Micellaneous and Final Thoughts

Why am I writing these stories? Why am I reading them? Why am I even on this site? All good questions.


I write fan fictions because 1)it is cheaper than therapy and 2) I am currently too lazy to write an OC/OC. One of the characters is already established, that cuts out work for me. Win.


I read a lot of romance novels. Jane Austen wrote the formula that is still used in all of them, with minor variation. Boy meets Girl. Girl hates Boy. Boy hates girl. But really, Boy and Girl like each other, but can not/will not admit to it. Boy and Girl and thrown together by some circumstance and reveal their true feelings. Then, once they find this love they have so fiercely fought against, they are torn apart by more unforeseen circumstances. Then they get back together and they live happily ever after. Thanks, Jane.


I read fan fiction for the same reason that I read romance novels. Even though I usually have a good idea about what's going to happen, I like to be surprised by the little details that make them different. And because I already know who one of the characters is, lol. Lazy. Sue me.


Why am I even on this site? I like 'meeting' like minded people. My boyfriend is Korean, we both love Big Bang(he is such a GD fanboy), but I can't lust over JaeJoong with him. That's why I like(most) of you guys ;-) If nothing else, we all have one thing in common; we all think Asian dudes are hot. Not a bad start.


So in closing, to you writers out there, keep these, and other things in mind as you write.

  • -At least TRY to be original.

  • -Please run the spell check. Please. It won't fix everything, but it'll make it bearable.

  • -Zelo is underage. No M rated chapters about him, please.

  • -Try not to mix God and in the same chapters. That feels icky.

  • -Be sensitive. Use warnings at the outset so you don't offend or hurt anyone.

  • -On that note, as a black person, the whole slave thing . . . .yeah, no.

  • -Feel free to simplify. Use 5 words instead of 25 whenever possible.

  • -Also, stop at 2 plot twists, not 22.

  • -Come up with good titles, or at least relevant ones.

  • -2nd person POV . Those are the 'You' stories. Just stop. Stop.

  • -Be sparing in your Author Notes.

  • -If you don't take your story seriously, neither will I.


Readers, like myself, look to you to give us something to get excited about when we see 'New Story Update' in black and orange. Do your best, or don't post anything.



In. My. Opinion,




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I knew this was going to be interesting. Definitely worth all the reading.
SHINeeEnthusiast #2
See this I why I love u. You say what I want to say when I don't have the time to. There are so many stories on here that I cannot take.
i do so many of these and i am cackling in a real ugly way. I REGRET NOTHIIIINNNGGGG
NoireRouge #4
OMG girl, preach!! I agree with every one of your points. There are a lot of good stories on this site, but they're so difficult to find, and it seems like the author never updates -.-*
I really enjoyed when you were talking about Jane Austen. haha

Thanks, Jane

I just read all of your blogs, and let me tell you that you're quite awesome. I respect you so damn much right now. xD