Obligatory Happy Holidays (I love you all)

So before I post this, I just want to say that yes, I have been drinking alcohol and ys, I may be on the drunker side of tipsy. Also, yes, I do love you all no matter how intoxicated I am. It's almost 1am on the 25th December here.


I only started writing Asian fanfics in September (3 months ago!) yet I have made so many friends on AFF and it means so much - even those of you who I haven't spoken to mean so much to me.


I just want to say a massive Merry Christmas and just a happy holidays and thank you to those that don't celebrate the holiday. Every single one of you is awesome.

If I could put into words how happy it makes me to find a group of people that respect and enjoy the same things as me, I would, but honestly I can't. So just know that I really appreciate and love you all for loving kpop and enjoying the fics/events that I post,


The Secret Santa won't be updated until the 26th/27th depending on my familyplans. I'll try to catch up ASAP!


I am so excited to speaking to you all in the new year <3


Lots of love and tipsy cheers from




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evangeline101 #1
Merry Christmas to you too!
Happy holidays to you as well:) I'm finally going through my aff after I finished reading your recommendation of Breaking the Silence haha...have a good one:)
xillia #3
Awwww~! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you~! :)
Your Infinite Secret Santa is one of the best ideas around AFF. We fellow fanfiction loving inspirits love you all the more for it!
On an "I'm as equally drunk [or more so]" side note: Drink more, you ! HOLIDAYS ARE BETTER WHEN YOU'RE INEBRIATED. <3
Sungyeol, you naughty.
Nice way of getting into my Jade's pants. Alcohol.
Merry Christmas!
I've only been on AFF since September to but this is the place where I feel most at home. :)
I'm glad that I met you and that we're friends! Let's have a happy year together! <3
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too!
Have a wonderful one. ^^
Oh, happy holidays for u too, StarlightSpirit (insert unnie/noona/oppa/hyung)! u don't seem very drunk btw. I still have 3 more years until I can legally drink alcohol so I only drank soda and i'm not tipsy hehe. Take your time and enjoy the short vacations with your beloved ones! Hehe:3
Have fun and be safe. :)
Have a wonderful holiday! ;D
Haha, ok. Go rest and merry Xmas.
Merry Christmas to you too!!!!

P.S. dont drink too much!! :P
ahhh jade, you bizarre troll you!
merry christmas my tipsy faced imp.
may you day be merry and bright and all that.