✤{J.A.D.E’s Kitchen Princess}

✤{J.A.D.E’s Kitchen Princess}



hello, my name is | Shin Raehwa, Reneé Shin (English)

to you, that's | Raeyna

pet names |
Rae - A short form of her name, it's for those who are too lazy to say her full name
> Angel - From Kibum, because to him, she's his angel and even though it makes her feel uncomfortable, he refuses to call her anything else
> Raeshin - From her beloved fans, not only does it mean goddess but it is also the switching of her first and last name
> Reney-ney - A stupid (in her opinion, but she won't say it) short form of her English name, from the J.A.D.E members. They normally use it if they want to annoy her or want her to get something for them

remember the date | December 30th, 1994 (19 - internationally, 20 - Korean)

a-yo |  position: leader, lead rapper | main vocalist, lead rapper | main dancer, lead vocalist | main rapper, lead dancer | visual, lead dancer

special |  Korean

the tongues i speak | English (native), Korean (fluent), Mandarin (conversational), Japanese (basic)

the creator | DreamAndDance | 9 | Ariana (nice to meet you Ivi ^^)

my memories | Los Angeles, California, USA

remain here | Seoul, South Korea

height | 164 cm

weight | 49 kg

the blood in my veins | A



watch out | Because of her soft and gentle appearance, many people aren't afraid to approach Raehwa. Typically, this is a bad move. Unless they're fans, Raehwa is cautious on who approaches her. She will bow her head to elderly strangers and help them if they need assistance, but only elders. If some stranger her age walks up, she avoids eye contact and pretends not to see them. This usually leads to people perceiving her as an unfriendly person. Raehwa is pretty much known for her quiet nature. She never raises her voice unless it is absolutely necessary. Raehwa looks like a total ice queen but once people get to know her better, she's sweet and more talkative and open around you. She's very self conscious of her image and strives to be polite to everyone. Because of this, she keeps her opinions to herself for fear her comments will offend people or that she'll get in trouble. She usually goes along with whatever people say without complaining.

Raehwa is very detail-orientated and a quick thinker. With a bit of practice, she always gets her choreography and song lyrics down. She's the one who speaks for her members when they've lost their train of thought, always protecting the group from scandals and things that are not meant to be said (which is ironic because she can't even protect herself). She has the ability to smooth over a tense situation with her soft, calming voice and always wants to find both sides to a story before making a decision. Raehwa is a bit of a perfectionist and tends to overthink, but expect things to get done more efficiently with her at your side. It takes a lot to make this girl angry. When it's basic anger, her whole face turns white and she clenches her fists. She becomes much more reserved and quieter. When it's pure rage however, the calm Raehwa lashes out and may hit you (if she dares). Her cold shoulders last up to a week; it's best advised that you apologize first because Raehwa will seriously ignore you. She'll refer to you as "that thing over there" or look straight past you as if you are nothing but thin air. Raehwa may look like a girl who forgives easily, but she can hold grudges for a very long time.

Onstage, Raehwa is pretty much the same. She is, however, a little more open and welcoming to her fans. No matter how tired, or angry, or frustrated Raehwa is, she never lets those emotions show to them. Even when she isn't in the mood, she willingly takes pictures with the fans and sign autographs for them. Raehwa struggles to be more active and talkative on variety shows, because she doesn't want her fans to think badly of her. When she performs, she gives it her all, so that her fans can be contented. She puts 100% soul, 100% passion and 100% charisma, especially in her dancing. Jung Boram has once said that Raehwa shines the best when she's on her own, but she dislikes taking the spotlight and would rather share it with her members instead. And as she is a polite girl, Raehwa bows not only to sunbaes, but to everybody, even to the rookies!

Unfortunately, Raehwa is very easy to push around. People take advantage of her submissive personality and they force her to do things she doesn't want to. She tends to trust people wholeheartedly as well. She falls into great despair whenever the trust is broken, yet she continues to trust others. Raehwa always tells herself to be tougher, but it's hard because she's simply too reluctant to fight against her enemeies. When it comes to verbal/physical fights, Raehwa can't fight back with harsh words or punches. She's weak, and she needs to rely on the J.A.D.E members to defend her. But she struggles to be independent, because she doesn't like it when people pity or worry about her.

Raehwa may seem strong on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Raehwa she'll never make it as an idol. Raehwa pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. When her progress does not meet her expectations, she bursts into tears and members often find her in the bathroom stall crying. She cannot handle criticism well, and although she gracefully accepts the criticism, something inside her shatters. She tends to scold herself for being the way she is and forces herself to work harder until she is deemed perfect. Raehwa had been raised in a household that accepted only perfection, so she strives to be the definition of perfect.

i don’t belong here | For a girl who looks somewhat friendly, Raehwa hesitates when it comes to strangers and new people, which makes it difficult to interact with others. And as successful as Raehwa is, she just doesn't feel satisfied with herself. She craves perfection - in fact, she's obsessed with it. So many people in her life expect her to be perfect. Tarot has already set a pretty high standard for her, since a majority of their groups are talented and amazing. She's so afraid of failing those expectations. And even though Raehwa loves performing, she can't help but imagine what she could've ended up as if she had chosen a different path. She certainly had another future, but left it to become an idol. She often wonders about her past decisions, and whether she has made the right ones.

intimidated, yet? | Raehwa has an absolute sense of taste - meaning she can detect even the slightest flavor. Basically, she can judge a taste without comparing it. Once Raehwa tastes something, she will never forget the taste, even if she has eaten it one time. Raehwa can also tell what is in a specific food and how it was made. She can even replicate the same taste perfectly. Honestly, if Raehwa wasn't an idol, she could be a world famous chef because of her talent. Her talent is valued and rare in the culinary world.

likes |

> Baking/cooking
> Food (sweets in particular)
> Pandas
> Orchid and sakura flowers
> Disney movies
> Children and babies
> Music boxes
> Vintage items (e.g. Polaroids, brooches, teacups)
> Sour Patch Watermelon candy
> The night sky

dislikes |

> Being told she's a failure, or just failure in general
> Being reminded of her past
> Loud arguments
> Waking up early
> Black coffee
> Heavy makeup
> Nosy people
> People who say her food is bad without proper reasonings
> Tight clothing
> Roses

hobbies |

> Choreographing short dances
> Looking through new recipes
> Baking for others
> Teaching her dogs new tricks
> Experimenting new restaurants in the city
> Squealing over panda videos
> Practicing origami

trivia |

> J-birds like to joke around that Raehwa doesn't belong in Tarot - she's one of the quieter and calmer idols of the company
 She has two Bichon Frise dogs, named Marron and Honey
> She was supposed to debut with f(x) but was replaced by Sulli, a fact that makes Raehwa bitter and resentful. Whenever an f(x) song plays, she immediately switches it off
> In J-Diary, the J.A.D.E members once made pudding for Raehwa without telling her who made which pudding and she guessed each one correctly
> She keeps track of each J.A.D.E members' individual and favorite tastes, so that when she bakes for them, she can make it to their preference. For example, Raehwa knows Riel likes spicy foods, so she bakes a chilli cake for Riel, spicy but still sweet
> In J-Diary, Raehwa lost a bet to the leader and was forced to dance to Gangnam Style through the Tarot hallways wearing a ridiculous chicken outfit. It was either that or singing Justin Bieber's "As Long As You Love Me" to V-locity's Kibum
> In J-Diary, she caught most of the fans' attention not only because of her visuals, but that she was always eating
> As a young child, Raehwa won many culinary awards as well as eating competitions. She is J.A.D.E's resident shikshin
> She has matching bracelets and earrings with the leader, they wear it when they go to fanmeets
> Even though she's not close to them, most of the pictures on her Instagram (@shinrae) consist of the V-locity '93 line making stupid poses in the background, the ECLiPSE members taking derpy selcas. It's either that or the food she has eaten or baked
> Her anti-fans gave her a stuffed piggy, which would've been sweet but the anti-fans made fun of how she eats a lot. Raehwa was so upset she cried in the bathroom, and Riel had to pull her out. After Raehwa was comforted by Riel, she posted a picture of the stuffed pig sitting on her bed on Instagram, thanking her haters for the toy
> In a special episode of J-Diary, a lucky fanboy named Yoo Seungho had the opportunity to go out on a date with Raehwa. They went to Lotte World together, and when the day was over they exchanged emails. Raehwa still emails him to this day, and she later said that Seungho was her first date - V-locity's Kibum was quite jealous when he heard that.
>Whenever J.A.D.E is at the aiport, Raehwa is always seen toting around a Panda Pillow Pet named Jiji, a gift from a fan she received shortly after J.A.D.E's debut
> She's severely allergic to roses. If she smells one or if she touches one, her whole face swells up and she can't breathe. Kibum learned this the hard way
> She was ranked #3 on Top 10 Most Beautiful Kpop Girls in 2013, but she gets embarrassed whenever someone brings it up
> She is often shipped with Tao of EXO because of their extreme fondness for pandas
> When she gets bored, she randomly grabs whoever is in front of her and starts braiding their hair, even if it's a guy
> She can never keep nail polish on for long because she likes to chip them within two days - it drives the stylists crazy
> She was the female cameo in Huh Gak's "It Hurts" MV, Henry's "1-4-3" MV, and BTS's "Beautiful"
> Even if she's busy with promotions and performances, Raehwa must watch a Disney movie every Saturday night
> She is often called V's twin sister, because she has the same birthdate as him
> She is called the Kitchen Princess, since she's always seen in the kitchen baking or cooking
> Her fans are called Raesins (Raisins,
#9966ff) because in the J-Diary grocery store episode (the one where Riel was complaining about the animal crackers) Raehwa was quietly shaking boxes of raisins because she liked the rattling sound of it.


my song | This is Me - Demi Lovato



the stars in my night sky | family: Father | Shin Jaehyun | 48 | Hotel owner | Jaehyun is a very emotionless, harsh man. He expects only the best and won't accept anything he deems imperfect. He has a realistic mindset and doesn't believe in childish dreams, such as becoming an idol. Even as a child, Raehwa didn't speak to her father much. Jaehyun wasn't the kind father who always gave his daughter presents or read her stories at night. No, he was the father who left her at the care of nannies and made her eat meals alone every night. He pushed her aside and often focused on his work more than her. Jaehyun did not acknowledge her accomplishments; he always expected Raehwa to be the absolute best, and when she wasn't, he would ignore her. He would yell at her to get out of his way, and wouldn't accept anything she gave to him, because in his eyes, she is not that perfect child he wants. Ever since Raehwa entered the idol world, Jaehyun hasn't contacted her for over seven years. She sends him countless emails but he doesn't respond to them, and he even blocked her phone number. Raehwa often cries because of that, and the J.A.D.E members have to console her | 2

once upon a time | Raehwa was born into a wealthy, high-class family in Los Angeles, California. Her father owned a large successful chain of hotels across the globe. Raehwa's mother had died shortly after her birth, so it was always Raehwa and her father. Jaehyun decided that his daughter would become a culinary chef instead of taking over his hotel business. As soon as Raehwa reached the age of six, she was put into intense culinary classes. While other children played outside, Raehwa spent her childhood cooped up in the kitchen, and even though she won numerous junior culinary competitions (and eating competitions), it never satisfied Jaehyun. When she was eight, Raehwa was introduced into the world of K-pop by her teenage nanny, who quietly taught her how to dance. Once Jaehyun found out, he dismissed the nanny and ordered Raehwa to forget everything about K-pop. For the first time however, Raehwa disobeyed him and declared she wanted to become an idol. She secretly sent an audition video to SM, and when she was accepted, Jaehyun threatened to disown if she left. Although Raehwa was afraid, she decided to move to Seoul alone for training at SM and her father cut off all contact with her.

After two years of hard training at SM, fourteen year old Raehwa was chosen for the original line-up of f(x), a new girl group. However, SM decided to replace Raehwa at the last minute with Choi Jinri, because in their words Jinri was "prettier, more talented, and more confident" than Raehwa. This was a major blow to Raehwa's pride, and a week before f(x)'s debut Raehwa left SM Entertainment. Raehwa couldn't return home because her father had basically disowned her, so Raehwa had to work a number of odd jobs to support herself. One of the main jobs was working at a bakery, which Raehwa loved. One night, after the bakery closed, Raehwa danced around the store, thinking no one was watching her. But a woman named Jung Boram happened to pass by outside and caught Raehwa. Boram asked Raehwa to perform again for her, and after a stunned Raehwa danced, Boram saw the potential in the girl and invited her to Tarot. Although she was hesitatant (she didn't want a repeat of what happened at SM), Raehwa gave in to Boram's request and auditioned for Tarot Entertainment.   

thank you all | friends: Yoo Seungho | 19 | Seungho is a ten year old stuck in a nineteen year old boy's body. You never really know what he's thinking, because most of his actions are unexpected and unpredictable. He's someone you want to defend you, because he has a witty mouth that can sass your enemy to shame / As Raehwa stated, Seungho was her first date, and she adores him. Even though Raehwa is always busy, she continues emailing him every day, asking him the usual how-was-your-day and telling him funny stories of the J.A.D.E girls. Seungho keeps track of J.A.D.E and shows up to every J.A.D.E fanmeet, not only because they're his favorite group but also because Raehwa is there | 9

Krystal Jung | 19 | Krystal tends to exhibit a very cold, unfriendly exterior, which causes people to either immediatedly dislike her or avoid her. But in reality, she is a really easy-going girl. Krystal honestly doesn't give a crap about what people say about her, and always manages to hold her head high even at the hardest of the times / Krystal is one of the few people Raehwa is talkative and loud around. Despite their busy schedules, they always try to squeeze in time for lunch or a quick stroll near the Han River. They're both native English speakers, so a majority of their conversations are in English. They also gently tease each other too; Raehwa would quietly joke that Krystal's acting while Krystal says Raehwa's dancing  | 8.5

Park Jimin | see love rival section

(Other than those three people, Raehwa mostly sticks with the Tarot groups)

dead end | rivals: Choi Jinri 'Sulli' | 19 | Sulli is your bubbly, aeygo filled girl. She is a very whimsical girl and likes to think on the positive side, However, she is a straightforward person, and blurts out words without thinking. Luckily, people think it's funny and pick up her unexpected words as good humor | It's been years, but Raehwa basically views Sulli as the reason why she didn't get to debut with f(x). Even though Raehwa is with J.A.D.E, she still holds a grudge against Sulli, simply because Raehwa feels that she was a better pick for f(x) than Sulli. Sulli honestly has no real ill-will towards Raehwa; she believes she has done absolutely nothing wrong, so she sees Raehwa's treatment towards her unfair and childish. And their fans fuel the rivalry even more; f(x) fans often state that SM was right to replace Raehwa with Sulli, and J-birds come to Raehwa's rescue by bashing Sulli | They don't associate with each other that much, but when they do, it's frosty and cold. Raehwa throws resentful glares at Sulli when the latter isn't looking, and when Raehwa turns away, Sulli complains to her members about how Raehwa gives her dirty looks for no reason. If they're forced to talk to each other, Raehwa is her normal self, mumbling one worded answers and remains quiet. Sulli on the other, acts like her bubbly self and tries to engage in a conversation with Raehwa, so she looks like she's trying to make friends with supposed ice queen Raehwa. She smiles sweetly at Raehwa, and calls her "my lovely dongsaeng," while Raehwa's hand, and Raehwa replies, "my lovely sunbae," with her lips pressed together to conceal her gritted teeth. 



face-claim | Apink 's Son Naeun

back up face-claim | Soloist Lee Jieun '"IU"

vocal twin | Apink's Naeun

backup vocal twin | Apink's Naeun

dancing twin | Apink's Bomi

backup dancing twin | Apink's Bomi

rapping twin | Apink's Naeun (ignore Taemin bwhahaha)

backup rapping twin | Secret's Zinger


i’m singing my blues | Raehwa's greatest asset is definitely her visuals, but she doesn't just rely on her pretty face. While Raehwa's skills aren't at the level of the main dancer, she is one of the better dancers. She picks up choreography quickly and has natural musicality when she dances. She is really adaptable to different kinds of dances, which make it easy for her when J.A.D.E switches concepts. Raehwa is definitely the quiet, calm girl, but she's not afraid to kick it up onstage. If you ask her to do a y dance, she'll do as you request. She is especially good at freestyling and improvising at dance. She's probably one of the weaker vocalists in the group, and she can't hit high notes. Raehwa has a bit of trouble singing from the stomach rather than the throat, and she struggles with breathing when she sings, but other than that she can carry a nice tune. As for rapping...don't ask her to rap for you. Ever. Raehwa does work hard at her rapping, but whenever she showcases it she ends up stumbling over her words and getting tongue tied.

suddenly | Raehwa has a very polished, somewhat girly vintage style. So that means a lot of skirts, dresses, boots, flat shoes, heels, bows, and floral patterns. Even when Raehwa is out shopping for groceries, she's always wearing something nice, because she believes there's always a camera somewhere. It's not like she's trying to be the most fashionable, it's just that she was raised to look perfect and poised at all times, so she's dressed to impress 1 | 2 | 3



mr. right | Kibum {V-locity}

clap | June 17th, 1993 (20)

i wanna love | Kibum is the leader of V-locity, and, as such, has responsibilities. When it comes to being a leader, he's remniscient of ECLiPSE's Mei in that he completely disregards his regular personality and just takes complete responsiblity of the group, being responsible and super protective. If there's "ManaMei", there's also "ManaKi". But when he doesn't have to be all mature, Kibum's the resident "creepy byuntae ajhussi". According to the other members, he "preys on innocent girls" and "flirts whenever he has the chance" - which is true, but only to a certain extent. He's a bit of a flirt, sure, but he's not creepy. Don't worry. However, Kibum is famous for presenting roses to every female he encounters, hence his nickname "Lord of the Roses." He's really approchable to everyone who meets him - and, as a member of the '93 trio, a complete dork who's constantly making NG's or photobombing. Kibum also teases those he's close to and is a natural at making small-talk. He's also an extremely loyal friend, always there to lend a shoulder if you need it. He doesn't look into the negative aspects of people and tries to view the good in everyone without judging.

be ma guy | A week before V-locity's debut, Jung Boram called all the Tarot groups to the meeting room to welcome the newest boy group. While Raehwa waited for the V-locity members to arrive, Kibum entered the meeting room and saw her sitting by herself. Being an approchable person, Kibum immediately sat next to her and said hi. Raehwa, who doesn't like it when strangers talk to her, was a little wary and ignored him. So Kibum decided to charm her with his famous move - giving her a rose. However, he didn't know about her allergy to roses, and they both panicked when Raehwa's face began swelling. A chaotic hospital trip and a passionate apology later, Raehwa accepted Kibum and finally introduced herself to him.

no more cologne on you | If Raehwa was to see Kibum across the street squealing, "Raehwa!" at the top of his lungs, she'd immediately walk in the opposite direction. It's not that Raehwa doesn't like him, it's just that he makes her feel a bit uncomfortable, mostly because of the "The Great Rose" incident. Kibum flirts with many girls, but his main victim girl is Raehwa. He really can't go for a day without making a flirty comment to Raehwa or wrapping his arms around her waist. He pulls her onto his lap when she passes by him or grabs her hand as they walk down the hallways. If they do have a proper conversation, it's mostly Kibum chatting about random things ("Raehwa, how's Jiji, your Pillow Pet?" "Raehwa, what are you baking today?" "Raehwa, can you give me extra chocolate chip cookies on Friday?") while Raehwa listens to him and remains quiet. He often insists that she call him 'oppa,' and although she wants to be polite, she doesn't feel close enough to him to call him that.  Kibum genuinely has a crush on Raehwa, but she thinks he's just playing around with her and does her best to ignore the V-locity leader. Kibum takes his work seriously, but if he hears that Raehwa is outside the practice rooms, he immediately ditches practice to hang around her. It's kind of normal to see Raehwa stare at Kibum before she backs up and runs away. In fact, the entire company finds it amusing, and Kibum is often tormented by the other V-locity members for his unrequited love. But he always exclaims that he'll win Raehwa's heart, as to him, they were "made for each other." On variety shows, Kibum proudly declares that Raehwa is his girlfriend and eagerly makes up stuff about them whenever TV hosts question him about their relationship. While Raehwa expresses discomfort at being called "Kibum's girlfriend," she makes no move to fully deny it when people about it, probably because she doesn't like sharing her opinions and hurting Kibum's feelings. When it comes to Raehwa's wellbeing, Kibum puts it as one of his top priorities, maybe even in front of s. When people criticize Raehwa, he gets extremely protective of her and claims that his "angel" is perfect. And if she's injured, he literally drops everything and gives her a good scolding before hugging her tightly. But it doesn't make Raehwa happy, because she strives to be independent, and often tells Kibum let her take care of herself. He becomes extremely jealous when other boys talk to Raehwa, and always demands her to tell him who they are, which sometimes annoys her and she ignores him. When she does so, he whines to the other V-locity members that "my girlfriend is ignoring me!"

The reason why Kibum is in love with Raehwa is not because of her pretty face (Kibum thinks all girls are beautiful), but because of her personality. Even though she's not the most talkative person, she intrigues him. He loves the way she squeals whenever she sees a panda or eats food. He also loves watching her perform onstage or bake, because she shows dedication and passion towards them. And for Kibum, he especially adores and admires people who work their butts off to do what they love.

lovefool | Awkward friends (in Kibum's little world, boyfriend and girlfriend)

no.1 | Hmm, you can choose ^^ I don't care whether they end up together or not, but I do want them to acknowledge their feelings at some point

just in case | Jung Ilhoon


run, run | Park Jimin {BTS}

run away |

With a cheeky smile and perfectly scuplted abs, Jimin is the ultimate cutie of BTS. Onstage, he oozes out charisma and performs with a fierce passion. He may seem a bit vain from the way he smirks at his reflection and looks at the camera, but he still manages to carry himself in a confident manner without looking arrogant. Except a guy has his insecurities, right? Even though he has a confident attitude Jimin often feels self conscious, despite his gorgeous smile and equally gorgeous abs. But Jimin hides it with a bright smile and continues being the 'cutie' of BTS. He enjoys telling corny jokes to lighten up people's spirits, but no one really gets his jokes so they just laught awkwardly to make him feel better. No matter how many obstacles he faces, Jimin has a strong will to never give up and pushes himself to work to the very limit. Although there are times where he's so chatty, Jimin can be introverted and shy, especially around new people. Jimin is a little on the naive side, he honestly does not get half the things people say and it's just so easy to becase of that.

Ever since they met on the set of "Beautiful," Jimin and Raehwa have been very close. Whenever they're backstage, Raehwa is the fussy noona who checks to make sure Jimin's microphone is working or fixing his hair. Jimin is one of the few people she feels quite comfortable sharing her feelings with, so she tells him all her insecurities and fears. While she treats him like the little brother she never had, he has a not-so-secret crush on her. Not like Kibum, who blabbers out to the world about it, but if you knew the two well enough you would notice Jimin's crush on her from the way he gazes at her from far away and him reaching out to tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear. Only the BTS members know about his crush, so they often try to come up with schemes to match Raehwa and Jimin together. Jimin always plans these elaborate conversations out in his mind, but once he's face to face with Raehwa - BAM! The cool, confident Jimin becomes tongue-tied and he becomes clusmier. He trips over his own feet or crashes into chairs in front of her. But she just giggles and calls him her silly little dongsaeng. Jimin is well aware of the whole "Kibum + Raehwa" thing, but that doesn't stop him from following Raehwa around. In fact, whenever Jimin encounters Kibum, he links arms with Raehwa and cheekily says, "Kibum hyung, guess who I'm dating?" and both Raehwa and Jimin become amused with Kibum's reaction. Jimin is a bit of a Raehwa fanboy, he secretly has a photo gallery of her on his phone and he even squeals when she appears onstage.


comments | I might have gone overboard with Raehwa's and Kibum's interaction...oh well I couldn't stop imagining them tgoether! xD

suggestions | Season 2 of J-Diary :D but maybe include more of the Tarot artists? And maybe a Hello Baby for J.A.D.E?

requests | Raehwa disovers that the hotel J.A.D.E is staying at belongs to her father's chain, and unexpectedly bumps into him there

password | whoz that girl -exid or tonight - spica



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