Srsly wtf man?!?!

I just got a call from a Law office saying something about Internet Identity fraud and . I have stolen no ones identity. that .

I hung up less than half-way through. 

I have never used a false name. Cept for when I was a kid and I felt uncomfortable giving out my last name, so I'd just spell my first nae backwards but who in hell would have "Nerual" for a last name? for realsthats someof my families last name. 

Kay, so I used my cousins last name, but none of their first names is Lauren.

I stole no ones identity.

But just the fact that I got this phone call has me feeling sick. 

Like, the internet identity fraud thing was said andmy stomach instantly felt ten times heavier.

If they call back I'm goingtolisten to everything they say and then tell them they have the wrong number.

I just don't like it. At all.




On the plus side, Micky told the chorus teacher that I wanted to join chorus next year but if she made it into masters we wouldn't be in the same level so he said I could try out for masters. Andthis is agood thing because you're supposed to take a year of chorus and THEN try out for masters but I havent taken chorus. 

So ye. That and I'm going Christmas shopping[supposed to] with dad tonight. lol

The bad is outweighing the good today :/ stupid lawyers making a good day go to . 


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you can like report the person who called you cause its illegal to call a minor when your a layer
:D except the fraud thing