1. What is your name?

A: Isdebel


2. How old are you?

A: 14




3. What is your height?

A: Something between 152 and 160 cm. Dem hobbit height! o/


4. What is your weight?

A: I seriously don't know


5. Do you have any siblings? 

A: I'm the mid. An older sister (waaay older sister) and a younger (12 freaking years of difference)


6. What is your eye color?

A: Something between blue, green, brown and grey. Dem weirdo eyes! o/


7. What is your hair color?

A: I think it's a mix of light brown and auburn brown...


8. Do you wear glasses or conacts?

A: Glasses.


9. Are you right handed or left handed?

A: Right handed


10. Do you have any piercings?

A: I don't even have the ones for the ears...


11. Do you smoke? 

A: Nope


12. Do you swear?

A: ....Compared to who?


13. Do you get along with your parents?

A: When they want to, yes.


14. Your heritage?

A: A 701 meters house.


15. Your fears?

A: Failure. And heights.


16. Goal you would like to achieve this year?

A: Learn to write in the binary code. /Forever marked by 10080/


17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?

A: omg. yeah, definitely omg. Or maybe lol. /shot/


18. Best physical feauture?

A: My eyes and my lips.


19. Your bedtime?

A: I sleep whenever, tbh. Like, literally I sleep until 4 am.


20. What time do you arise in the morning?

A: 4:45 or 5:10

21. First thoughts waking up?

A: Usually "Darn it, school again."


22. Do you shower daily?

A:  Yes. Even twice in a day


This or That?


23. Bright or dark room?

A: Dark.


24. Chocolate or vanilla?

A: Chocolate

LOL Dark Chocolate.


25. Dogs or cats?

A: fish.


26. Pepsi or Coke?

A: Coke


27. McDonalds or Burger Kings?

A: McDonalds


28. Ant or dec?

A: Anterograde or December? that one is hard.


29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?

A: None.


30. Cappuccino or Coffee?

A: Dark Coffee


In the last month have you......


31. Drank achohol?

A: Never.


32. Gone to a mall?

A: No.


33. Eaten a box of oreos?

A: That's actually a good idea but no.


34. Eaten sushi?

A: No. But I want to.


35. Been on stage?

A: Yeah.


36. Been dumped?

A. I don't get dumped, I dump people.


37. Gone skinny dipping?

A: Nope.


38. Stolen anything?

A: A Ferrero Rocher I gave my dad and he didn't ate. 


Have you ever.......


39. Laughed for no reason?

A: I do that everyday


40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?

A: Yes. Using my phone at 4 am. A lot of times


41. Been in love?

A: What's love?


42. Fired a gun?

A: Water gun, yes. And in a videogame, yes.


43. Been drunk?

A: I don't drink.


44. Been called a tease?

A: When I spam Leo Hyung.


45. Been beaten up?

A: If someone dared to touch one milimeter of me, that person would be dead, so no.


46. Shoplifted?

A: I'm a good person, no.


What was the last........


47. Furry thing you touched?

A: My hat.


48. Thing you've said?

A: "You're too lazy" to my little sister.


49. Songs you've listened to?

A: Andare by Ludovico Einaudi


50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?

A: Leo Hyung.


51. Movie you watched?

A: Turbo.


52. Things you were doing before this?

A: Listening to piano music.


53. Time you cried?

A: I seriously don't remember.


54. Song you've sang?

A: "Bring me to Life" - Evanescense


55. Time you looked at the clock?

A: I just did so.


56. Food & drink you've had?

A: Tamales and a weird thing my mom gave me.


57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?

A: Bubble gum flavor. And mint.


58. Shoes you've worn?

A: Lower East Side black boots.


59. Stores you've been in?

A: OXXO (No, it's not related to EXO)




60. Planet?

A: Neptune


61. Age you've been so far?

A: ...Fourteen


62. Season?

A: Winter.


63. Number?

A: 9


64. TV Show?

A: I like Elementary, Dance Moms, Project Runway,  Law & Order, CSI NY, CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, CSI, Doctor Who,  Friends, and I somehow like those documentals of one hour in History Channel. And Pororo. Yeah, I like Pororo.


65. Flower?

A: Roses. White, red or blue ones.




66. How much cash do you have on you?

A: Right now, 200 dlls and 9.50 MX. 


67. What's a word that rhymes with door?

A: Poor / at rhymes tbh/


68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?

A: A black/grey sweater


69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?

A: Lower East Side


70. What did your last text message say?

A: "You're too cold and weird for your own good" from Leo Hyung.


71. What were you doing at midnight last night?

A: Reading a fanfic in a Facebook page and Roleplaying


72. What's your current desktop picture?

A: EXO standing side by side and in top of them "WE ARE ONE" (b&w) /so dramatic/


73. What's a word that you say a lot?

A:This one ⇒ ... 


74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

A: White, so people would never use me and I'll remain young.


75. How is the weather right now?

A: Sunny and freaking cold.


76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?

A: Their eyes.


77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

A: ...Yes.


78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?

A: Yup.


79. Who would you like to see right now?

A: Leo Hyung. Or EXO. Or Onew Noona (yes, ONEW NOONA)


80. How many pillows do you sleep with?

A: 7. But one is used to support my charger and one is for my head, so 2.


81. Would you go an a date with someone on MySpace?

A: No. (Haven't used it tbh.)


82. How do you want to die?

A: I'm immortal plz.


83: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: ..I want to be human


84. What country would you like to visit?

A: England


85. How many CDs do you own?

A: A SuJu album.... And some other CD's that are not related to KPOP in anyway.


86. How many things in your past do you regret?

A: Hmm... not many, actually.


87. Do you think you are attractive?

A: Hella.


88. Do you believe in yourself?

A: Yes.


89. Do you want to get married?

A: If he can cook, yes.


In a boy/girl.....


90. Favorite eye color?

A: Doesn't matter.


91. Favorite hair color?

A: Doesn't matter.


92. Short or long hair

A: Short


93. Height?

A: Doesn't matter. I'm short, anyway, so most guys would already be taller than me. Actually, I think EVERYONE but Jonghyun is taller than me.


94. Weight?

A: Doesn't matter.


95. The person you know who is closest to your Ideal type?

A: Like, a Kpop idol who's close to my ideal type? I guess Kai or Taemin. Or... Gongchan. I don't really know.


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Who's Leo hyung? Did you get another boyfriend and why do you call him hyung you are a girl right ?