I want to know!

I'm sure some exo fans had a few or at least one dream with exo members /wiggles eyebrow/ rated or not i want to know OuO cuz it's fun. As international fans we don't get to see our idols and so dream is the only place where it's close to reality, right?

I've had a few dreams about exo. The first one was sad. My friend was the 'main' and i was like the bestfriend but hey, i get to like luhan in that dream and he likes me too! The dream started with Kai really likes my friend but it's one-sided and he died 5 years ago before my friend could return his feelings so she's pretty depressed. lol i never knew dreams could do flashbacks. Then it's her birthday and all 12 of us including me planned a birthday suprise. But it didnt turn out well cuz she remembered all the things kai did for her previous birthday. Everyone got upset and Kris fumed at ....i don't remember who... perhaps chanyeol (chan's my bro and i can't remember what he did). After that a fight broke out, my friend ran away, the boys trying to stop krisyeol and luhan escorted me away. he gave me a light hug and smiled. 'It'll be okay'

Second was a wedding/family day. i cannot remember it well but i had two kids with Chanyeol as my hubby <3 (orz idek why he's my bro from the first dream. he's my bias!) we kinda had an argument but it turned out okay and everyone had fun.

Third dream i cannot remember at all! but i KNOW i had it. it was with all exo members and it was a very good dream!!! i know because i woke up and was like, "Omg thank you God for that awesome dream kdjsfhlsakdjfhd" but then when i tried to remember it...... /sighs  

The last and most recently (not that recently. more like 4 months ago) It was like a whole new different world where vampires, fallen angels, fairies, wizards and white/dark witches existed. A dark force was trying to take control of the world and it's up to a group of wizards, vampires and fallen angels to save the day. yipee. there was only baekhyun in this dream and i have a (very) romantic relationship with him. We're both wizards and are good with weapons. Baekhyun was so handsome. I remembered he had black hair and he wore eyeliner XD his leather jacket, his cold stare and not to mention he was an expert with knives. He's not really fond with natural powers so he's more used to physical attack. powers and spells were my thing.

ANYWAY here's the best part (/grins) the group got separated and so did baekhyun and i but then we met again days later and he pulled me away from the group. He stared at me and his eyes were filled with mixed emotions. And next thing i know we kissed. It wasn't the hard, passionate, rated one ><" OTL it was a soft one. It was something between "I miss you" and "don't you dare leave me again".

But then , there was this fairy (fairies are same size as humans in this dream). She has this super crush on Baekhyun. She saw me and him. By the time we went back to the group.... i wouldn't say we got into a cat fight because cat fight is like pulling each other's hairs and scratching faces. She used her magic and thrown me across the room. Of course i'm not really amused and i used my powers (telekinesis and the ability to control all 4 elements). I found the scene quite funny but hey, he's my man. At the end i couldn't remember well. Perhaps baekhyun and the oldest of the group (he's a vampire) came to stop us or ....i threw the fairy out the window.

I KISSED BAEKHYUN AND IT FELT REAL \O/ i've never kissed anyone and never will but the dream felt real ;~; i used to like baekhyun the least but after the dream he's threatening chanyeol's place.




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I had the weirdest dream with Baekhyun once... = . ="

It all started with me helping a friend of mine clean her toilet bowl (lol pls don't ask why, i dunno either, just...don't think it's, like, our daily hobby or anything lol). All of a sudden, I went complaining as to why the hell I was helping in the first place when I wanted to take a bath (this is very weird, I warn you = . =""). I went home and was all ready to dive into my bathtub and all, when all of a sudden some evil-looking magical fairy chick appeared and splashed water all over me. I dunno what was in that water, but it, like, had this brain-washing kind of effect on me that made me act all zombie-like. Evil-looking magical fairy chick then gave me some matching evil-looking outfit and said, "Now you must serve our Master."

Said "Master" then came in the room...it was Baekhyun = . =""...in all his Mama-era glory = v =""

...I then remember waking up wondering what the hell I ate the night before = v =""