A Ghost's Thoughts: Number One: Opinions

This post was inspired after seeing how some people just blindly agree with someone without really getting what the person is saying. I know someone on Roleplay Republic, who called those who disagreed with her 'incompetant fools' or however you pronounce it ^^; The people whom disagreed with her were actually pretty calm from what I saw, while what they wrote was kind of...you know? They were still fairly polite if you asked me.

Just voicing their opinion just as she voiced hers.

Are we all not entitled to our own opinions? Nobody is a 'fool' for having a different opinion then you, no matter how ridiculous it may sound to you.

And that's that.


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agreed. definition of opinion:

1. a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."

an opinion isn't based on fact - it's your opinion & there's no right or wrong with it.
Oh mann... Jonghyun said different doesn't mean wrong. It's not a fool to have diffrent opinion. What happened anyway?
agree, everyone has their own opinion, ppl should respect each opinions, just becos some ddn't agreed she doesnt have the right to call them fools,

all the best unnie