Sprained Ankle.

So, life freaking hates me. It was going just right, and I was doing good in gymnastics while we were practicing flips (there's this one that is called diving flip and you do the same as a mortal but using your hands) so anyways, I was in the three best at making high diving flips (we use a trampoline and have to jump 1 1/2 meters (which is quite high considering that my height is 155cm) and our teacher told us to do mortals.

I freaking floated two meters and when I fell, my ankle turned to the side a bit, and it took me a while to walk normally again. So I kind of got helped by one of the male gymnast (his name is Sergio and he is freaking awesome tbh) and when I got home I discovered that it was sprained and it was hurting really awfully, so I had to use cold pads and cold therapy pain relief cream and got bandaged.

Now I was like, OK it up princess it's just a sprained ankle. But now I can't make splits or dance correctly and I'm raging.

Freaking weak ankle.

Why must you do this to me?

/le sigh.

My choreography ;-;

Anyways, you can ignore my ranting. ><



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I'm so sorry:(. That !
OTL you too? jfldsjflas get better ;;