for the first time.

Happy new year guys. May 2014 bring you luck and joy throughout the year.

As for the title, I have a new year resolution for the first time. A weird one in fact.

And it' be able to change the school's point of view.

There are a few popular kids in school of course, and I'm not jealous of them, not one bit. But I hate the fact that they treat people differently. When they're with me, they're kind, but when with others they jeer and put their chins up high. It's not right. They think they have the power to pick who to be friends with and who to "abandon". But honestly, they don't. People just surrender to them, some because they want to be popular, some because they're scared, some because they're bullied by them and I don't want that to happen anymore.

So for this new year, I'll try and will punch their faces and tell them that they can't control the school, especially not me. They shouldn't use me, or others, just for our assests. That's cruel.

In the future, this popularity of yours will disintergrate because in the big world, that popularity is nothing compared to others, and the popularity which is actually something, is hard earned with kindness, and helpfulness, not easily earned because of pretty looks. So I hope that this resolution will change the view in my school, and everyone will be treated as equals.


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i support you fully!
but don't forget to try hard not to punch them unless you have to ^^ or at least not be the first one ;)
you can always seek help or advice from teachers as well
try and find a group of friends who'll help you too, it might be better that way :)
fighting, but also take care :D
That's brave of you. <; This happens in my school too but i'd just stay away from those people hahahah. :) Hope you'll fufil this resolution^^ And happy new year!