Studying or 'Sight seeing'?

so ORIGINAL PLAN: study at Star bucks  as early as 9 am. BFF asked to join. BFF arrived before i did coz i have to go to church which was pushed back to 10am. so i arrived at 11-ish am at starbucks. 

Original plan was performed but as we were studying or as i started to study i saw my college classmate outside and excitedly went to greet her. then we talked and waited for the other college friend and her co-worker to come. so we talked about life and they thought bff was my BF but i told them that bff already has a gf. why they thought like that? coz i never had a bf before and well we were alone together. and the bffs i have since ever were all girls and one gay. this is the first guy bff. anywhooo.. we talked about other classmates and their work. apparently they work just in the same grounds as starbucks was located at.. somewhere inside the premises as ESL web instructors to jap students. and college friend 1 showed me two pictures. both were cute but the second was way cuter! 

second jap student, according to them had a crush on college friend 1 but she doesn't like anything special coz he's 3 years younger than us and she has a bf already. so they kinda had a misunderstanding coz he's going to visit here and wanted to have a date with her but all she wants was a friendly date. so i told her, okay, give him to me. hahahaha... well, we had to say goodbye coz they have to work and i have to study. and i said 'say hi to your now once-a-week student' ... 

so after that little chit-chat. we studied again and talked in between about the topics and about other people. 

then... people came.. there were koreans outside and inside (or they were not...?) then bff told me that there's a handsome guy behind me... and i said

 "i couldn't really see, but i can sense there is"

it was perfect timing coz the sun was really bright so i asked the guard to pull down the blinds and had a quick look on the guys behind me. and yeah, thanks to biochem we had a code saying

"yeah, the one on the left is handsome"

and he said "oh, i was right to think you'd say that." 

then as they left.. two people took their table. 

and as i was studying i heard bits of their conversation which was all in english. to make a summary of it. it was the cute guy having a guidance counselor talk with the woman... kind. (sorry couldn't get a clear view of the woman, i just had a quick glance of the guy as well as i pretend to overlook them but by the sound of her voice, she's a woman not someone his age). bff told me that i'm a gossiper..? you know that person who listens in to other people's conversations... coz i wrote on the tissue what i heard from their conversation. 

ummm... not my fault that my ears could hear them. i even heard the thick accent of old male koreans or japs talking behind said guidance talk. what was the talk about? the guy was talking about some girl, i think he's dating and some problems or things he's confused or having trouble at. i remembered vaguely something about girl giving importance on Chinese things...?

tonight, we'll go to my aunt's place and i don't know if i'll be able to study much. i'll try to study again now. guess i've got a long enough break.

AND something random: i reached 101 subscribers!!! thank you sooo much! i wanna do something special for you guys as to say thank you. but lemme think about that first. after tomorrow, maybe


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Normibells #1
" and the bffs i have since ever were all girls and one gay." <--- ako man jud ni ba...hahahaha~ anah~! basta naa sa gawas mag "study" wa jui STUDY na mahitabo~! hahaha