Weight-Loss Journal: Day 16

So, today was... difficult, to say the least. I felt dissapointed in myself and my actions. But I'm getting back on track.

I hope you all still believe in me.

Kat/writerinprogress94 signing off


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Hi :) I've read all your posts lately and I'm really inspired by them! I've been wanting to lose weight for a while. I used to be in shape but now I gained weight -.- if you ever need someone to talk to when you're down or if you need some inspiration, don't hesitate to message me! I don't bite and I'll help you in any way I can.
Today I tried working out it didn't end up how I what'd my legs BURN and when it was during the work out I kept on yelling out AH THE BURN
What happened?
Fighting on weight loss! I started working out recently :3 I'm not sure if I can get started on my diet though...