Rail Runners


Yu Gyeong Sang

FlowerChild94 | 2


Full name: Gyeong Sang Yu

Nickname: Sang

Birthday + Age: October 14, 1993 20

Birth town: Seoul, South Korea

Home town: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean


You're my fine girl

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Personality: Very loving and quiet. she cares for who is hers but if you arnt dont expect help from her

Background: when she was little she was in an accedent that took her memory and her hearing. she doent remeber anything from when she was six. the people that caused the accident took her in and raised her as one of their own. they were wealthy people, but she never felt connected to them. she loved them more than anything, but she felt like she shouldnt be with them. 

when she was sixteen, her older brother took her out one night and they got lost. a runner found them and helped them. she would sneak out and give him food and aid when he needed it. 

Likes: her siblings, mornings, dogs, cats, animals, drawing, sunrises 

Dislikes: how people are living, nights, lightning, fake fruit, snakes 

Fears: falling, snakes

Habits: almost singing, sneeking out 

Trivia: she is deaf, she never knew her family, she loves running, she can sing but she doesnt know it, she has a dog, she is alergic to the exaust from the mines, she has a real brother on the rails, she has a cat


This is the difference between me and you

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'mother' | Moon Young Meong | 43 | lady | she treats Sang like one of her own | 10
'father' | Moon Yun Seong | 49 | lord of trades | he sees her as an outsider, but doesnt treat her differantly | 7
'brother' | Moon Minhyuk | 20 | Status in Society | they are closer than anyone, they do everything together | 11
'brother' | Moon Sang Seong | 7 | Status in Society | he doesnt know she isnt his sister, he adores her | 9
'brother' | Moon Kyung Jeong | 6 | Status in Society | he looks up to her, he wants to be like her and Minhyuk one day | 9

Best friend: 

'brother' | Moon Minhyuk | 20 | Status in Society | they are closer than anyone, they do everything together | 11



I'm not over you
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Face claim: Jooyi



Back up face claim: Girim




I'm going to meet her

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Love interest: Hwang Min Hyun

Personality: proper and helpful. he could pass as a noble man if he wanted to. he is too loyal to the runners though

How you met: Minhyuk and Sang were lost Minhyun helped them

How you interact: she helps him with anything. if not for her he might not have survived the drought  few years back


Back up love interest: 


How you met: 

How you interact: 


Don't trap yourself inside



Scene requests: 

Password: Yeoboseyo, Fine girl, Face, Not over you, Action

Anything else I should know: 


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