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Hi guys :D So I was free this weekend and look what I made x3 I'm planning to make some more posters since I can't sleep OTL Feel free to criticize me, I love advices and such, even if they are a tiny bit ruuude xD












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momokitten #1
you should do a poster for our rp
*toddles away*
the first two, I really like.
The last one they seem out of place. Background picture and Character Picture is fine, but it looks rushed compared to the other two. Also the coloring of the girl is too bright. if you tone it down a bit, I think it would work. And move the wording to above instead of on the girl.
But that's just my opinion and I'm no graphic reviewer lol
The middle one looks perf *-* they all do but the middle one is perf *v*
xinnie #4
the first is good in meging but not in size,

second one is good in merging as well however some of the words couldnt been seen near the clock,if u get what i mean

and the last one has a good background and the placeing of the words is good,well for me,but the color and the charecters didnt really go well with it for me.

hehe! hope it helped!
I take it that you like clocks...
Yepp, the middle ones still ma fav, and the last one is my least, but its still really creative o.O