i introduce you to 'Daddy'

'Daddy' was first called baby Josh. if you don't know him, his the eldest (special) son of a renowned tv personality in Ph (search for his mom's name: Kris Aquino). Now one group mate calls him Papa bear, i think. 

so i told you about 'mommy' now it's daddy. this morning is related to daddy anyway so might as well introduce him and as to why i've grown to dislike him. so sad, i don't want to really dislike someone but he's too know-it-all and annoying that he deserves to be.

when Daddy was Baby Josh (he hated being called that) well he kinda acts 'special' his built is the same and well.. .we had a groupmate named james so we called him baby james (who is the 2nd son of tv personality mom). baby james doesn't mind, and would even joke with us about it but Bb Josh??? nOOOOOO~ he actually snapped at the wrong person and at the wrong time.

Daddy lost his temper at Enemy forever and at that time enemy forever was losing his patience with him as well and he wasn't feeling good (stress i think) so something big happened...

Daddy was like "if you have a problem with me then just say it."

EF was like "I like calling you baby josh. what's wrong with calling you that."

Daddy was like "i don't like that. something something. you had your fun."

and we were like o.0 bff and i were nudging at each other. it was good that they were at opposite sides and bad coz well.. someone said "why are you staring?" sorry i forgot who... and it ended with EF saying "c'mon let's finish it outside." and they really went outside and we were like 0.0 again... except for two oblivious people (top student and gay friend. will think of better codename soon) who were busy in their own music world. 

what happened outside? nothing. EF said that daddy told him that his dad said 'to turn the other cheek' whut? just say you chickened out man~! and EF calmed down. daddy made it look like EF was the bad guy. and it probably started building up there - the wall he made between us and him. 

you see, daddy likes making fun, teasing, ridiculing, joking at others but when it comes to him he'll say "you had your fun." at us? whut whut?! shuddup you hypocrite ! (says the me lol) but i ain't no hypocrite, i don't mind being called erted. i told bff few months later that i liked . Iim not the one who denied that i play erogay (idk how to spell it) yes. apparently daddy plays that instead of actually looking for a real girl. and coz of that the boys make that one of the 'fun' target pranks. 

daddy is a know-it-all (as a doctor has confided with bff when they had drinking session) and well in our SGD synthesis we each have parts and well daddy likes taking it all. yes! he's a show off when he really doesn't have much to show. and when your reports overlap he'd actually point it out bluntly. and then during his time he'd say 'i won't steal anyone else's thunder' whut?! thunder! we don't own any frickin' thunder?! 

recently in front of everyone he had this aura/tone of scolding one of our groupmates in front of the facilitator?! my gawd~ doesn't he know when to actually do something in private and when to do or say something publicly? 

and previous post. i said i might blow up today. and i think i almost did. well, they knew i was in a bad mood already. i was annoyed and irritated. enemy forever pointed that out. baby james pointed that out and my gawd daddy pointed that out saying

"mershi (actually used my real name) is annoyed. why?" or something like that and he was laughing too and at my seat as i gritted my teeth trying to act cool i muttered 

"you have no in idea." and bff and carlo(ok i'll call gay friend that) smiled. why? because idk, maybe just by hearing him and seeing him acting all high and mighty makes me irritated already. or it was because he didn't exactly handle the synthesis well. 21 tasks and the facilitator keeps adding side notes or suggestions and HE adds his own something! argh!

if that's not all. we had to open another case and mommy was the leader. she also talks a lot. and his moment has stopped but daddy acted like a leader. mommy didn't act one at all. so carlo and i take turns in checking the time and commenting on doing the next part and so on but i guess, since carlo is known to be y(?) and me being the smiling kid that i my irritated mood was more noticeable. who wouldn't be annoyed when the group next to ours was already finished and it was already lunch! 

bff, carlo and enemy forever helped once again in keeping me calm. bff rubs my back occasionally. and enemy forever, sitting across me as always, would mimic/show to me my 'usual photo pose' in between reports when the doctor is not looking and i think i got better in mimicking same action back. 

i just got happy again over the food trip i had with my relatives. a heavy, grilled chicken lunch and haagen daz. <3


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I realized that I probably would have spouted lots of vulgarities if I was you..