The Tagging Game

The Rules
1: Post the rules rule
2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, and then make 11 new ones
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
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Turtlepanda22's Questions
1.)  What are your favourite Kpop bands ?
Well Super Junior is my number one~ how can you not love those boys? I love their music, personalities and well just everything. My second favourite group is f(x) there music is refreshing amidst all the girl groups in KPop and I want to be like every single member T_T I do like other bands like DBSK, 2pm, infinite, cnblue, apink and mblaq. 
2.)  If you read what’s your favourite category ?
 Well yes I do but almost exclusively EunHae because I don't really have time to focus on any other couple.  I'm not sure what is meant by category but hmmmmm I like everything that is written well, yes everything..... *digs self a hole*
3.)  What would be your spirit animal and why ?
Probably a Kangaroo. I'm bouncy and I like company so yeah ~ 
4.)  What would your reaction be if Kpop made it big in America or whatever country you live in and its like big big EVERYWHERE and everyone knows about it ?
Everywhere? Well I'd still love it ! I've got nothing against liking mainstream things.  Though I would be kinda weary of the other fans because to be truthful fans like bieberlers scare me a little.
5.)  What’s your favourite real book ?
Wow. What a mean question! *thinks hard for ten minutes* I guess "How To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee.  Atticus is my hero and inspiration and I've always seen myself as Scout like xD
6.)  What’s your favourite fanfic ?
What is with all the hard questions ? *bangs head against the wall* It would have to be between Lunacy Fringe, stumbling down a Winding Road, Silver Scales and Beyond Innocence >\\\\<
7.)  What’s your most inspirational song (at the moment, I know it’s a pain in the to pick one) ?
 I'm going to interpret inspirational as 'song I write fanfics to' the most. That is what makes me creative? Since I'm writing a fantasy/action fan fiction at the moment I can't pick one but 'Request' by infinite and 'It's u' by Sj. Both songs send my imagination flying ~
8.)  Would you ever date a best friend or think about them in that way ?
 I've never had a male best friend but i think I might. I don't really know because I'm kind of clueless and an awful habit of fLli g for people who'd never see me in that way so yeah.... Ummm *signs up to be a cat lady*
9.)  What Kpop dance do you REALLY want to learn ?
NU ABO ! It's my jam ~ 
10.)  If you were given a chance to star in an MV that’s in the making, what Kpop song would you choose and why ?
 That is hard~ I'd say 'Motor Cycle' cause those girls got to be awfully close with my biases * wriggles eye brows*
11.)  Last of all, /drum rolls/ if you could be a character in a fanfic, what fanfic would it be and what character and why ?
My gosh, if be Song Qian in Subject 310117.  She gets to marry Yunho and be all maternal over EUNHAE and plots how to get them together. XD
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MusicLover_1808's Questions
1.)  Who was your first OTP and is it still your favourite OTP ?
My first OTP romantically was actually KyuHae.  As you can see from my answers to the questions it has obviously changed oops. Though in terms of female/male my first OTP was kyuToria and still is xD
2.)  If you could spend one day with whoever you want doing anything you want, who would you spend it with and what would you do ?
Well I would waste the chance I did spend it with Donghae.  I'd love simply to go to a sports centre and play a variety of sports including soccer, tennis and basket ball.  I've always had a fantasy of playing sports with the guy I like xD
3.)  What are your favourite dramas ?
 "I can Hear Your Voice" , "It's okay Daddy's Girl" and "Dream High". 
4.)  What is your favourite song of the moment ?
 My fave song of all time is "it's you" but my the song I've been listening to the most ATM is Aaron Yan's Bei Wang Lu
5.)  If you pick 3 members of your favourite group, who would you MARRY, KISS and CLIFF ? XD
If someone promises we will never divorce then MARRY Donghae
If no promises on future divorce then MARRY Kyuhyun /Carol and Athina you can marry him after me!/
If Princess Vic and Athina won’t kill me then KISS Eunhyuk
If my life is endangered then KISS Henry
And I’m pushung Zhou Mi off a cliff but making sure there is some sort of catching device so he doesn't get hurt (I love him to bits but he's being too adorable lately and ruining my bias list) 
6.)  What language do you wish you can speak ?
Hmmmm I guess Korean I'd make fan girdling a hell of a lot easier xD
7.)  What is your favourite season ?
 Late winter and early spring~ it is still a little cold but the flowers are just about to bloom ~ lol I like winter fashion >\\\\< 
8.)  Guys with glasses or without ?
Without I have a thing for guys with pretty eyes ~
9.)  Wild guys or shy guys ?
Shy guys :p since I'm kinda wild ~ lol
10.)  How long have you liked Kpop?
Around 5 years~ mum thought it would be a phase at the beginning. Look at me now ~ 
11.)  What was the first Kpop song you heard ?
Mirotic by DBSK.
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Secret_007's questions 
1.  Do you ship your bias with you more, or your OTP together more ? Why ?
I'd say OTP together more because lately I just dream about them two together OTL
2.  If you were to debt as a member in a Kpop group (even if you’re not Korean), what position would you be suited the best ?
I'm not that pretty but I'd say visual / variety show person. I can't sing or dance well but I'm pretty good at being insane so xD  
3.  You can say anything to anyone with a 50 word limit, what would it sound like ?
4.  Out of the many reality shows out there, pick one and pick who you would like to appear in with. Reasons ?
 Running man with Hyukjae I think we'd make a kick arse team :p 
5.  If you could have one and any super power for 1 week it would be ?
 Teleportation~ so I get to visit the places in the world I've always wanted to see /aka sj's dorm just kidding/
6.  What is the best feature about yourself ?
 Physically ? I'd say my eyes xD 
7.  How did you discover your ultimate bias ?
 In the Happiness MV he just smiled so nicely and he pointed at the camera and I was like YOU ARE PERFECT ! Also he was dorky and gahhhhhh
8.  Would you marry someone who loved you more than you love him, or the other way around ?
 Wow that is difficult! I think since I'm kind of insecure him loving me more would be nice ~ /gets bricked/
9.  Be very honest, have you even been an unreasonable hater to anyone ?
 Yes, and no I'm not proud of it xD 
10.  What do you do when you feel upset ?
I listen to music whilst writing fanfics to channel all that angst into something productive  
11.  You just won a free trip overseas for a whole year, where would you pick and who will you go with ?
 Korea! With The superauself team ~ We can meet sj there xD 
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Kyuismyoppa's questions
1. If your ultimate bias needed an organ eg a liver would you donate one if you were a match?
Yes xD 
2. What would you gift to your bias?
With unlimited funds a proper iron man suit~ 
3. Are you older or younger than your bias?
Younger by 2 years
4. Who is you OTP?
5. How much have you spent on K-pop?
A lot~ I can't even count OTL I have over 100 KPop CDs at this point if that gives you an idea hahaha 
6. What fandoms are you in?
ELF and the f(x) one I'm fans of other bands but I'm not as dedicated
7. If you could recreate one of the famous K-Drama kissing scenes which one would you choose?
I'm pretty sure the Ferris wheel kiss in Dream High
8. Favourite K-pop MV?
Super girl Sjm 
9. Least favourite K-pop group?
Ummmm I really don't have one ~ probs Chi Chi
10. Favourite genre for books?
Fantasy ^^
11. What song are you listening too? Or last listened to?
Let it Go ~ the Hyorin version 
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My Questions 
If you could be in a KPop group which one would it be?
Which is the k-idol which ruins your bias list the most .
What song is your anthem or theme song ?
If you could be any person who would you be?
Do you have a sense of style or do you follow fashion trends ?
Favourite KPop album of all time?
Fan goods or official goods ?
Where donor get inspiration for writing fanfics ?
Do you like skin ship?
What type of shoes do you like to wear the most?
If you were to have a couple item with your bias which would it be?
My tagging
 Retag Emo Princess and Athina cause I want them to answer my questions :p
Also any of my friends that come across this !


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Marshmallow_Princess #1

Hehe no need for me to marry Kyu, I just wanna kiss :3 *senses death aura from Athina* ummm Athina and have all of him !!! Haha I think I was just meant to put down three names like boom but I was all like 'IF this happens' and 'IF that happens' X'D