TW 3x08 (if you know what I'm talking about please talk to me so I can cry on your shoulder)

I just watched Visionary.


Please, SOMEONE, hold me while Tears of Anguish cruelly wrench themselves from my eyes. *whimpers pathetically*


Also, teen!Derek and younger!Peter are both narcissistic idiots and WHY do I LIKE THEM????


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ToppDoggFan13 #1
The entirety of this season has just been blowing my mind. I mean, I know they said this season was going to be way more intense but nothing could have prepared me for all that's been going on. This season's tag line is so freaking appropriate... I'm definitely going to lose my mind. I cannot even guess what else is gonna happen this season! >~< But dammit if don't absolutely love Teen Wolf!!
ASDFFGHJKL THAT EPISODE OF TW KILLLEEDDDD MEEEEE OMG, you should see 3B the new episode omg talk about crying omg