12 Days of EXO: Kris~


~On the twelfth day of EXO, Kris gave to me

12 Kriscasso paintings


~11 fancy gifts


~10 cute baozis


~9 song serenades


~8 cute deer


~7 pounds of crack


~6 unicorns


~5 exsquisite meeaaallssss!


~4 trolling comments


~3 cute dogs


~2 Gucci bags


~And an eye smile and a bubble tea!




Kris oneshot: Home for Krismas

You had finally gotten your tree up so you could decorate it. It was hard work to do it by yourself but you had fun. You hung all the lights outside on your own as well, even though in Canada it was below freezing. You made yourself a hot cup of tea and opened all of the boxes with ornaments and decorations. Just as you were about to hang one ornament there was a knock on the door.

You were confused because your parents were in another country visiting family and you didn't plan on having guests over. You went to open the door and was met by a tall figure in Jordans, jeans, a black coat, and fuzzy hat.


"Merry Christmas." he smiled happily. You were surprised but automatically you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Oh my God you're really here! In Canada!"

"That I am." he pet your head and hugged you back.

You and Kris had been friends since he moved from China to Canada. Even after he moved to Korea to be an idol you two were close. You hadn't seen him in years and it was good to see him.

"Come in!" you pulled him in and he took off his shoes and coat.

"Were you decorating?" he asked.

"Yeah, wanna' help?"


"So how long are you staying?"

"Until the day after Christmas. I thought I'd spend a day with friends before a whole day with my crazy family."

"Aaw, I'm honored." you faked being touch, but inside you actually were. You were hanging ornaments with him and you couldn't help but admire his good looks. "Wow, Korea's been good to you."

"Am I that good looking?" he joked.

You laughed and rolled your eyes. "I bet you have a million fans telling you that daily. Only feeds your obese ego."

"What about you? Aren't you my fan?"

"Actually, I am a fan of Tao. He's so handsome and he doesn't call me munchkin." you gave Kris a look. He was always so tall and mocked your lack of height.

"He would drive you insane though with his whining and clinging."

"I thought you two were close." you wondered.

"We are. He's like a little brother to me. Which is why he annoys the hell out of me."

The two of you laughed and finished hanging ornaments. You went into the kitchen and made two cups of coffee and you and Kris sat and talked. You told him about how college was going and he told you how EXO was doing. You never ran out of things to talk about.

"I missed this." he said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Speaking English, talking freely, going out freely. I missed it."

You softened and put a hand over his. "If you ever need someone to talk to, call me. Don't hesitate to visit home when you miss us."

He smiled and nodded. "I will."

"I miss how it was before you moved. We were all in high school and so weird."

"I feel so old now."

You laughed. "You better be getting enough sleep."

"Sometimes we don't sleep for days or only get two hours. Most of them gained in the van."

"Go take a nap on my couch. When you wake up we can go see Ian and Daniel." you brought up his two best friends.

"I slept on the plane."

"That's comfortable." you stated sarcastically. "Just go nap." you pushed him to the couch. You were about to turn and finished decorating when Kris pulled you onto the couch next to him with his arm around you.

"We used to nap together when we were kids." was all he whispered before drifting off to sleep. He really did miss home and the people in it.






Hey guys!

It's Kris-mas Eve!

Hahahsahaha so punny!





Well Kris... no need to be such a critic...





..... Don't look at me like that...








Y u so y T^T







Tell me!!!








Damn you, Wu Yi Fan!!!!!










This is why Tao is my bias...

BabyBBC_ he's all yours!





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Happy Krismas eve!!!
Happy Kris day!
Lucky her! Maybe if I ask nicely we could share, no?!