals

height & weight : 168cm & 68kg 

faceclaim : Park “Pony” Hyemin
photos : 
backup faceclaim : Yoo Hyunjin

     photos :
describe your mark : a map of the world stretched around her left wrist like a wristband - secretly fearful that it’s a sign that her soul mate lives nowhere near her, it’s what got Miki thinking of traveling to find its twin in the first place

character traits : 

excitable adventurer ♥ opinionated bookworm ♥ awkward butterfly ♥ persistent dreamer


personality : 

Miki’s never been afraid of “getting her hands dirty,” so to speak, and her parents have always encouraged her curious and adventurous nature. There is just so much more to the world than meets the eye, and Miki wants to explore every nook and cranny, to discover every hidden gem. She is not the slightest bit afraid of getting lost while exploring - after all, sometimes getting lost is part of the journey, and you never know what you may find. Spontaneous as she is, Miki is fond of surprises and taking things as they come, confident that she’s adaptive enough to figure out a way through anything life throws at her. Some may describe how she charges headlong without a plan as “reckless,” or even “stupid,” but Miki doesn’t care. Nothing ventured, nothing gained - Miki is daring, and the idea that something amazing out there’s waiting for her is too tempting a call to be ignored. As such, she’s also never afraid of trying something new. What’s the worst that can happen? If she doesn’t like it, then at least she can say she gave it a shot and she’ll never have to wonder again. Miki isn’t one to live with regrets, so she listens to instinct instead of second-guessing herself. If the consequences of her impulsive decisions catch up to her…well, that’s another problem for another day. Miki’s all about living in the present and facing the here and now, thus can be rather irresponsible for her actions.

There are different kinds of smart, and Miki definitely subscribes to the book type. Trusting the knowledge of the printed word, she’s an avid reader and soaks information like a sponge. You’d think that would make her a logical and rational thinker, rather than someone ruled by rashness, but once she’s set her mind to something, she’ll be hard-pressed to change it. Raised to speak her mind, Miki isn’t afraid to do just that - in fact, she’s pretty bad at hiding it. Straightforward and frank, Miki has an awful poker face and makes an even worse liar. While she’s good with facts and memorization…social interaction? Not so much. It’s not that she’s shy around people per se, though she is generally more comfortable spending time alone or with her family than strangers. It simply takes her longer to warm up to people because gauging interpersonal relationships can be draining for her. Trying and being successful are completely different issues - enthusiastic though she may be at the prospect of a new acquaintance, more often than not, Miki misunderstands what is expected of her and fails to respond appropriately. Whether she gives stunted answers that discourages further conversation or rattles off more facts on the topic than necessary, Miki finds herself disrupting the verbal flow. Worse still, she can appear rather off-putting because her confidence in her smarts may seem like sheer arrogance, and her inability to recognize jokes as such means she may overreact.

Despite her social failings, Miki is undeniably a romantic at heart and anxious to meet her true love. Watching the devotion her parents have for each other growing up encouraged her belief in her soul mate, and the thought that there is someone out there just for her never fails to make her smile to herself. Between her active imagination and her ideals, Miki is a dreamer eager to see her dreams become reality. It’s the motivation behind how she tackles everything, keen on satisfying her desires, if not taking her one step closer to fulfilling them. For better or worse, her stubbornness and disregard of consequence has helped her get her foot out the door, both towards finding her mark’s twin and pursuing a photography career. Somewhat prideful due to her self-assurance, however, Miki doesn’t like asking for help. She wants to believe in her recently achieved independence, and only reluctantly admits to her limitations - to herself, that is. She gets defensive when criticized by others, and this aspect of herself frustrates Miki the most, especially when she knows she deserves the critique. Nonetheless, Miki is loyal to those she loves and unwilling to ignore someone in need even if all she can offer is a warm shoulder, well aware of her faults with speech. Promises she cannot fulfill are never made, and it hurts Miki deeply when someone she cares about goes back on their word.


background : 

Born in the sparkle and glamour of New York City to a Japanese father and an Irish mother, Miki didn’t exactly grow up enduring the snickers of her peers for her mixed heritage, partly because of the diverse community…mostly because her contact with peers was limited to begin with. You’re probably wondering how that was even possible in such a populous city, but the life of a homeschooled kid didn’t quite correspond with the average student’s. Of course not, most would think, she got to stay home all day and study at her own pace! While everyone else slaved away in classrooms, she could “read” with the television on! Yes and no - while Miki did in fact have a greater degree of flexibility in terms of schedule and comfort, a personalized year-round curriculum structured by her parents meant a more intensive education, tailored to her academic weaknesses. It wasn’t as fun as many seemed to assume it was, having her parents breathing down her back over her schoolwork, but that’s not to say it was completely torturous or that Miki didn’t benefit from it either. Her parents raised her carefully, their family supportive and close-knit, but they also valued hands-on experiences over mere textbook knowledge. Biology lessons didn’t simply entail reading up on the material, they included camping in the wilderness and truly observing nature at work. Math involved the stereotypical workbook boredom, but also experiments with engineering in the backyard that led to a miniature roller-coaster structure that her mother forbade her from testing, but her father snuck her on anyway. Miki’s favorite subject by far, however, was geography, predictably because it meant overseas field trips for the sake of experiencing different cultures. It was precisely such excursions that fostered her love for photography, since all the things she sees, people she meets, places she’s been…everything’s a precious memory!

The biggest problem with being homeschooled and constant travel? Little to zero chance of making and keeping friends. For much of her childhood, her parents were Miki’s world - but that hardly meant she didn’t wish for someone her own age to wreck havoc with, someone who’d understand and take her side when she wanted to forget academics for once and just play instead of turning every little thing into a learning experience. What’s more, as she grew older, Miki naturally began seeking a greater sense of independence from her overprotective parents. Though they had prepared her remarkably well in terms of education, she sorely lacked the social skills necessary for getting through life aside from the imaginary friend she’d created due to her lifestyle. The day she turned 18, Miki calmly informed her parents about her decision to forego immediate university entry. They were understandably displeased, but Miki persisted regardless. Although she recognized the need to further her education, she had to find herself beyond her parents’ influence. Besides, of all people, they should realize that learning need not take place in the classroom or via traditional lecturing. They were the ones who taught her that, after all. And so, Miki eventually managed to persuade her parents that traveling abroad and self-study would be in her best interests. What she refrained from telling them, however, was her intention to simultaneously locate her soul mate. Her parents were soul mates who met each other while they were graduate students at NYU, but Miki doubts she’d have their luck. The shape of her mark had her worrying that her soul mate was somewhere on the other end of the planet, and she would hate to never meet him because of trivial distance. It would kind of make sense, she supposed. She had such an active childhood, maybe fate trusted her to find him eventually.

Sure it got lonely. Despite Miki’s insistence on striking out on her own, she was nonetheless homesick, having yet to find the person and place that inspired her to leave her family. What’s more, unlike many of her peers, Miki was unfortunately awkward when conversation was attempted, which made her feel more isolated than she might otherwise have. Thankfully the cities she has thus far visited were relatively large and diverse, and the natives of the more rural communities were generally polite despite the looks she received now and then due to her considerably foreign appearance. Now two years since she left home, Miki’s pretty much adapted to her constantly shifting environment. She’s made a few friends during her travels though they’d probably never reach the closeness achieved between her and her childhood buddy, and keeps in touch with them via email and the travel blog she started. Recently settled in Seoul, Miki’s devoting the majority of her time to sight-seeing and learning about the culture out of habit, before launching into photography and the search for her soul mate. Give or take hour-long webcam sessions with her parents over the weekends, she liked to think Seoul’s got a lucky feeling to it - maybe she really will find her home away from home here.

lifestyle : 

Recently settled in Seoul after a less than fruitful search in Shanghai, Miki’s currently shacked up in a hostel and gradually befriending her housemates. Considering her admittedly pathetic knowledge of the Korean language, she thought about enrolling for classes, if only to appease her parents when she checks in with them and assure them she has not been slacking in educating herself. Instead, Miki has thus far only devoted herself to self-study, more interested in sight-seeing and experiencing the culture firsthand. Which is fine, right? Immersing herself in her surroundings forces her to learn after all, and it’s pretty much what she’s known since young. She’s bought a couple of travel guides and a shiny new copy of Korean for Beginners, surely she’s set for now. The money she earned from selling prints in China is enough to last her about a couple months’ rent, if she spends conservatively, by which time Miki is confident she’d be ready to begin selling photos she takes in Seoul. Unless she finds sign of her soul mate, Miki’s not particularly looking for more stable work since it’d make picking up and leaving difficult.

trivia : 

     ↷puns / wordplay - Miki has an arguably lame sense of humor, but she likes witty twists of language, and books and people that can cleverly execute them even more
     ↷getting mail (letters, postcards, packages, anything is welcomed) - she enjoys the surprise of receiving something, and considers it not unlike a mini Christmas her unstable addresses make it difficult for things to reach her sometimes though, so care packages from home may take weeks to find her…on the plus side, she rarely gets junk mail!
     ↷breezy days - not too hot, not too cold, perfect exploration weather!

     ↷bananas - something about the mushy texture doesn’t sit well with her, and its ripened smell isn’t something she’s exactly fond of either
     ↷heavy perfume / cologne - she may like to stop and smell the flowers as much as the next person, but artificial scents, floral or otherwise, are much different
     ↷dishonesty - Miki’s not one to lie and doesn’t like being lied to, especially by someone she cares about (it means you don’t respect her enough to tell her the truth or don’t think she deserves it, which hurts all the more if you’re close to her)

     ↷photography, of course! - if she’s not taking photos, she’s looking and waiting for the next ideal shot, eager to capture the memories of her experiences and travels (speaking of which, exploring new places and sight-seeing should probably be lumped in with this hobby too)
     ↷reading, from literary classics to guilty pleasures - few things beat a mug of hot chocolate and a good book, in Miki’s book pun, what lame pun
     ↷trying specials and rating new “creations” at cafés and bistros - adventurous and tasty all rolled into one, what’s not to enjoy?

     ↷spews random facts when she doesn’t know what to say and / or to break awkward silences…in other words, Miki uses the phrase “did you know” pretty often
     ↷carries a foldout map of the world around in her backpack (whenever she’s ready to move on to the next location, Miki tapes the map up on a wall, turns her back on it, and throws a pen knife over her shoulder - wherever it lands determines her next stop)
     ↷drinks at least two cups of coffee every day (straight black in the morning, two creams and sugars in the afternoon when she knows how to order, whatever chance gets her when she doesn’t) - she gets moody and bad-tempered otherwise caffeine withdrawal because it produces the mother of migraines

     ↷writes with her left hand in pen, her right in pencil - she can’t switch for some reason (believe her, she’s tried, and her handwriting came out looking like a preschooler’s with a crayon)
     ↷in addition to the power of the mark, she believes in psychics and the supernatural - there are some things that can’t be explained by science, after all
     ↷deadly afraid of peanut butter sticking to the roof of (arachibutyrophobia) - it’s irrational, she knows, but she can’t help it! it actually happened once when she was five, and she still remembers the feeling of almost swallowing her tongue while trying to it off

family : 
     like father like son daughter : Shun “Sean” Takakura | 52 | freelance programmer and web designer + family cook + home-school-teacher | enthusiastic, creative, playful | You know the stereotype? Dads are the “fun” parent while moms dish out discipline? Miki can’t speak for others, but she personally thinks it’s true, relatively speaking. He’s got his strict and serious moments, sure, especially when it came to Miki’s education (both her parents were definitely on par there), but he’s also the one who “accidentally” dropped ice down the back of her shirt when she nodded off during lessons and made her Mickey Mouse-shaped chocolate chip pancakes to eat while she watched Saturday morning cartoons. Miki would like to blame him for her sweet-tooth her mother certainly chides him for it, but it’s not like there’s anything wrong with sharing a midnight snack of milk and cookies now and then.
you’ve got your mother’s eyes : Maeve Kiernan | 49 | literature guest lecturer + writer + home-school teacher | insightful, sensible, patient | Just because Miki favors her father he does hold the key to her stomach, after all, she’s nonetheless a far cry from being distant with her mother. Her mother’s arguably more responsible, and definitely less lenient, than her father, but that only means Miki can trust her to listen to her opinions more seriously. Despite her position as a guest lecturer, she was surprisingly the one who first conceded to Miki’s decision to delay university attendance, understanding Miki’s reasoning. She’s more introverted than her husband, but certainly acknowledges the importance of social skills - she knows Miki thinks she’s “no fun,” but you can’t blame a mother for worrying about her only child venturing into the wide world by herself.
my one true love baby : Häagen-Dazs | 2 | camera | fast, clear, beautiful | Given to her as a going-away gift by her parents, Miki brings it with her everywhere, intent on documenting her journey for both her family and herself. The fact that she is able to finance her extended trip and support herself by selling prints is a bonus, frankly - it’s also nice ego boost though, knowing her dream of being a photographer isn’t entirely far-fetched since she clearly has an audience.

friends : 
     fellow big dreamer in arms : Amy “Ailee” Lee / Lee Yejin (soloist) | 24 | lounge singer + occasional street performer | humble, passionate, sassy | Hostel roommates, it should go without saying that they live with each other. They may not be the best of friends, but their still-budding friendship is understandable considering they were absolute strangers prior to Miki moving in. Miki was pleasantly surprised upon discovering that Yejin was also from the States, allowing the two to bond relatively quickly with the diminished language barrier. It surely helps that Yejin’s incredibly open-hearted, helping Miki get situated when she first arrived and offering assistance whenever necessary - Miki’s just too prideful to rely on her entirely, though she appreciates the taste of home Yejin provides and enjoys the ability to trade casual banter with the other. Miki admires her greatly for her dedication to music, and how fiercely she pursues it. Though she’s usually out during the day whereas Yejin’s usually out at night due to work, they catch up with each other in the mornings before Miki leaves, or in the evenings after she returns just as Yejin’s getting ready.
troll from the depths of hell Seoul : Lee “L.Joe” Byunghun (Teen Top) | 20 | university student + son of the landlady | quiet, sharp, devious | Not one who particularly observes social decorum herself, Miki probably lets Byunghun get away with more snark than most…though it’s mostly because she doesn’t understand when he’s teasing her, or understand the complexities of formal Korean speech to begin with, so who is she to deem anything he says inappropriate? He swings by to collect the rent every other Monday night, making small talk during which he alternates between conversational English and bastardized Korean incomprehensible Korean slang, insisting that he’s adding to Miki’s poor knowledge of the language by giving her a more practical set of vocabulary (read as - he’s been pretty good with teaching her a colorful range of profanities, and was ridiculously proud when she learned “Piss off asshat, or I’ll make sure you’ll never have kids” Byunghun may or may not have told her it simply meant “Sorry, not interested”).
holy bearer of the nectar of the gods : Lee Sungyeol (Infinite) | 22 | café barista + pâtissier apprentice | brutally honest, outgoing, playful | Sungyeol works at a coffee shop near the hostel Miki’s living in, so it isn’t long until he recognizes her as a new regular given her daily morning appearances. He’s used to foreigners and speaks patiently with her at first, but when Miki begins jabbering nonsense to fill the silence, Sungyeol does too, joking and laughing when she smiles in confusion (“We can be lost in translation together,” he explains enthusiastically, before breaking out in another mess of Korean-Japanese-English). Noticing that she randomly points at a different item on the menu each time, he eventually takes the liberty of experimenting and giving her one-of-a-kind mixed drinks note to self, she wasn’t too happy with the banana Irish mocha, paired with little sweets or pastries he’s working on. Miki is undeniably dedicated to her soul mate, but she’ll admit that she finds Sungyeol amazingly attractive, both physically and because he’s so energetic - she’d love to take pictures of him, but has yet to figure out how to ask.

others : 
     the evil queen of hearts : “Victoria” Song Qian (f(x)) | 27 | professional matchmaker | cheerful, motherly, romantic | Okay fine, a rose by any other name - Miki may call her an “enemy,” but deep very deep down she considers Victoria the well-meaning albeit exasperating older sister she never had. They met in Shanghai when Miki made the mistake of going to her in hopes of finding her soul mate visited her for advice, and Victoria has kept an eye out for her originally because Miki was a potential client, then continually because the girl was quite helpless ever since. Because one of her shops is in Seoul, Victoria was, in fact, a major contributing factor in Miki’s decision to make Korea her next stop, the thought of having an actual traveling companion too tempting to pass up. Miki insists it’s perhaps more accurate to say they were rather close, before Victoria joined the dark side and doubled her efforts to hook Miki up. Though her search has yet to yield results, Miki’s happily single until she finds her soul mate, but Victoria considers it a personal affront that Miki won’t let her set her up with a nice guy in the meantime (“I’m not trying to stop you from finding him, I just don’t want you missing out on the love that’s around you now”).
her majesty’s right-hand man : Zhou Mi (Super Junior M) | 28 | supposedly licensed professional investigator | optimistic, supportive, resilient | Victoria’s soul mate, and who better than an expert with research and armed with superb interpersonal skills? Together they have established a grand total of 99 couples, helping connect casual daters, arrange marriages, and unite soul mates alike. Although sympathetic of Miki’s desire to take fate into her own hands, to actively seek her soul mate instead of waiting for him to come to her, Zhou Mi agrees with Victoria - she shouldn’t deprive herself of other relationships while fulfilling her daydreams, and considering how young she still is, she really ought to socialize more and experience the different loves life has to offer aside from romance. He leaves the pushing and bickering to Victoria however, instead offering indulgent smiles and teasing Miki when she whines, not wanting to scare the younger off. Zhou Mi’s always open to helping Miki look into someone she thinks may possess the mark matching hers, but if he slips Victoria the occasional file of a potential friend or lover for Miki, it’s only because he happened to come across a person of interest.

the main group : 
     L'amour : [ 1 ]
Ài : [ 3 ]
Amare : [ 6 ]
Leibe : [ 8 ]
Amor : [ ]
Sarang : [ 5 ]
Jongdae : [ 7 ]
Minseok : [ 2 ]
Yixing : [ 4 ]

love interest : Kim Jongdae
     personality : Quick-witted and mischievous, Jongdae uses his intelligence for evil. Just kidding - he’s cheerful and playful, with a tongue sharper than steel when it comes to teasing mercilessly, because he figures they can all look back at it someday and laugh. Despite his cheeky retorts, Jongdae’s harmless and warm-hearted. Sincere with all he undertakes, he can be extremely stubborn about getting what he wants and determinedly pursuing what he is passionate about. He doesn’t hide how much he cares about the people in his life, and is rather generous with showering those he’s close to with public displays of affection.
how you met : 
          ↷him - The thing about being an intern? The good involves the practical experience and chance to shadow someone in the work environment…the bad involves getting stuck with grunt work. On his way back to Stardom from a coffee run, Jongdae’s got his arms full with two trays of coffee stacked atop each other (not to mention a third in the bag hanging from his wrist), when some girl with her head in the clouds crashes into him and sends the hot beverages flying. And when he says she’s got her head in the clouds, he means it - she’d been too busy ogling the skyscrapers through her camera to pay attention to where she was going. Now he’s burned drenched, his clothes are stained, and he’s late back to the office, never mind the fact that he’s got no coffee to show for his trip. Next thing he knows, the girl’s yanking him up by his sleeve and screaming manically at him! Between the little English he understands, the Japanese he definitely doesn’t understand, and the Korean swearing he understands too well, the mix of gibberish has Jongdae fuming. Suffice to say, his first impression of this crazy woman is not ideal.
          ↷her - Miki meant to apologize for bumping into him, honest, she really had been too distracted by Seoul’s cityscape…but then she noticed that her marking had turned pink. Excited would be an understatement - to think her soul mate practically fell in her lap! And wow, wow, now that she’s looking more closely, he even kind of looks like how she used to picture her imaginary friend not that she’ll ever tell him that, of course but okay, this has seriously got to be fate! The obvious thing to do was to introduce herself, so Miki does just that, and she realizes she’s babbling quite a bit about herself and he probably has no idea what she’s saying but she’s just sososo ecstatic she found him and oh, oh why’s he glaring like that? Oh, right, the coffee! Her attempts to apologize fall on deaf ears however, and next thing she knows, the guy’s yelling at her and gesticulating wildly. Oh no, a crowd’s forming. Miki tries desperately to calm him down and ask him out for more coffee, raising her voice to be heard over him, but then he starts pointing and she gets the distinct impression that he’s talking down to her. Rude much?! (This might be the place to note that Miki should have had Yejin or Sungyeol, hell even Victoria or Zhou Mi, check over the “vocabulary” Byunghun’s been teaching her. Frankly, she should be thankful her language deficiencies haven’t gotten her in trouble before now.)
     relationship : Miki did not travel across the world to give up on her soul mate just because of a poor first impression. Driven in part by her own bull-headed nature (and in part by Jondae’s resemblance to her childhood imaginary friend - what if that’s a sign that he really is meant for her, since it’s like she’s known him most of her life, you know?), she’s determined to establish some kind of relationship with him. What’s the worse that can happen? If he’s really as awful as she thinks he is, then she’ll simply accept that the mark’s wrong and move on. That’s the logical thing to do, isn’t it? Problem is, it’s easier said than done. Considering how self-confident she is and how she’s believed in the mark for so long (just look at her parents! Victoria and Zhou Mi!), the very act of second-guessing herself is an entirely new and thoroughly unpleasant experience. What’s more, first impressions create biases, and relationships are two-way streets - it’s difficult enough for Miki to overcome her initial feelings, but Jongdae would rather not have some crazy foreigner chasing him around, thank you very much. While Miki’s pride refuses to let her give in, Jongdae’s annoyance with her grows…and the continual rejection disheartens Miki a little more each time, loathe as she is to admit it. She doesn’t mind being the chaser so much, it’s the lack of pay-off that bothers her, considering Jongdae doesn’t seem to warm up to her in the least. Everyone’s got their limits, and she fears she’ll reach hers soon at this rate. All Miki wants is home sweet home, but maybe Jongdae truly isn’t hers to have.
future together : Miki already made the first move when she left home in search of her soul mate, and, perhaps predictably, falls first. Somewhere between struggling to overcome the language barrier (“DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH, WE ARE SOUL MATES!”) and stalking following Jongdae like a hopeful reluctant puppy, Miki discovers he’s actually not that bad of a guy - he just doesn’t like her. No matter what she tries to do to make amends for their bad start, she somehow botches things up and worsens Jongdae’s already terrible impression of her. Attempts to ask him out to sit and talk are ignored, having friends mediate only frustrates her as she watches him get along with everyone else leading to passive aggressive tantrums from her and snide comments from him, and that one time she leaves him an anonymous bento for lunch, she manages to send him to the emergency room due to a severe allergic reaction (“Some friends you guys are, a psycho’s out to kill me and all you do is laugh?!”) Jongdae’s life becomes overwhelming with Miki’s appearance, and he’s more frazzled than not with her dogged pursuit. But then one day, it just…stops. As suddenly as she burst into his world, it’s like she simply disappears, and he has absolutely no idea why he’s on edge rather than relieved but he is and he doesn’t like it at all, curse that blasted woman.
trivia : 
          ↷Jongdae’s friends openly warm up to Miki before he does and invite her along to outings now and then - whether out of pity for her, or because they want to try to help his relationship watch him squirm, remains to be seen
          ↷Miki gets jealous easily, much to her and his annoyance, and gets pretty sulky during group outings when she can’t do much besides sit back and watch Jongdae hang all over people - Jongdae’s just so easygoing and happy with everyone else, why can’t he be the same with her?
          ↷it’s not that Jongdae seriously dislikes Miki, prejudices are simply hard to overcome - he could’ve gotten a restraining order if she’d really bothered him and she would’ve been deported as a result, instead he merely complains whenever she shows up around him
          ↷Jongdae begins absentmindedly correcting Miki’s pronunciation and grammar (“If you’re going to insult someone, at least do it properly!”) - he’s also the one who finally tells Miki what Byunghun’s “vocabulary” actually means for his amusement, of course, not because he’s trying to save her from future trouble or something stupid like that
          ↷(potential) love triangle with Sungyeol - Victoria may or may not tries to hook them up, because she thinks it’s a pity that Miki all but develops tunnel-vision upon meeting Jongdae when she’d been so sure Miki had opened her eyes to other options at last
          ↷Miki eventually starts photographing Sungyeol and submits some pictures of him alongside her portfolio when she applies to work at Stardom to be closer to Jongdae - Jongdae sifts through notices her file and begins to casually criticize her pieces the next time he sees her, much to her indignation and confusion (“You have no taste for models, maybe you should stick to scenery.” “Excuse me?! What do you know?” “Enough to actually work for a magazine!”)
          ↷their first kiss happens when they’re both too drunk to know any better, never mind remember it occurred the next morning - unluckily for Jongdae, he has friends who are all too happy to remind him, and he’d do anything to keep Miki from finding out

backup : Lu Han, Zhang Yixing

questions & comments : 
     ↷Confession - I don’t really know EXO that well, so forgive me if the love interest’s personality (or anything, really) is like, way off, and I will gladly edit >u<;; It’s only recently that a friend started introducing them to me, so they’re growing on me and then I saw this story and this just happened yes okay.
     ↷I hope it’s okay that I wrote most of the app assuming Miki has yet to meet any of the main group, but then switched when I got to the interactions part…
     ↷Hwaiting, greatly anticipating this story and how everything’ll intersect! Hope you’ll consider Miki for your cast and looking forward to reading your review for her~

scene requests : 
     first : the selected love interest catching Miki and Sungyeol in a compromising position and misunderstanding, unbeknownst to them
second : and / or group outing with the selected love interest and his friends, where Miki is used to torment him
third : and / or the selected love interest breaking a promise / ditching Miki for whatever reason, prompting Victoria to instigate another attempt at a hookup when she sees how disheartened Miki becomes

password : Kim Jongdae





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