
The fact that sleep is not required to live is cool, except for the fact that I need sleep for my brain to have a mental rest. I want to skip out on that mental rest, but the results are less than acceptable. I am fine for the first 4 or so hours, then I start to get slap happy and after that 45 minute phase passes I usually get really mad at everyone for everything, and don’t want to do anything. After that I start to function better, but I only do the bare minimum and I struggle to do that. Then I start to doze off and end up taking a three hour nap. After the nap I feel just like my regular upbeat self…but then when people start to get annoying and things start to require less thought I realize how tired I am and go home to take another long nap, even though I slept twelve hours the night before. so yeah. I have to succumb to the human necessity/not really necessity because if you don't sleep you mentally deteriorate. Yes the complicated life of Misty. mhm I know I have a hard life. no I don't. REMEMBER KIDS SLEEP BECAUSE THE BEST RELATIONSHIP YOU WILL EVER HAVE IS THE ONE BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR BED! imma go sleep now #byefelicia. 


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