God bless this bootiful weather!!


         It's raining cats and dogs out there! The weather right now satisfies me and mmhmmm I'm lovin it! Plus in our religion, rain is a sign that Allah is satisfied and happy by our good deeds! And rain seems like a good start for a new year! So accept my new year wishes everyone!!


I'm going to the Global Village today! And I'm going to buy something special for someone special c; so be happy someone and know that I love you!!


I sincerely hope though that this rain that's pouring right now isn't a bad sign because it possibly can be one. May god bless your lives and accept my belated new year wishes!! Hopefully, tomorrow's weather would be a bit better than now, or our plans to visit the global village will be completely off the list :( 


School's starting soon and I just can't wait till I start using my EXO bag again x3 dis is soo awwwesommmmeeeee, meh is awwwesommmmeeeee and Kris is awwwesommmmeeeee!! Ok whut??


Bye bye and enjoy your vacation while you can whoever you are, wherever you are and whenever it is coming just make sure to devour each and every single moment of it, because it goes faster than you can say "Baekhyun is goddamn fine".... I'm serious as much as Chen is all the time. ;)


- Love: JujuHyun ❤️


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