Weight-Loss Journal: Day 8

So, I was like half asleep when I remembered I hadn't posted today XD

I've survived past the first week! And I'm still going for it! This is promising ^-^

My trial to pass for tonight, in my opinion, was the hardest yet. I had to choose between my mother's sherried beef and noodles.... or a chicken salad.

*sigh* I chose the salad in the end, but I wanna cry~ T.T

Seriously though, seeing all the comments I've gotten, and good luck messages really gives me strength. Love you guys! <3

Kat/writerinprogress94 signing off!




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Great job and remember you can always reward yourself once a week :P
I'm so proud of you Kat! People always say that the first week is the hardest so I'm sure it's only going to get better from here! Good luck, and I'm sure you can do it! :D