My Ideal Type (Stolen from B2stFan3)

[x] Cute
[x] Handsome
[x] Kind/Nice/Warm-Hearted
[] Clumsy
[] Cheesy
[] Stupid
[] Nerd
[] Gay 
[X] Smart
[] Rich
[] Poor
[x] Tall
[] Short
[] Fat 
[x] Skinny (Isn't there an in-between? UGH.)
[x] Gentleman
[] Swaggy
[] Nerdy
[x] Asian 
[] Black
[] White
[x] Older 
[] Younger
[x] Loves music 
[] Hates music
[] Passion to dance
[] No interest in dance
[] Raps
[x] Sings 
[] Playboy/Player
[x] Truly loves you
[] Has other girls than you 
[x] Bangs (Fringe yeah? Not...*cough*)
[] Long hair
[x] Short hair
[] Mean
[] Girly boy (Surprisingly no.)
[] Had an ex
[] Loner
[x] Social
[] Target everyone hates 
[] Target everyone drools on 
[x] Gamer (I don't mind as long as he's not completely obsessed over it.)
[] Teacher
[] Chorerographer
[] Sponsor
[] Popular
[] Hater
[] Fanboy
[] Childish 
[] Fool
[] Has abs (6pacs scare me.)
[x] Hot (What is the definition of "hot"? e.e;;)
[] Jerk
[] Dancer
[] Disagrees with everything you like or do
[] Gets jealous of you 
[] Can't stand to see you with other guys 
[x] Doesn't care if you cheat on him or hang out with any guy (Hang out - come on, we need guy friends too!)
[] Hates your friends
[] Hates your family
[] Conceited
[] Selfish
[x] Happy
[x] Smiles a lot
[x] Ticklish
[x] Spends time with you
[x] Thinks every moment with you is important
[] Treats your relationship like a trash
[] Quitter
[x] Laughs a lot 
[] In sorrow, depression
[] Cries a lot 
[X] Tender-hearted
[] Short temper
[x] Long temper
[] Big 
[x] Sensitive
[x] Cares 
[x] Helpful


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Omg same xD