On comments, subscribers and upvotes

Now I have to admit that this blog post was inspired by a similar post by Conchobar earlier and whilst I am nowhere near as eloquent as he is, I do share the sentiment.
As authors here on AFF, we probably all spend a lot of our time away from the site itching to get back on and check our comments. I know I sure as hell do. In my opinion, there is nothing more motivating than logging onto the website and seeing the 'New Story Comment' alert. Seriously, it gives me the happy fuzzies. I like happy fuzzies.
I appreciate every comment, from the simple 'Please update' to the massive long gushy comments that make me want to cry and hug that person so tight they can't breathe because it's amazing that they say so much about something little old me has written, ya know.
I personally prefer comments to upvotes or subscribers. Yeah, I appreciate them all and they all make me feel fuzzy, but there's nothing that makes me smile as much as a really nice comment about something I wrote. I also love getting comments from new readers. I have readers that will read every fic that I post and seriously, I adore them more than words can say, but getting new subscribers saying that my fic made them cry or laugh is so uplifting as well.
But how many of us can genuinely say that they comment on every fic they complete? I can't.
Oh, I try. I try to always leave a constructive long comment (preferably with insane fangirling for the very bestest fics) but sometimes it just doesn't happen. Maybe I'm reading on my phone (I hate typing comments on my phone), so I try to remember to comment when I get back onto my computer but then I forget or life gets in the way. It happens easily and it happens to everyone.
Even the fics that I adore sometimes go uncommented on and I feel so guilty over that!

Now I am honestly not discounting upvotes and subscribers!

I know there are some authors out there that like all of their readers to subscribe and that is a habit that I'm trying to get into, but I've never done it before. For me, before someone told me that they think it's rude to read and enjoy and not subscribe, subscribing was something I only didfor ongoing fics, contests or review shops. I'm going to force myself into the habit of subscribing, upvoting and commenting on all stories, but in my opinion commenting is still the most important. You know that the readers are actually reading the fic, rather than subscribing for another day then leaving it and forgetting it.

So in my opinion, if you enjoy a fic enough to subscribe you should also be able to type out a real quick comment like "Oh this was so good, this part was funny. I liked this character. looking forward to the next update." It takes not even one minute and you have probably made the author a little happier when they see it. I gues it also works vice-versa, if you enjoy a fic well enough to comment, you should also subscribe and even upvote.

So I am going to take an oath, and I invite you fellow AFFers to join me:

I, StarlightSpirit, do solemnly swear to review all fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else.

I have joined the Review Revolution.




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I don't comment unless I really, really loved a story and I only subscribe to ongoing stories, but if I enjoy a story I *always* upvote.

The other day I uploaded a story I didn't think was too bad, and once I saw I had 3 subscribers and 85 views, I was like, "alright, subscribers only." The subscriber count exploded and now it has about 120 for 800 views, but three upvotes. It annoys me because I don't know if it means people dislike the ending/they thought it was good but not upvote-worthy, if people subscribing have less than 25 karma, or if they're just forgetting/too lazy to upvote. I'm going to have to go to a review shop just to make sure my ending doesn't XD
evangeline101 #2
Hahahs XD the review revolution^^ /solemn bow/ but honestly I agree with you :)
I totally agree:) and I guess you can say I've already been on the review revolution haha cuz I always comment on every fic I've read so far:) comments totally make my day too!!! :D that fuzzy feeling is just awesome lol
join the Review Revolution XD
i certainly do that to every fic i read though my comments are not long. but omfg yes, i know that feeling of getting "happy fuzzies" definitely joining it.
i do agree with you, i love to reading comments and ppl who leave comment on mu writting. it would be glad if they subs or upvote, but comment is such a thing that i appreciate so much.
i'm not trying to sound pusst or what, but i always leave single comment on every story i red (oneshot or not, i love leave a comment), eventhough i'm not in each chapter but i surly do in one chapter but the whole thing i will reveal.

when someone read my story but not leave a single comment i seriously feel bad toward me, i will think whats wrong with my story and all. well.
This is way better compared to the Balance Project!
I had done it even vefore reading this... I think it's the least I can do for the authors...I usually don't leave long comment but I do leave them everytime I read.

lol I agree witb you haha before I came to AFF I was writing in FF.net with anime fanfics and there wasn`t a sub or upvote button and most of it was governed by reviews (or comments) and it always made me so happy to get an email saying that reviewed my fic, like !!(◎.◎)!!
And it`s also a good way for me to know the people who read my stories, when I get subs it always gets so muddled up with my other stories so I don't know who subsribed to which but when people comment I`m able to interact and talk to them which proves very helpful when I`m trolling around AFF and see a familair username and I`m like: Hey I know you!
haha I`ll take that pledge *^^*

I, DivineDionne, do solemnly swear to review all fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else.

I have joined the Review Revolution.
Not going to lie, but I'm pretty sure you're a lot more eloquent than I am. I always repeat things or have a few stock phrases like 'Seriously' or 'Literally.'

This looks and reads a lot nicer than my rant on reviewing. Now people just need to get in the habbit of doing it. This is hard to do, especially when you just want to read, but even setting aside some time to comment, even if you don't comment on everything is better than what people usually do.

Now I just have to catch up on all the fic/chapters I missed and do some reviewing myself. :)
I agree with you! I, personally, am a comment . I would really prefer comments over subscribers (although I still appreciate them *^^*)
but nothing is more better then a constructive comment that can help you improve your writing skills (although praise comments are nice too!).
I know what fuzzies you're talking about xD
LOL I already do OTL. But yes, I join the Review Revolution.