Starting to use the blog feature~

Heyy there~~~

I've been meaning to post a blog but never actualyl could be bothered to

Well today I have a LOT of time on my hands :]





SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!



-shift key breaks-

Lol no more caps from now on :[






Imma start updating my fics regularly now

Not as much as when I first started [7 chapters on a school day, WOAH I had no life Dx]


By the way My Lady, My Butler is still on Hiatus

The writer (i can reveal her name now) Lilian messed up my storyline :\

I honestly didn't plan on YulSic fighting like this!

It was going to be over a peice of cake [literally!!!!!!!!!!]

Lilian messed it up with Taecyeon T_T


Anywho the fight was suppose to be about Jessica's Bday and Yuri spelling Jessica's name wrong

(Yuri's english isn't the best lol)

It was going to be cute :[






Anywho~ My other fanfic Falling For you Again is getting updated :]

TaeNy, Yulsic and YoonHyun are starting to fit together (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek)







-End blog-


xoxo bubble eater (Aka iiEatBubbles)


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Update soon please...
Especially My Lady, My Butler!!!

Missreading it now :(((
Love all your fics! Jjang!!!