Sam Daeju hears the ☾ calling


I'm lost inside this Forest


Username: kissychuu
*Name / Nickname: Chuu
*Activity Level: 7 - average
Plot Line: The Ear
Primary Weapon: kitchen knives - have to use what’s available, right?
Secondary Weapon: teeth and nails - she will bite and scratch her way free if she must
OC Name: Sam Daeju
*Nickname(s): n/a
Birthday / Age: 02/02 - 22
Birthplace / Hometown: Sulyeob
Ethnicity: Korean
Spoken Languages: Korean
Long limbed and somewhat taller than the average woman her age, Daeju might have been considered gangly had it not been for her healthy weight balancing out her height. More soft curves than tight muscle, courtesy of the minimal harsh labor required from working at the tavern, her high cheekbones and slender fingers probably make her look gaunter than she otherwise would have. Her skin is comparatively fair, considering the majority of her time is spent indoors, but she is nonetheless a far cry from pale. She has brown eyes framed with long lashes, and her dark hair extends past her shoulders, but is always cut by the time it reaches mid-back for the sake of convenience.
Ulzzang Reference: Yurim -
✘ pierced ears, one per lobe. Daeju wears an amethyst stud on her left ear, her birthstone promising peace of mind and freedom from passion, and a dangle on her right, a thin silver chain from which hangs a fang. The dangle earring is only one half of a pair that belonged to her mother, who made them from the canines of her first werewolf kill.
✘ a spiked leather garter around each of her thighs. A gift from JeA after Daeju complained about a particularly handsy drunk harassing her, she takes to wearing them beneath her skirts to dissuade future attempts.
I'm not Red Riding Hood...


Daeju is every bit the savvy bar maid. Ever attentive to her customers’ needs, she serves everyone with a smile and knows just how to make her customers feel at home, as if she were taking care of them alone instead of however many people cluttered the tavern. Chatting and joking confidently when appropriate, listening and nodding patiently when not, Daeju knows exactly what to say and when to say it to get her customers to buy one more drink or tell her something she wants to know. Call her manipulative if you want, but it’s the way the business works. What kind of self-respecting bartender can’t milk the money and information out of someone? She’s even got a thick skin, drunken insults and sleazy propositions rolling off her like water off a duck’s feathers, not to mention a mouth as dirty as a sailor’s, one she’s definitely not afraid to use when she’s not trying to sweet-talk someone into something. Call her nosy…and she doesn’t have much of an excuse for that. The tavern’s naturally the center of village gossip, and Daeju is privy to more rumors and stories than most by virtue of her occupation. Though some of the information she gets may be exaggerated or downright questionable, and though Daeju certainly keeps that fact in mind, it isn’t all that difficult for her to get caught up in what she hears when she lacks the personal experiences to refute such claims.
She likes to think she’s adventurous, open to learning and trying new things, except for the not-so-little problem of there not being much adventure to be had when she’s so sheltered. It’s not that she’s particularly brave, for wanting a myriad of experiences - her curiosity simply outweighs any hesitation or fears she may have. Daeju is incredibly short-sighted in that sense, preoccupied with immediacy and gratification while careless and negligent of consequences. If the effects of poor decisions catch up to her, they’ll have to be problems for another day. So what if she’s a little impulsive? At least she has yet to do something she regretted. Daeju believes she of all people deserves to be reckless now and then. Between the almost constant pleasantries of the tavern and the perpetual obedience at home, she has to leave some fun for herself. It doesn’t take much to satisfy her, tiny thrills and random tidbits to tide over her curiosity all that’s necessary to content her, yet it’s only a matter of time before the urges grow and Daeju’s seeking satisfaction once more.
✘ sweets - who can honestly resist a sweet treat? though they are rather hard to come by, or are pricier than she cares for
✘ walking barefoot on dewy grass - cool and squishy between her toes, she will bite anyone telling her she’s being gross
✘ drunken singing - she either gets a good laugh from how bad it is, or a nice surprise when someone shy has their inhibitions lowered
✘ cute guys - so she likes eye-candy on the job, shut up
✘ the smell of books - she can’t really read or write beyond the bare basics, but she can still appreciate a nice novel right?
✘ spicy food - she can, and will, cry at the dinner table
✘ tears - she doesn’t know how to respond to them, and feels awkward because comfort is not her forte
✘ arrogant Hunters who think they are entitled to better treatment because they are better than everyone else um excuse you, who do you think you are you— the following has been censored for the sake of this publication
✘ mixing drinks - it isn’t often someone comes in who can appreciate the complex cocktails she makes, unfortunately, but where’s the fun dealing only beer?
✘ gossiping - it’s a way of life
✘ devising creative ways to sneak out at night - not that she’ll ever attempt them because scaling the roof and shimmying down her neighbor’s chimney might just kill her, as if climbing out her own window wasn’t already hard enough
✘ sleeps on her stomach so the sun won’t wake her
✘ hoarder extraordinaire - her room is messy and unbelievably cluttered homey and in no way exasperates her grandmother
✘ doesn’t drink anything she didn’t mix herself or came from an unknown source
✘ deep bodies of water - she flails uselessly can’t swim to save her life
✘ horses - so what if they don’t eat people, they’re huge as far as she’s concerned and can kick her to the other end of the planet
✘ writhing tentacles - you want fresh squid for dinner tonight? good luck butchering your own meal
Strengths towards Survival:
✘ flexible in mind and body
✘ persuasive speaker
✘ first-aid basics gleaned from bar brawls
Weaknesses towards Survival:
✘ low stamina
✘ directionally challenged
✘ limited physical strength
✘ doesn’t know how to swim
✘ short-sighted
✘ doesn’t know how to use a sword in combat, but does know how to use one to pop corks off bottles
✘ has a pet budgie - it may or may not have cost her a small fortune at the time
✘ her favorite color is orange
✘ has a souvenir collection - everything in it are gifts from others, however, since she doesn’t get to travel
✘ she doesn’t start bar fights, but she finishes them
...but I think the Wolves have got me


Confined within the village of Sulyeob (or worse, the walls of the tavern in which she worked day after day), Daeju is naturally curious about the world outside. Rather than instill fear and dread in her, the circumstances around her parents’ deaths and her subsequent denial of their village’s Hunter tradition fostered in Daeju a morbid fascination of the unknown. She’d been too young to remember her parents’ hunting “accident,” not that her grandmother would tell her much anyway - the stories other Hunters and villagers would trade about the monsters in the woods then served to fill the blanks she had, while simultaneously creating more because she lacked other forms of knowledge to put pictures to their words. Daeju wasn’t unsympathetic towards her grandmother. Surely losing both her daughter and son-in-law in one fell swoop would make anyone overprotective towards whoever was left in the family…and yet, Daeju couldn’t help the smidge (really, it’s only a smidge) of bitterness she felt for being so tightly watched and controlled. When her curiosity about the things blatantly kept from her becomes overwhelming, Daeju slips from the safety of home in a fit of rebelliousness.
They say curiosity killed the cat, but a cat has nine lives - Daeju only has one.
(maternal) grandmother || Geum Sobeul || 68 || alive || strict, straightforward, observant, cautious, paranoid
Lee Kikwang (B2ST) || 23 || alive || Cheerful and optimistic, his childish charms are hard not to fall for. While he may be pretty gullible for his age, a lack of common sense is not to be confused for stupidity. It may seem like he never takes anything seriously, but he does have a logical head on his shoulders - he knows his priorities and responsibilities, he simply chooses not to let things bother him. || 5 || The son of one of the tavern’s suppliers, he can frequently be seen delivering produce at the back door. Daeju’s relationship with him is far from strictly business, however, considering how they’re childhood best friends and know each other about as well as they know themselves. Many assume a romantic relationship of some kind lies beneath their friendship, but Daeju cannot imagine having anything of the sort with him.
Lee “Sunny” Soonkyu (SNSD) || 24 || alive || Cute, bright, and bubbly, she’s a happy virus who greets everyone with a beam and loved ones with more skinship than they can handle. One would hardly guess she’s the daughter of the town’s weapons-master, until one sees how utterly unfazed she is with the violence associated with the family business. Brilliant though her smile may be around most anyone, her enthusiasm peaks when she’s dealing with a new blade or the latest trap - her fascination with weaponry is positively morbid, contrasting surreally with her sunshine-y disposition. || 4 || Daeju’s partner-in-crime companion in the fickle sport of boy-watching, they share a comfortably open friendship filled with blatant staring and shameless discussions. She’s also well aware of Daeju’s nighttime escapades, though she doesn’t say anything about them unless Daeju needs help with a cover.
Kim Kibum (Super Junior) || 25 || dead || It isn’t difficult to mistake his quiet demeanor as cold indifference towards everything, when he is simply observant and calculative. Not one to waste words or actions, he carefully bides his time and waits for the opportune moment to strike. Surprisingly aggressive when he finally decides to make his move, whatever it may be, he is unlikely to back down once he’s started something and will stick with his decision no matter the cost. || 2 || One of Daeju’s regulars, he was one of her favorite drinking partners because the man had the alcohol tolerance of a whale and always tipped generously. They barely spoke to each other, despite her attempts to get him to open up with stories after he’d drained a couple beers, but she saw him as a peculiar challenge with a gorgeous mysterious smile.
Kim “JeA” Hyojin (Brown Eyed Girls) || 33 || alive || Not one to sit around passively, she is good at seizing control and getting what she wants. She has never been afraid to get her hands dirty, so to speak, and goes about everything efficiently, practically, and candidly. Despite the strength and no-nonsense attitude she exudes, she is young at heart and knows how to have a good time. || 4 || Having once been the apprentice of Daeju’s late mother, she feels somewhat responsible towards Daeju and treats her as if she were her younger sister. She would have personally saw to Daeju’s Hunter training, had Daeju’s grandmother not interfered, and still insists on trying to arm Daeju with some basics despite the elder’s protests that always follow.
Amy “Ailee” Lee / Lee Yejin (soloist) || 23 || Sweet and humble though she may be, she also possesses a fiery attitude and passionate ideals. A skilled Hunter, she not only has werewolves falling at her feet, but men too - not that she bothers giving most the time of day, preferring fun casual encounters over actual commitment when she’s already got plenty on her plate. || Strong, beautiful, and sassy, she’s got all the qualities Daeju admires and wishes she possessed. Her charisma appears graceful and her snappy retorts sound witty, whereas Daeju comes off as brash and uncouth more often than not. In aspiring to achieve the same poise, Daeju has a grudging respect for her buried beneath outright envy, but it’s received with amusement and occasional friendly teasing rather than contempt.
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty


Love Interest: Jang Dongwoo
He always seems to be happy, and endearingly tries to raise everyone’s spirit too, with his infectious laughter and quirky sense of humor. He is rather gullible because he’s so honest, but it also shows how sincerely considerate he is when he says or does something. Though playful and fun-loving, he’s authoritative and serious when he needs to be - despite his goofy laid-back image, he’s a quick and insightful thinker.
(adoptive) sister || Im “Nana” Jinah (After School) || 21 || alive || headstrong, passionate, goofy, cute, loving
Lee Kiseop (U-KISS) || 22 || alive || Although he can be somewhat wild and unpredictable, he is always pleasant and considerate to those around him. As laid-back as he may seem, he tends to internalize any negative feelings rather than show them, keeping himself strictly in check except around a select few. || 5 || Although he’s nice to most everyone, he only seems close to people he’s known for a while - Dongwoo was no different. It took a while for them to build up to where they are now, but with their shared happy-go-lucky personalities, it wasn’t difficult either. With his own brand of peculiar humor, it’s little wonder why he gets along so well with Dongwoo.
Jeon Hyosung (Secret) || 23 || alive || Behind her bubbly and upbeat persona lies an undeniable maturity that is often overlooked. Caring and sweet though she may be towards others, she dislikes revealing her own troubles or weaknesses, seeing them as personal challenges to overcome. || 3 || They have their awkward moments, sure, but she’s generally fun to be around. Although Dongwoo’s often overtaken by the urge to take care of her, her confidence and independence tends to rebuke him before he gets the chance - it puzzles him at times, but he also admires her strength.
Lee “L.Joe” Byunghun (Teen Top) || 19 || alive || Generally soft-spoken, assuming he chooses to speak at all, he seems rather surly and only becomes more animated when truly comfortable with those around him. Despite the quiet aspect of his personality, he has a serious mischievous streak going for him and a wicked sense of humor behind the deceivingly innocent smiles. || 4 || Not one to particularly care about age hierarchy, Dongwoo probably lets him get away with more snark than most, knowing he’s harmless despite his prickly humor. It makes up for him letting Dongwoo get away with his enthusiastic touchiness - then again, Dongwoo is rather touchy with everyone.
Choi Minho (SHINee) || 21 || Bold and competitive, he never backs down from a fight and refuses to admit defeat even when the odds seem to be stacked against him. While his cutthroat perfectionist nature may seem off-putting, his determination and loyalty to his pack is unparalleled, and his courage in the face of danger impressive. || Although Dongwoo has been a member of their pack for years, he still cannot help but be somewhat distrustful of him because Dongwoo is ultimately a human and, someday, he’ll remember and return to his own species. The fact that Dongwoo’s been in their pack for so long only makes him more dangerous, considering how many of their secrets and strategies he knows. While they must remain pleasant and civil to each other publicly, that doesn’t stop him from keeping a watchful eye on Dongwoo should he sense any wavering allegiance, not that the dimwit is any wiser.
*Scene Requests:
For me to know, and you to find out.
Who Dies?: him || her || both
I'm not afraid to face a little bit of Danger


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?: Don’t know if people are going to be looking at this, but hope it’s been a helpful sample!
Are you the hunter, or the hunted?: hunted
Thank you so much for applying!!



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