
Breath, you have to breathe. Keep the oxygen flowing through your lungs. Fill them up and empty them. Sometimes we breathe fast. Our heart beats faster and it seems like all we have to do is go faster. Once I hit a certain speed I feel like I can fly. My lungs and throat burn but that pain is nothing compaired to the real pain deep down. The pain I can't escape-the pain that lingers. Running, that’s just a distraction from the real pain and no matter how fast I go or how long I run I will never make it off the ground and fly. Even flying will not take away this intense pain. The stupid things I do. The things that are so reckless and dont get a second thought, those things are the subconscious mind-my subconscious mind working aginst me. It's like two people fighting for control. Who will win who will call themselves Misty? Who will I become? What will I do? Who should win? How much is too much. What are the rules in this battle? Does no one know? And in the middle of it all here I am...persisting-or so they say. They don’t see the waver in the candle light. They don’t see the slightest flicker. All the while I’m trapped. Forced to sit on the bench and watch the self destruction of the one who is me. I know myself inside and out and all I can do is watch I am frozen. And in my frozenness I have become a prisonier to the two other selves, the two  battling for control. Why am I in chains? Why does no one see? I'm stuck for the time being but I will prevail in the end. I will emerge the winner. I will break free of the chains that hold me prisoner the chains that pull me back aginst my will. I wont need distractions from the pain because there will be no pain. Once the battle is over I will be the winner. The two selves fight and destroy eachother. Neither is strong enough to beat me I am the winner and winners never lose.

I have hope. That is the one thing they are missing. I have hope I will break free when it seems like there is nothing left. There is always hope. Where my hope lies, that is for me to know. And in the end I will win. I will sacrifice what is needed, I will do what needs to be done, but I will emerge the winner I will be the best me that ever was. I will not succumb to the ways of the others I will be the best by far and I will leave my mark on the World. I am the only me that will ever be. No one no matter how close they come will ever be me. No genetic clown can think the way I can. No one will ever make the exact same choices I have made. They might look the same in appearance but only I can be me. Only I can fight the fight. Even when I am sitting on the sidelines I can still fight I may not be out on the battle field but mine counts. I count. Everything I do counts for something no matter how small. I will Prevail.  Even though I am human and cannot be everywhere at once I can get my message out I can touch the lives of others through my words. I can console people. I can help. Even in my work I can go far. My goal is not to be widely known and popular. My goal, the goal most important to me is to reach out and help heal a hurting world. I might not be able to fix everything but I sure can try. In life everything counts. Every last thing. All of the wounds and scars, they weren’t for nothing. It all had a purpose. The wounds and scars helped shape who  I am. The wounds of others their scars, they all helped shape me and who I am today. In the worlds eyes I am nothing but a number. Another person living on this earth, But someday I will be someone. I will make a difference. And to me that is what counts. Not the money. Money  can’t buy happiness. Money can’t buy success. The richest man on earth could look like he has it all but he might not feel successful. I want to earn everything I get. One way or another I will earn it. True success comes from within. 






A/N: Thanks for reading. Comment to let me know if you think it's any good. 


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