Application for Exiled *2*


Username: Miss Peaches

Profile Link:

Character Information-

Name: Ai Anja Lee Sook

Age: 20

Birthdate: July 19, 1993

Place of Birth: Colorado Springs, Colorado *had too*

Home town: Boston, MASS

Blood Type: AB

Oreintation: Biual

Nicknames: Amy, Ai, Kitty, Bunny

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 German

Personalty: Ai is a bit of an air-head. She will sit there and day dream about everything and anything. Riding in the car, flying in a plane, in a train, or just laying on her bed, she will daydream where ever she goes. Staring into space and listening to music is what Ai does whenever she does not have anything else to do. Or when she is just flat-out bored. She even has a playlist to listen too when she is playing out a story in her head. Just so that way she can focus. Since her story changes with what type of song she plays. Generally, she listens to more up-beat music --pop and hip hop-- that is also empowering. It goes with her two other personality traits: her happy nature and her stubborn nature.

Ai is a very happy person, it just radiates from her being. She always has a goofy smile on her face, and flashes her pearly whites to everyone. Even when the day is gloom, even months, she can still keep her positive view on life. This trait makes Ai the care keeper of everyone around her. She will counsel anyone that needs it, and be there to give them a supporting hug. Even if they are suffering from severe depression, she can help them. No matter what, she will not stop trying. When it comes to always being positive, or helping others be more positive. Which comes to her next trait, stubbornness. Ai is incredibly stubborn, and always will be. She can change her viewpoint on a topic, and is not narrow minded. But she will not conform to society, or anything else. She will only be herself, and that is that. Ai does struggle with several things, such as her past and her secrets. What she struggles most with is being anorexic and her biual orientation.  

Ai is anorexic, and has been since her freshman year of high school. It is a constant battle, trying to stay at a healthy weight. If she becomes too stressed, nervous, sick, tired, or anything of the like, then she will start to lose weight. This is also her greatest weakness. Even though she is strong, anything that has to do with her weight easily hurts her. If she is too skinny, if she is too fat. There is no happy medium. This has sent her to the hospital multiple times. Some stays lasted for a few days. Some stays lasted for a few months. Each was for a different reason. The most dangerous time, when she dropped from 100 pounds to about 70 pounds, is when her orientation was questioned and abused.

Ai is biual, that is something she cannot control. It has been this way since she was in middle school. Even though her personality is loud and strong, fearless and blunt. This is one part of her that she keeps quiet. Sure she will comment on attractive males. But if there is a girl that she likes, that stays to herself. Even if she desperately wants to be with the other girl, she keeps it to herself. Her parents know if this, and treat her as if she is the shame of the family. This is one secret that she never tells.

Style: Rock mixed with Pop


  1. Kittens
  2. Candy
  3. Vanilla
  4. Milk
  5. Ice Cream
  6. Parks
  7. Picnics
  8. Flowers
  9. Sunshine
  10. Skinship
  11. Sleeping with others *not ually*
  12. Napping
  13. Car Rides
  14. Road Trips
  15. Being with friends
  16. Tattoos
  17. Piercings
  18. Clothes
  19. Shoes
  20. Puppies
  21. Kittens
  22. Living
  23. Having Boyfriends
  24. Having Girlfriends
  25. Singing
  26. Rapping
  27. Dancing
  28. Designing clothes


  1. Her weight being discussed
  2. Narrow minded people
  3. Bullies
  4. erts
  5. Small fish
  6. Cold
  7. Winter
  8. Hospitals
  9. Entitled people
  10. Getting hurt
  11. Veggies
  12. Anything coconut


  1. Traveling
  2. Writing
  3. Singing
  4. Dancing
  5. Designing clothes
  6. Being with friends


  1. Bitting her bottom lip
  2. Laying on others
  3. Kissing others on the cheek
  4. Buying contacts
  5. Messing with her necklaces and bracelets
  6. Rapping


  1. 160 cm tall
  2. Has a tattoo of a bow on the back of her neck
  3. Has a tattoo of several stars on each wrist
  4. Has her belly button pierced
  5. Loves colored and designed contacts
  6. Natural hair is a dark brown
  7. Dyes hair every three to four months
  8. has a pet bunny called "Tiger"

Friends: In the U.S.A

Family: Older brother and Mother

Rivals: BEG's Narsha and SISTAR's Bora

Stage Information

Stage Name: Anja

Persona: RR Hybrid --RR= Rapper and Rocker--

Postion: Main Rapper, Leader, Dancer

How long have you trained: 5 years

Personal Fanclub: Cielo de Mi --spanish for My Heaven/ My Sky--

Personal Fanclub color: Blue and Gold

Realtionship Information: TBA

Partner: TBA

How you meet: TBA

Any past relationships?: Recently broke up with a boy that she dated for three years. He cheated on her. Which is fine since she cheated on him as well. 


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Sure thing. If you need another person, let me know ^^
I like her alot. Thanks for applying.