♚Crown Application - Lee Byun Young - The Shining Angel ♚

lee byun young
violetsharpie// vio // 8-9
♚ the shining angel
NICKNAME: ByunByun, Boongi, Sunshine
DATE OF BIRTH: 08/12/1996
AGE: 17
PLACE OF BIRTH: Busan, Korea
ETHNICTY: Full Korean
HOMETOWN: Busan, Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean(Fluent), Chinese(Semi), Japanese(Basic)
♚ Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Energetic Sunshine
POSITION: Lead rapper, Sub-vocalist
FANCLUB COLOR: Bright yellow and White
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

A girl who out-shines anyone? No, that isn't what Byunyoung thinks...she thinks she is normal as just as any other human that she lives with. Even with this innocent face of hers, she can get a little violent, since something happened to her in the past. She really likes to show her other side though, because she would never like to bring others down with a tense mood. If that were to ever happen, she would always try to brighten it up with a lame joke or do some type of body gag. She really seems like a "choding" at times and likes to make other people around her happy. Another person's smile would simply make her day better, because happiness is all that she needs. Besides her innocent side, she is a little naive with things like "love". She wouldn't realize it until someone tells her, but she really wouldn't know how to respond to the word love.

Everyone merely states that she has the nickname "Sunshine of the School", or the "Sunshine Queenka". She really doesn't care about those matters though, all she really wants to see is someone's joyful-ness. She is really cheerful around others, and can't get angry at people, because she loves "humans". It may sound creepy, but she really was "dropped on the head as a baby", making her see the world differently from any other person. She absolutey adores anyone, except those who are hateful and rude around her. Doesn't she sound like she's Mary Sue? Well you have guessed wrong, because no one really knows what happens in her head...or body. She can't do many physical activities with her weak body and she is really "intelligent", because there is something wrong with her head that makes her forget things easily thus making her get bad grades. Even if she got these bad grades, she became more dilligent towards Musical Arts. Even though she can't sing or dance well, due to her memory, she trys as best as she can.

Byunyoung, another girl you would meet at the corner of the neighborhood, is what she would say to make other people not look up to her or pity her. She really doesn't like people looking up to her when she can't do much but only make people happy with the things that she do with her hands. Always a bright smile on her face, not letting any of her feelings get in way she makes new friends easily, no matter who they are. This is what Byunyoung is like...and she would always smile even in the state of death.

♚ Background

Byunyoung didn't have the best family history, due to liquor problems, or drug problems, or mental illness problems. Her family had just enough money to support them, and Byunyoung would always say that she would become rich just for her family. She wouldn't be able to achieve that goal easily, but working dilligently gets you somewhere doesn't it, even if it's a lowly job...you still get paid with the same paper, or money people would say. This is all Byunyoung wished for...just something to help her family out instead of moping around the house about how we wouldn't be able survive this world. At the age of 12, the turning age of becoming a teen, was Byunyoung's worst year. After she had come home from the school that she attended a black van was outside of her house, and she just watched her house get robbed, without doing anything. She could only watch out of shock and couldn't seem to move. It's not like she could do anything, because at that same moment someone was tugging at her hand and made her run away from the robbers. It was too late before a gun shot was heard, and an agonizing scream cutted off. She couldn't hold it in anymore, she tried pulling away the small hand away from hers, but it was no use. Since she was struggling from the hand the robbers had just turned to see her and the boy that was trying to get her away from the scene. Bang, is the last word she would like to hear, because before she knew she out from the pain that was throbbing from her ear and side. Before she lost too much blood she was, luckily, saved at the last minute and was hospitalized for some months. It really did feel like prison at times, but whenever she woke up from her naps that she had to take, she would normally find candy bags or flowers on the table beside her.

She would always smile at the gifts and never really thought back about what happened at her house, because well....she has amnesia, and she pretty much doesn't know why she was in the hospital, but she is slowly regaining her memories back. After a while, she would try to stay awake and meet the one who gave her the gifts and would persist in finding out who it was. Finally she had met her hero, the one who saved her, the one who made her feel like she was watched over for. She would always smile at the boy. This is probably what led her to the one that she is today to love humans and of to how interesting they are. On a breezy afternoon the boy visited her again and since ever her family incident her family had all been captured, but she is still the remaining one of the Lee family that once lived in a small house. One thing that her parents didn't tell her was that before she was born her parents had always been happy with the money they'd get from her father's job and her mother's. They both were CEOs of famous companies, but one day her father's company went bankrupt, then her mother's company was shut down about 4 months after. They both didn't know that the One who was above all planned all of these happenings. And for some odd reason that One's son had taken an interest in her, but his father wanted to get rid of the Lee family for making such foolish things out of his companies that he held. Once Byunyoung reached the age of 12, that's when the father decided that it was a good time for the Lee family to die down into nothing like they never existed. But his son, Youngjae, didn't like what his father was doing one bit, but he had to go along with everything since he's father overpowers him. When the planned robbery happened, Youngjae decided that it was a good idea to sneak out and to at least help out Byunyoung, since he's been having a crush on her ever since they met that one day when her parents had to meet with Youngjae's father.

So after Byunyoung's hospitalization, Youngjae had said that he would be the one taking care of Byunyoung from now on and would protect her from anything. In these years where they enjoyed the life of being run-aways, they both had the ability of being musical in a way. Byunyoung was able to make beats and rhythmes up, while Youngjae was very talented at singing. They both became street artists together and loved doing their job. But when they reached the age of 15, Youngjae was taken in by JYP and from then on Byunyoung was alone in the street business. But she didn't give up, her dream was exactly like Youngjae's...to become an idol of superior musical skills. So she had found herself a rapping teacher who was willing to teach her for free. During that teaching period she had gotten close with the man, because well...the man was only 2 years older than her. The man's name was Hoseok, who was also wanting to follow the steps of becoming an idol. So they both "trained" each other and since Youngjae left the street business, without telling Byunyoung, she decided that Hoseok could do for now. Ever since then, they built up a very good relationship, and maybe one likes the other, but who knows. Hoseok had taken care of Byunyoung, since Youngjae had went to go train at JYP entertainment. Byunyoung thinks of Hoseok as a big brother, and Hoseok thinks that Byunyoung is the younger sister that he could've never imagined to have. Now they even call each other nicknames and such, and they are very close with each other.

Once the time had come, Byunyoung tried out at an audition and surprisingly, she passed. She was so excited that she told Hoseok...and forgot about Youngjae who was watching her from a far, since he was afraid of to see what her reaction was if she saw him. After telling Hoseok that was when Hoseok confessed his love towards Byunyoung. Byunyoung never really felt this way about Hoseok before, but she accepted his confession to see where this relationship would lead. But once she started to become a trainee, she had to sign a contract about not being able to date someone. So forcefully she had to break up with Hoseok, and he understood since he too had to take care of business, since he was becoming a trainee too. So afterwards they both become good friends again, but Byunyoung still didn't get any news of Youngjae. So all she can do for now is just cheer him on from a far and without knowing Youngjae watches her train at times whenever he has the free time.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
♚ Likes
  • one: another one's happiness
  • two: her best friend
  • three: the sunlight
  • four: candy
  • five: rapping
♚ Dislikes
  • one: rude/hateful people
  • two: sour things
  • three: those who complain about life
  • four: people who never like to be fair
  • five: seeing others hurt
♚ Fears
  • one: guns
  • two: people avoiding her
  • three: spiders
  • four: people abandoning her
  • five: fully-masked men
♚ Hobbies
  • one: rapping
  • two: trying to dance
  • three: works on her memory
  • four: drawing
  • five: studying medicine
♚ Habits
  • one: clenching her fists when she's mad
  • two: sleep talking
  • three: puffing out her cheeks when she's bored
  • four: tapping her fingers to any beat
  • five:  her lips, rather than using chapstick
♚ Trivia
  • one: has been shot once
  • two: her right arm still can't do much
  • three: she has liked rapping ever since she was 9
  • four: she had braces at a young age
  • five: can't dance well, but still trys
  • six: likes to eat any kind of candy
  • seven: favorite season is fall
  • eight: carries around a sketchbook
  • nine: sleep talks at times
  • ten: had to go through therapy for a while
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
♚ Faceclaim
♚ Backup Faceclaim
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: Park chorong | Meng Jia 
dancing twin: kim taeyeon | jung eunji
rapping twin: jeon jiyoon | kim namjoo
aegyo twin: Bae Suzy | Seohyun
talking twin: Jiyoon | hayoung
laughing twin: yoona | taeyeon
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
♚ the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Choi Youngjae
BACKUP: Jung Hoseok

Youngjae is a very caring guy and likes to take care those before taking care of himself. He was always very kind and never tried to leave anyone behind or let them be abandoned. Not being as naive as Byunyoung and innocent, there were some motives under his interactions, but Byunyoung had never noticed them, and now just sees them as friendly touches. During this time period of trying to get Byunyoung to notice he started to get a little impatient and became very persistent into doing something. Youngjae had started to show off his singing skills to Byunyoung and she admired him for his skills, and ever since that one accidental kiss, he's been thinking about dating Byunyoung for a while. He even thought that one day, when they both become idols that they could become a WGM couple or something. But Youngjae, also, has his dark side where he can get aggressive easily, and jealous too. That side of him doesn't show that much though, only whenever he is by himself. Other than that he can be really honest and likes to joke around a lot.


The interactions between Byunyoung and Youngjae are very subtle and don't mean much, but soon after Youngjae started to cling onto Byunyoung a little more and became a little obsessive over her, but not to that extent. At times, Youngjae would often feed Byunyoung or sling an arm around her shoulder...and he even holds her hand at times when they are not in the public eye. They are many other interactions that they had together, but one was something called "childish kiss", where there are just pure kids who don't know anything and just magically kiss each other. Byunyoung had forgotten about the kiss since that incident and Youngjae still remembers, and so he is trying to make Byunyoung remember their "promise" that they had made when they were children.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors or anything like that...I hope you like this application that I had made, and if you're confused about something then just state so in the review and I'll try to clear it up or fix in the application. And if the background seems to be missing some things, it's because the background started to get a little too long...wasn't expecting it to be 4 paragraphs. Well other then that, thank you~~ ^^
SUGGESTIONS: Maybe some song suggestions are some After school songs, since the image would be clearer, if you're get what I'm trying to say....and then some scene suggestions for the whole group, is for the main vocals to go onto 1000 Songs, or something like that, then Running man, Weekly Idol, Crown Diary ( Broadcast of themselves ), and etc.
SCENE REQUEST: I don't have any, but I guess I'll say for Byunyoung to meet Youngjae at the dance studio or recording studio, but Youngjae was peeping, so they meet each other unexpectedly and the situation is very awkward between the two. 
PASSWORD: Crown loves Kingoms
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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