Colours of Truth (Thanks B2stFan3!)

Purple: 10 Facts about my room
1. I own 2 rooms actually - one bedroom, one computer/play room. XD
2. I have a couch in my bedroom.
3. Cream walls everywhere.
4. much as I love K-pop I can't deal with guys staring down at me every night when I sleep. .-.
5. The number of bibles I have on my bookshelf, desk and my own bed is ridiculous. LMAO!!
6. White desk.
7. I don't have a nightstand.
8. Due to my mum's obsession with cats, there's a giant photo of a fluffy cat on top of my bookshelf.
9. My bed is extreeeemely hard.
10. Built-in closet with a mirror. ^^v
Blue: 9 Facts about my Family
1. Only child.
2. I have a mum.
3. I have a dad.
4. Only 3 people in our family.
5. We have our roots in Hong Kong.
6. Only my family and my cousin's family live in Australia.
7. My cousin had a baby girl last year in August.
8. Her name is Annisa. Or Anissa. I dunno the spelling. OTL
9. My grandma in HK is turning 95 this year.
Green: 8 Facts about my Appearance
1. I am short.
2. I've also gotten a lot more chubbier this year since I'm in HK.
3. My hair is getting long now.
4. I have fat lips that can be comparable to Dongwoo or Niel.
5. Deep-set eyes, apparently.
6. Large forehead. 
7. My ankles are extreeeeemely slim compared to my calves.
8. Never dyed my hair, but it goes reddish-brown in the sun. o.0"
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
1. Pingu was, and still is, my role model.
2. I loved pink. Ew.
3. I liked Bratz over Barbie dolls.
4. Burnt my left arm in hot water when I was 4.
5. Had my first ear piercings when I was 8.
6. I used to look like a pretty doll when I was little. HOHOHO NOW LOOK AT MEH. B|
7. Learnt piano when I was 5 and somehow I trained myself to have relative pitch during that time too.
Orange: 6 Facts about my Hometown
1. Asian invasion.
2. Clean air.
3. 4 seasons in 1 day.
4. My school used to be an orchid.
5. Sweet water.
6. Live close to the cities.
Red: 5 Facts about my Best Friend
1. Known her for over 10 years now.
2. Our parents are friends too.
3. Fellow Asian.
4. Loves pink, shopping, and Hello Kitty.
5. Is YG-biased but these days she's obsessing over EXO...e.e;;
Pink: 4 Facts about my Parents
1. I have very old parents - they are now in their 60s.
2. Thankfully, they don't look their age...yet.
3. My mum used to have blue eyebrows. She got them re-tattooed again not long ago.
4. I am an IVF baby, which explains my parents' old age.
Brown: 3 Facts about my Personality 
1. INFP.
2. ^ Despite that, I can get pretty crazy and wild around my friends.
3. I hardly ever get angry, nor is it easy for me to hate someone.
Grey: 2 Facts about my Fav things
1. I like green.
2. I love eggs and potatoes.
Black: 1 Fact about the person I like
1. He is Virgo.
And for the last fact, I'm referring to both my K-pop bias and him in RL...eue;;


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PS i'm a Virgo (; awhhh sorry bb but our love will stay platonic ;;
i feel like doing this but i'm so lazy ;;
Brown number 2 is so true xD You can some time go over cray cray