Serene ➸ Jang Jihye 〈 Dawn 〉

Jang Jihye

"Dreams don't become reality through magic; it takes perseverance, sweat and hard work."


Cold Mystery
Jung Hana
Secret's Jieun
Jung Hana
Sistar's Bora
how about a cup of tea?
username:  loveamyX33   nickname:   amy   activity rate: 8-9

Birthdate + Age: 03/14/93+20
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Jeju-do, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean(fluent), English (basic)

Kwon Sujeong
Back-up: Lee Soohyun

+ unintentionally funny, clever, obedient, zealous
- isolated, violent, quiet, lazy, violent
Talents: plays piano and guitar, can cook, is very good when it comes to doing hair/makeup

Love Interest: Luhan
Back Up: Chanyeol
Short Interaction: Although they have nothing in common, opposites attract. The one who is always alone has a soft side too. That soft side only comes out for her significant other. However, her quiet, violent personality is a given in any situation, even when she's with the one she loves. This is what causes the many ups and downs in their relationship, but without ups and downs, the relationship wouldn't be interesting, now would it?

Position: Main rapper/Face of the group
Back Up: Main vocalist/Lead dancer

Feedbacks: am I even allowed to use someone of the opposite gender as my talking twin? oops
roll like a buffalo
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