Serious decisions


Let me get straight into it.

My exams are in 5 months. That's not a lot of time 

So I have to make sacrifices. This year is really important; my whole life depends on it.

I have deleted my Chen fic because updating three fanfics at the same time will be too much since I have such little time.

The fanfics I will be updating will be slow. And I mean sloowww. I might be able to update one at a time every three weeks. Plus it will give me time to think of ideas.

I won't be online as much either. Maybe once in while so I apologise in advance if I am late in replying to messages. 

Please do understand 

I will be back soon. :)))


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BEST OF LUCK! Will wait for you xx
ORawrO #2
Good Luck!!!!
GOOD LUCK! hopefully things work out great and you can have more time to do the things you enjoy~
GOOOOODLUCK ARRASEO! Hwaiting! :D work hard, we'll be waiting ouo that sounds creepy oml
I understand you. Don't worry author-nim!! Hwaiting for your exam!!!
AJA AJA FIGHTING!!! *fist pump*
YooHaNa #6
Ah okay. take your time. Good luck with yr exams :)
Good luck with school! ^^
twinklelittleme #8
Take ur time.
don't worry.. i will wait untill your exams finished..
good luck with your exam!
vanadium_elmm #10
Fighting! I won't get tired waiting for your great fanfics. :)
Iheartkpop_93 #11
Focus on your exams first, good luck to you(: You can come back to update when you are free(:
BeTrue #12
I will wait XD
I wish you the best of luck!

But out of curiosity, did you delete your Chen fic or just put it in drafting mode?
TilDeath #14
Good luck !! Hope you'll do good :D