`Scenarios for OML (Kim Yohan)

By filling out these scenarios for your character, it will give me a better idea on how your character would react and handle different situations. Just delete my character's answers and fill it in with your character(s) answers.

Your first day on the show with your partner and some one else's husband/wife hitting on your husband/wife, granted it's playful flirting but what would you do?
Yohan:  Rather than feeling jealous, I would feel pretty possessive. For one, she's my wife and the other guy has his own wife that he should look out for-- flirting with my wife doesn't do any good even if it were 'okay' for his and mine. However, I wouldn't really voice anything out but I guess my actions would speak for me instead. You might just see me glare at the guy behind his back but smile at him darkly when he speaks to me but it'll be as if nothing is bothering me at all.

Surprise date! The PDs told you and your partner that you will be going on a romantic date to the movies. But little do you know that Kim Shinyoung has to accompany the date and she interferes with you two. How would you put up with it?
Yohan: I'd consider her presence for a while so I wouldn't seem rude but then, my full attention would only be with my wife.

For a mission, all of the kids and their 'parents' have to play freeze dance. Your husband/wife accidentally prods another contestant on the show in the eye, not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. What would you do?
Yohan: I'd immediately apologize on her behalf, but then after a while I'd make fun of her for doing so. Though not to the point of her annoyance but sometimes I just get carried away.

Upon joining the show you, before you're even 'married' to your partner, you find out that you have a kid! A shot gun wedding is in call for this. How would you react to the PD telling you this.
Yohan: Knowing me, I'd be smiling like an idiot for a good 2 minutes before my face contorts into the "Are you serious?" phase and when I do get the impending 'yes', I'd stare at them blankly but then smile shyly while I rub my nape and say: "I love kids, but I don't know how things will work out. /laughs dryly/ My wife's got a lot to worry about, and I'm not talking about the kids."

Later into the show, the girls put on a y performance for the guys. For girls: During your solo part, what would you do if your voice cracked when all eyes are on you? For guys: What would you do if that was your wife?
Yohan: During the y dance part I'd be in a total loss of words. As surprising at it may sound but I get embarrassed easily with those kinds of situations... though I'd keep a look out if anyone was drooling over her and if I do see anyone, I'd be in total possessive mode again. I'd stand up, clap and cheer so loud as I say (with pride) "That's my wife!" and I'd probably catch her mistake but say nothing of it and continue cheering her on.

Once you receive a child to take care of, you and your husband/wife are pushing him/her in a stroller and walking along in a park. When an ahjumma who knows nothing about the show approaches and congratulates you on your beautiful child, what would you tell her?
Yohan: Smiling proudly, I'd tell the lady that it's all thanks to my pretty wife. Then I'd look at her and give her a smile before looking back at the woman and say my thanks.


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