MISSED ME? (still traumatized by the Sherlock fandom;;)

I'm back from my hiatus. FINALLY. I think I didn't even mentioned the fact that I was going on hiatus, I just dissappeared from this place like I was the next Houdini or some weird thing like that.


I wanted to explain the reason why I went away (for a long time, I must add) not because any of you would actually care about it (if you do care, I love you.) but because I was unable to chat or be there for you guys (as I have self-proclaimed myself as "the socially-awkward therapist") and I don't know, you all are like my long-lost-totally-awesome-unrelated-family so I must be there for ya'll.

Leaving my useless and unnecessary speech away, I will explain now. I have three main reasons why I wasn't here:

  1. I am now part of the band in my school. Yeah, not the kind of band that goes to millitary events and plays in front of officials (I don't know how that kind of bands is called, sorry.) the band I'm with is an actual "rock-punk-pop" band, you see, we have three vocalist (including moi) a bass, drums and two guitars, including my boyfriend. Which goes to reason number two.
  2. I have a boyfriend guys I'm no longer forever Chanyeol! This one is very important because (I'm sorry I have to say this) I you not. HE IS THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVUH SEEN IN MAH LAIF. For Zeus' sake, he wrote me a song, sang Gone Gone Gone to me even though he is a really bad singer (as said by himself), he effin sends me good morning and goodnight text messages everyday. EVERYDAY. Like, he bought me a book for our first monthsary, he bought one of those cheesy couple chains for our second monthsary, he waited until I wanted to kiss him just so (and I quote) "wouldn't feel disrespected or pressured", bought me a rose just because he wanted to... yeah, you guys kinda get the picture don't you? He is a sweetheart ♥ and has some smooth as hell cute pickup lines
  3. I am in a freaking lot of contests right now. I have "El Quijote invites us to read." for literature, the history and science olympics, sports contest, arts contest, poetry contest and if I actually get chosen by our prof, I will be in the music contest. FML

So yeah, those are the main reasons I wasn't here. Did you guys missed me? (or any of my stories?) You can -slap me for what I said, I have no trouble.

Seeya guys.

Don't worry 'bout me.

Just chillin.



P.S. plis halp i can't stop saying "yeah" i sound like a drunk rapper with a lot of over confidence (Kanye West do ya hear me?)


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Welcome back =)