I can review

Hey guys, how are you?

Hope you're okay...:D 

I am so tsresse dwith the Exams for University and i need something to cool me of and i thought of something. What if i review some of your fics? Would you like that? i mean...between studying my off and taking exams i have time reading some chapters of your fics :D 

Here's my demands : 

  • There have to be BigBang fics, or mainly bigbang :D
  • i would like completed fics or ones close to an end.

Do we have a deal? XD

Would you be interested? PM me or comment here or do whatever you want :D



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LoneShiba #1
I haven't been on aff for a long time XD
like loooooooooong time >,<
so I don't think I have anything to be reviewed since my fic now is about comedy (well, I'm trying XD) and it's kinda have...no end? XD

well, I still wish the best for your exams ^^