I swear I saw Yeo Jin Goo

So, I was at work yesterday for Mother's day, right? In case you haven't read my past blog posts/author's notes, I work at a grocery store.

So I'm just sitting there, being my regular happy-greet-the-customer self




When, out of the corner of my eye, I see a guy in a suit walk in. Like, I'm talking tuxedo, looked ready for a movie premier suit. That's already out of the ordinary enough, and I look to see who he is.

He turned his head for a moment, and I see this














I flipped the frack out. I kept trying to locate him in the store. A few minutes later I had to run to floral to get a price check, and HE WAS RIGHT THERE.

I know it couldn't have possibly been Yeo Jin Goo, but the resemblance was uncanny...


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