Weight-Loss Journal: Days 13 to 15 + a VERY important note

Morning, everyone!

Before I say anything more, I'll clarify that this post is the combined journal for day #13 {the 20th of January} through day #15 {the 22nd of January} of my weight-loss journal.

It's hard for me to say, but as I hit the 2 week mark, I began to loose focus. On about day #12, on my trip downtown, I began to fall back to my old ways, and I told myself that I had walked around for about 2 or 3 hours so I didn't need to work out (completely ignoring the facts that first, I wasn't walking fast enough to have it considered a work-out and second, about half —and maybe more— of that time was spent sitting down).

Day #13 was worse. I started off the day by waking up late, then heading straight to the refigerator. I won't mention what I ate, but it definately wasn't healthy and I certainly didn't write it down. And the work-out? Nope. I went to work and convinced myself that if I moved fast enough, it would count.

The store was so slow that they sent me to do returns. I still didn't work-out.

Days 14 and 15 were worse. My mom even came in and took her note off my "inspirational notes" board. When I asked her why, she looked at me and said, "Because you're falling back into your old ways. And to think I really believed you wanted to change."

It hurt me, but the look on her face that made me feel like I'd betrayed her was a hundred times worse.

Then, right before I was going to bed yesterday, this commercial came on TV and really put it all in perspective.

I think that because I didn't have my 1-week crisis, that's the reason I started to fall off my routine this week. I know I can do it, though. Especially with all of you to believe in me ^-^

Until tonight's journal, this is Kat/writerinprogress94 signing off!


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I believe you can do it! Although it's very hard, in the end it would definitely be worth it. Good luck Kat! ^-^